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2� 1 ��72�3 <br /> D��D {�� ���J��' <br /> �Cant���e�} Page � <br /> shall rem�in in fu II force and effec t u nti�sucE� �im e�s E3orrawer's IndeUte�ness s�a11 be p�ici i n fuli. <br /> C�ND�I��1�T��H. Th e�a Ilav+ri n g provisidns rel�ting to cond�mna lion proceedi ngs are�p�rt of l�is Deed o f Tru st: <br /> Praceedir�gs. If any pro�c�ding in condem��tion is �iled. '�rustor shalf promptly notif}r Lender in vuri�in�, and <br /> �'rus�or sfna�l pr�mptly take such steps as may be ner�ss�ry ta d�fend ��e action and abtain �he award. Trustor <br /> rrtay be the nomi n�!party in suc�proceeding, f�ut[..ender sh�l�be ent�tled to p�rti�i pate in the proceeding and ta k� <br /> r�pres�nt�d in the proceeding by counse� o� its o�nrn cl7vice. and Trustar wilE deliver or cause to be de�iWered to <br /> L�nder such instru ments and docum�ntation �s rr�ay be requested by Lender from time to tir�n� �a �ermi� such <br /> �articipation. <br /> A�pllcatior�of Net Proc�eds. I f afl or an�r�arf of tfle Praperiy is condemne�by errsi nent damain proceEdi ngs ar by <br /> any proceeding or purchas��n lieu of condemna{ion,L�nct�r may at�ts e�ection ret�uire that all or any partaor�of th� <br /> n�t pro�eds of t�� �w�rd b� ��plied to th� in��E�t�c�ness or t�� repair or restar�tion o� t�e F�rvperty. 'fhe ne� <br /> praceeds of tf��award sF�alE rr�a�tfn�aw��rd after payinen�a�all re��ori�ble casls, �xp�nses,and attorneys'fees <br /> incurred by Trus�ee or Lendsr in connection witl� �he cond��nnat�on. <br /> I�iP�SIT��N OF TAXES, F��S AiVa GHAI�G�S �Y ��VEF��i�1I1E�!'�AL AI�YH�R[T��S. TF�e Foilowing provisions rel�ting <br /> to governm�nta[taxes,ises and cY�arges are a p�rl of �E�is D�e�vi�ru�t: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upo�� req�est �y Lender, Trustor snall execute such documents in �cidition tv <br /> this Deed of Trust anci t�k�wh�tever other�ction is r�ques�ed by Lender t❑ periect and continue Lende�'s I�en on <br /> the Real Pro�erfy. Trust�r sh�lf reirnburse �ender for all taxes, as d escribed be Iow, tog ethe r wi th al f expenses <br /> ineurred in recording, perfe��in� ar cvnt�nuing lhis Dead af Trusl, in�luding v�ritho�l limi�a�ion all taxes, fees, <br /> dv�umentary starnps,and other charges for re�ordir�g or registering Ehis [�eed of 7rust. <br /> Taxes. The fo[lowing shai[ conslitule tax�s �o wtlich th�s seclion applies: t1� a specifi� tax upon this type of <br /> Deed o f Trust or u pon all or any pa rE o f l�e Indebtedness secured by l�is Deed v f Trusl; �2� � specific tax on <br /> Borrouver which 8orr�wer is au���ri�ed ar reqUir�d lo de�ucl from payrr�ents on lhe [nd�btedness se�ure� by lhis <br /> ky�e of Deed of�'rus�; �3y a ta x on tt�is �yp e o f aeed of Trus t chargeab�e a�ainsE th e Lende�ar�he holder o f the <br /> N�te; ��d ��#} a spe�ific tax vn al[ ar any porEian of th� �ndebtedr�ess or an paymenls of prinGipal and interesl <br /> m�de by gorCoweC. <br /> S�xbsequent Taxes. 