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2� 1 ��72�3 <br /> �E�� �� �'RIJS�" <br /> �canti��e�} �a�� � <br /> for taxes or insurance,or any atner paycn�nt necessary Iv p�event fiiine�o�or�o e�fecl disc�l�rge of any lien. <br /> Default in Favor of'�hird parties. �Izou�fd �orrower or any �rar�tor cleta��l� under any laan, extension of c�sdit� <br /> security agre�rn�nl, purchase or sa[es�greement,�r any vther agfeement, in f2�vor of any otE�er cr�ditor or person <br /> that may maleria�ly �ffect any oi �arrower's or any Grantor's pr�p�rty or E3orro�rver's �biliEy �a repay �he <br /> Inde�tedness or Borrower's or Gra n�or's abiliiy la p�rform tt��ir resp���ive oblig���dns under th is Deec�of Tru st or <br /> any of khe Rel��ed�ocu�n�nts. <br /> �aise Statem�nts. Any vvarranty, repres�nlation �r stat�rnent m�de ar furnisf�ed t� I�e�der by�3orrav�er or Yr�stor <br /> or on Bvrrower's o�Truslor's b�halE un�ier this deed of Yrust or the �e�a�ed Qocumer�ts i� fa]se or misleadin� in <br /> arry material respect, eiiMer no�r or at fhe Eim� rrt�de or turn�s�led pr becomes �alse or misleadin� at any time <br /> thefeafter. <br /> Defective Collatera�li��tion. �'i�i$ l7eed of Trus� or any of ��e Relaled Docurnents ceas�s �o �e in full force and <br /> effect �incl�ding failu�e vf any collaieral doc��rn�rt� !o �reate a vaEi� and perfecled securily interest vr lien}at any <br /> tirn e�nd fvr any reason. <br /> Death or lnsolvency. T�e dissolulior� of Trustor's �regarcll�ss o� �vheth�r e�ection to continue is rnadey, any <br /> member withdrav�rs from t�e limite� 1i2��ility�om�any,or any otfier terrr�ination of Borrower's❑r Trustor's existen�e <br /> as a gaing busi�ess or the deatf� ❑f any member, #�e insolvency of Borrower ar Trustor, lhe appointment of a <br /> receiver for any �art of �orrawer's or Truslvr's properly, any assignmenE for fhe benefiE of creditors, any type of <br /> creditor wo rkou t, or th e com mencer�en E of any �roceeding uncle r any ba n kru�lcy or insoiven cy faws by or again sf <br /> Borrower or Yrustor. <br /> Creditor ar Forfeiture Proceedings. Commencement at torec�osure or forf�iture proce�dings, vWhether by judicia[ <br /> praceedin�� seif help, repassession or any o�her method, by �ny creditor of 6�rrower �r Truslar or by any <br /> gove�nmer�tal agency against any proper�y securinc� t�e Inc�eb�edness. "�his includes a garnishment of any �f <br /> Borrower's or Tru�stor's accounts, including de�osit accaunEs, v�rith l.ender. Howe�er, fE�is �vent of E�efault sF�a�l <br /> no�apply if there is a good fai�h dispute E��+ Borrower nr'��usto� as ta Ehe val�dily ar rea��n�bl�r�e5s of the claim <br /> �nrhi c� i�the basis o f the cred iE�r or fo rf�iture proceedin�a�d i f �arrower or Yrus�o r gives L.ender written notice�f <br /> t�e c�editar vr forfeiture proceeding and deposits wilE� Lender rnon�es of�sur�ly bvnd for fE���rec�ilor or farfeit�re <br /> proceeding,in�n�rnoun�deEermi ned by Lender,in i ts so�e d�scretio r�,as being ar�adec�uate reserve or bond fvr the <br /> dis�u�e. <br /> �reach vt�ther Agreement. Any f�reach by Barrower or Trustor under t�e�erms of any ofh�r agreement b�tvv��� <br /> BorrovU�r ar Trusto� and �ender that is nvt reme�i�d within any grac� period p�-ovided ���r�in, includin� vuitfnaut <br /> limi#at�on any agreement cancerning any �n�ebtedness or other ab�ig�ti�n af ��rr�tirtirer or Trustor to Lencter, <br /> wh etf�er existing r�ow or 1 af er. <br /> Ever�ts Affec#ing Guarantar. Any of fhe pre�edin�evenis oc��rs w�th re�pec� to �ny gua��ntor, endorser, sure�y� <br /> o� accommotialion �art� �f ar�y of the Indebledness ar �ny c�uara��ar, endorser, �urety, or accommodation party <br /> dies ❑r becames inco�rip�te�l, flr re►r�k�s o� d;spu��s tt�� �a�idify o f, ar Eiat�il ity u nc�er, any �uaranty of the <br /> Indebtedn�ss. <br /> Aci�ers e C ha nge. A material ad�ers� char�g� accurs in Barrower's or Trustvr's ti nancial condition, or Lender <br /> belie�es fl�e prosp�ct af payment�r p�rform�nce af tne(ndet�tedn�ss is irt�pair�ed. <br /> In�ecurity. Lender in good faith be�i�ves its�lf insecure. <br /> F�IGH`�5 A�1D REN[EDIES ON dEFAU�7. If�n E�ent o!Defaulf��curs under t�is �eed of T��rst, at any fime t�ereafter, <br /> Trustee or L�nder may exercise�r�y ane or more of tf�e fal�ovtiring righls and r�m�dies: <br /> Accelerati�h Upon Default; Addi�ionaE Remedi�s. If any E�+ent of�e[aulE occurs as per the terms of�f�e I�ote <br /> sEcur�d hereby, Lende�r may d�cl�re�1� 1 ndebt�dn�ss secure�by this�e�i of�rust��be t�ue and payable and <br /> the same shafl ti�ereupon bEcame due and�ay�b�e v�rithaut any preser�Ement, demand,�rotest or notice of any <br /> k�nd. Therea�er,LEnder may: <br /> ta� �itner i r� Person ar by agent� witl� or w�l�out bri nging any action or proceeding, or by a receiver <br /> appa�r�ted by a court�nd wilhouf regard t� t?