1f �n}� #�x to which t�7is s�c�i�n �pplEes is �nacted subsequer�t ta the date of this aeed of <br /> �'rust� this event s��ai ha�e the s�me effect �s �n �Went o� �efault, and Lencier inay ex�rase any o� alI �f its <br /> a�ai�able remedies for an ��r�nt of D�fau�t as prvvided b�lar�r un[ess 1"rust�r either �1} pays the tax befare it <br /> beoorries del inquenk, or ��� contests th�tax as prflv�ded above i n the Taxes and Liens section and d�posits vvith <br /> Lender cas�or a suff cien�cor��ra�e surety bond ar ather security satisfactary Eo�ertder. <br /> SECURITY AGREEIIII�NT; FINAhfC��f� S�AT��EN7S. The following provisions relating �a th�s Deed of T�usl as a <br /> security agre�mer��are a pati af l�is Deed of Trust: <br /> Sec�rit� Agreem�nt, 7h is instru�nent s1t�l� cons�iiu te a S ecu rity Agr��ment lo tl�e ext�nt any v f ��e 1�ro�er�y <br /> c�nstitutes�x�ures, and Ler�d er SF�aI! have a�f o f tr�e ri�h�� o f��ec�red parly und�r lhe Un ifo rm Gommercial Code <br /> as amended�rom time �o lime. <br /> S ecurity Inte r�st. Upor� req uest by Ler�der, Trt�slo r shall talce wha�eve�r aclion i� T�c�uesteci �ay Lender to perfect <br /> ar�d contir��e L�nder's security inlerest in tf�� Rents and P�rsanal �ro�erty. ln addilian ta re�arding this Qeed�f <br /> Trust in the r�al properly records, Lender m�y, at any tirne arttf withou� fU��her authorizafion frorn Trustor, f Ie <br /> executed counterparts, cap�es o� reprodu��ions �f this �eed of �'rust as a iiRanc�ng staternent. Trtrstor shall <br /> reimburse L.ender for all expenses incurred ir� perfecting ar continuing fEiis securit}r interest. Upon defa�lt, fru�stor <br /> shall nat rerna�e. sever vr detach the Pei-sonal ProPeriy frvm tF�e I�roperty. Upon def�u I�, 'Frustor shal� assemble <br /> any Personal Properfy not affixe d lo tt�e Properfy in a rnanner and at a pf ace reasvnably convenier�t to Trustor ar�d <br /> �.�nder and make it available fv Lender wit�in three �3) days afEer rec�ip� vf tivritten dem2�n�i from Lender E❑ the <br /> extent permilted b}r a�pp[icable�aw. <br /> Add ress�s. Tfl� mai li n� a�dresses of T rusla r �deblar� a nd Lend�r �secured pat�y� �ro m �v hich inform ativn <br /> cvneerning the security interesl gr�nt�d by l�is Deed af Trust may f�e ohlained �ea�h as required by the lJniforrrt <br /> Commercial Cod�y�re�s st�l�d on lhe firsl page of lhis�eed of 7rusl. <br /> FIJRTHER ASSL�RANC�S; A7TORh1�Y-iN-FAC�". 7��e �alEawing proWisions relaling to fur�her �ssur�nGes and <br /> at#orney-in�fact are a part of fhis ❑eed�f Trust: <br /> Further Assurances. Iqt �ny iirn�, a�d f�am tirn�ta lime, u�pon reques�of L�:nd�r,T�ustor wi�l make� execute and <br /> deliv�r,or wil[c�use la be made,ex�cuted or delivered, to I�ender or to Lend�rs d�signe�,and w�en requested by <br /> L�nd�r, caus�to be�i��d, recorded� reFiled� or rerecord�d, as the�as�r�y b�, at sur� times anc�in suc?�offices <br /> �n�plac�es as �.ender n�y deem appraprial�, ar�y and a�l s��ch mar#gages, d�cis of trust, security d�eds�S�CI.lnf}I <br /> agreemen#s, �rran�ing statemenEs. contin�ration sti�te�rents, in�tr�men�s af fu�lher a�ur�noe, certificates, and <br /> other dacume�ls�s�y, in lf�e sa[�o�ir�Eon a�Len�er, be ne�ess�ry ar ciesirable in arder io effe�tuate, oomp[ete, <br /> perfect, cantinue, ar presenie ('�) Br�rraw�r's�nd'�ruslar's oblic��ti�ns und�r the Not�, khis D�ed of T�Ust, �nd <br /> the f�elated Docun�nts, and ��} fh�liens an�i securiky irti��re�ts�realed by ihis [7�ed pf Tfust�first�nd prior <br /> Iier�s on the Properiy� w�ether r��w av�rn��f Qr t�e�-eaf��r aaquired by�'ruslQr. Unless prahi�iled by !�w vr �.�nc�er <br /> a�ree�to th�oantr�ry in�rritir�c�,�'rus�ar s�all r�in��rse Ler�der�ar�al costs anc�expenses i n�urred i n cannectior� <br /> with th�matters referred to i n lhis{�arag�apf�. <br /> Attorney-in-Fact. Ef Trustor�ails to do�ny of the tfiings referreci to in the preceding paragrapf�, `ender may da so <br /> for an�in t��name of�'r�stor and at�'�uslor's expens�. For sucl�pucposes,Tcustor�ereby ir�evo�ably appo�nts <br /> �er�der as Truskor's attorney-in-f�c�far lF�e}�urPose of making,execu�ing,deEiverin�,flir�g, recording�and daing all <br /> oth�r th�ngs �s may be nec�s���y�r d�sirabfe, in Le�nde�'s so[�opinion, tv accomp�i�h the ma�t�rs r�i�rr�d ta in <br /> t�e p���di ng pangr�ph. <br /> �U LL �ERF�RMAN�E, 1 f 8orrower and �rustor p�y �Il the f nd�btedn�ss, i nc�udi ng without [imitation ail future <br /> advances�when due,and Trustor ot�len�rise Per�arms a11 th�ablig�tion�imposed upan T'rustor under fhis De�ed of Trust, <br /> Lender sl�af! execut� and deliver to Truste� � re���est for fuil r�c�nv�y�nce �nd sh�l! execute and deliver to Trustor <br /> suitable staternents ot termin�tio�of�ny fn�ncin�staEernenk an lile e�;dencing Lender's security interesk in ihe Renls <br /> �nd tf�� Fersonal Pro��rty. Any reoonv�yanc� fee required by 1aw sf�ali �e paid �y Trustor, if permitted by appficab�e <br /> la�nr. <br /> EV�NTS DF ��FAl1L7. �a�E1 of l�re �ollotivin�, al Le�der's apiian, sh�ll canstilute an Event a� aefaull under lF�is aeed <br /> of T��st: <br /> p�ymenf Defauit. Borrotinrer�ails�o make ar�y payment�rvllen due ur�def the Int�ebEedness. <br /> �ther DefaUlts. Borrower or �r���tor �ails �� con�p�}r v�ilh ar ta perform any ofh�r terrn, obligation, �avenant�r <br /> candition contained �n tf�is Qe�ci of Trtis�o� in�ny af tfye �elated Do���rnenEs❑c to �omply with or to �er�orm any <br /> term,o�l ig��i�r�, co�ena nt vr co ndi lion con��in�d in ar�y oth��agreement betr�+reen Ler�der and Borrower or Trustor. <br /> Co mp lia nce b e fau�f. �aEf��re to co��ply w it I� ar�y �lh e r lerr�, o�liga�io n, cov�nant o r condi tion �on��ined ir� ��is <br /> Deed a�Yrust, the hloie or ir��ny ot tl�e R�l��ed bocum�nts <br /> oefa uft on Other Payments. Fai[u r�a��rus lor �rr il fi in lfne linj� r�yui red by lh is Deed�f Trust to ma ke a ny payrrn ent <br />