��ade€�uacy o�its s�cUrity, ent�r upon and take possession <br /> of th�proper�y,ar any part��ereof, in its o`rvn r�arr�e ar in the n�r�e�E Yrustee, �nd do�ny acts wi�ich i k <br /> dac�ms nec:essary or dQstr�b[�tv pr�serve Uz�valuc�. rt-��rites�bilf�y�r rc�n��bllily r�t the]�roperty,vr Fart of <br /> t�e Praper�y or ir�terest i n t�� Property; increase the i�come from �he Proper�y or protec�#�e security af <br /> t�� F�ro�erty; ar�d, with vr wil�ouE taking possession of the �r�perly. sue for or atherwise colEect the <br /> rents� issuss and �rofifs af the E'rop�rly, in�luding thflse past due and unpaid, and�pply the same, �ess <br /> costs�nd ex�enses o�oper�tion and collecEian attorneys'f�es, �v any indebtedness secured by this De�t� <br /> of'T'rust, a11 in such arder �� Lender rr�y d�termine, The ent�ring upon and t�fcing poss�ssivn oF the <br /> Prap�rty, t�e c�llection o� s�ch rent�. issu�s anc! pro�ts, and the �ppli�alion ihe�eof sf�all not cure or <br /> wai�re any default or notic�of c#efau�t und�r Ef�is D�eed of Trt�st or inv�[idate�ny�cl c�one in response ta <br /> such def�ult or��rsuant to�uc��naEi�e af def�ulE;and, r�otwi«stanc�ing the continuance in po�sess�on of <br /> tF�e Pro��r�y or i�e eo��e�l�or�, receipl �nd�pplica�ion of ren�s, issue�or prolits. "�rustee or Lender shall <br /> be entitled�a �xercise every righl prdv€d�d tor in t��e i�ote vr the Related Doeum�nts a�by la�v Upon the <br /> o�currenc;e of any e��nt o�def�ult, incEucling lhe ri�ht to exercise the pavver of sa1�; <br /> ��} Commence�n�ctian to for���ose U1«l�eed of Trust�a mortgag�,appoint a r�ceiv�r or spe�i�ic�lly <br /> enfaTc.�any of tf�e vavenanis hereof;anci <br /> �c� Deliver to'�"rvstee�v�rritien dec�aration of defau[t and demand for s�le�nd a�nrritten noti�e a�default <br /> �r�d election ta cause�'rustor's in�erest in«$Pra�erty to be so[�,wh��h nofice 7"rustee s�a�l cause to be <br /> duly tlf�d for�-ecord In l�e ap�ropr�at�Qfii�es vC tlic�Coun�y fn whlch the Properly ts I��ted:and <br /> �d� V11i th respe�l ta all or�ny part ot the person�l Prop�rty,L�nder sh�ll E7�ve a�l �he rights and remedies <br /> of�secur�d parEq ur�c��r th��1�br-�slsa U�ifoml Cornrner�i�!Co�ie. <br /> Foreclvsure by Power of S�I�. �f��nder e[ects tv fore�lvse iuy cx�r�se of t�e Potirv�r o�Sa�e herein confainedt <br /> Lender shall nolify Yruste��nd s]��I� cieposiE vtirilh �'rust��this D�eed Qf�'rust�n�! tE7e l�ote�nd such rec�ipts <br /> and evider�ce of expenditure�n�ade�nd se�ured�y tt7is �eer!ot�'rust as�'rustee may rec�uire. <br /> �a� U�on recei pt of sucY�natice frorn Lender, Trustee sY�all ca�s�t��e re�orded,published and d�liver�d <br /> to'T'rustor sucl� Natice�f De�au[l and l�otice of Sa[e as th�n reqUir�d by l�w and by this Deed o�Trust. <br /> 'T'rustee sE�all� wit��ou� ciemanc# on Tr�stor, aFter such �irne as may tf7�n be required [�y �aw �nc! after <br /> recordaiion of such Notice af De�a�lt anc!�fter Noti��o�5a�e�a�i ng been gi�en�s t-�:qui r�d E�y la�►, se�l <br /> the Proper#y �t lhe ti�ri� a�c! AI��e of ���e �xed by �t in s�ch 1+�ati�� �f Sale, eit�er as a who�e, or in <br /> se�arat���ts vr parce�s ar items�s Truslee sh��l deert�expedient,and in sUch order as i t may determine, <br /> ��publi�au�lion lo tE1e}�igh�si uidder for c�sh in I�wf�! n�ney of���e Uni�ecl Sta�es payabfe�t the time <br /> of s�fe. �rustee sha11 d�l i�er !o su�� purchasef ar pur�f��sers thereaf its gv�vd and su�ficient de�ed �r <br /> deec�s con�eying the prop�rty so sold, buf vufEhoul �ny �o�en�nt ar warranty, expr�ss or implied. The <br /> r�cit�fs in such ��ed of any m�t�ers vr�acts shall b�ca�lcl�sive praof af the truff�f�ilnes�ther�of. Any <br /> person,incl uding v+ri�I�ou t li nlrtalivn'�`ruslof,Tn�stee,or Lender,may purch�se a�such sale. <br /> {b� As rr�y be permitted E�y I�tinr, af#er deductinc� aff costs, fees ar�d expenses of'f'rustee and of this <br />