� 2� 1 ��7238
<br /> ,.
<br /> b. FaiIure �v pay any liens, judgmen�s, assessmen�s, �axes, ren�s, f�es, or Gharg�s ar main�ain any
<br /> insurance on the Pr�p�rty, buildings, fixtures, at�achments, �r improvements as p�ovided in �his �rust
<br /> de��l, or in any ofher Loan Document.
<br /> c.Any breach �r ma�erial m�srepresen�a�lon of any term, agreemen�, caWenant, �andi�ion, certification,
<br /> repres�nta�ian or war�anty as pro�i�ed �n �his firus�deed, o�any ofher Laan Dacument.
<br /> d. Sale, transfer, ar conveyan�e of the Property described herein wifihvut prior v�rrE�en ��nsent of
<br /> Lender.
<br /> e. Any use of [�an proceeds far a purpose that will con�ribu�� �o excessive erosion af highly erodi��e
<br /> Iand �r�o the conversion of we�lands�o praduce or tv make passibie �he produc�ian of an agricui�ural
<br /> �ommodi�y, as further explained in � �FR Part '194�, Suhpart�, Exhibit M.
<br /> f, The dea�h, dissolu�ion or inso��ency of any Trus�ar; the appointmen�af a receiver far any Trus�or or
<br /> their Property; any assignm�nt fnr�he benefit of creditors by �he Trustor; or applica�ion af any deb�or
<br /> relief la�rv �a Trus�or, including any fiype af wo�kaut or commencement �f proc�eding under any
<br /> bank�uptcy or insal�ency laws by or against any Trus�or or Borrower on any Loan Document or a�he�
<br /> �bliga�ivn secured by this�rus�deed.
<br /> g. Any of �he preced�ng even�s occurs wifh r�specf to any guarantor, endarser, surety, or
<br /> accvmmadation pa�ty of any of the �bligations vr any �uarantor, endorserr 5U1"e�]I, �r accommada�ian
<br /> party�ies�r becomes�ncampe�en�, or�ev�kes or dispu�es the val�di�y af, or��ability under, any guaran�y
<br /> of the �bligations.
<br /> �. In �he evenfi of a defaul� and at any�Ime�hereafter, Lender, at ifs vp�ion, subject to any requirements
<br /> under the Farm Cr��it Act or other applicabie f�derai or� s�a�e law, may exercise one vr_mor� of �he
<br /> foIIvwing righ�s and remedies, in addi�ion to any ather rEgh�s or remedies permitked �y Ia�rv:
<br /> a. Dec[ar� aIi ��I�ga�ians secured hereby�o be immedia��[y due and payable and the�rvhole�r�ll bear
<br /> in�er�s�a�the defauIfi ra�e as pravided in fhe Loan Documents.
<br /> b. Lender may immediafely authorize Trustee f� exercise �he power af sa[e granfed herein in �he
<br /> manner provided in the Ne�raska Trust Deeds Act, or, at the �p�ion of�h� Lender, may forec[ose �he
<br /> �rus� deed in the manner p�-o�ided by law for the foreclosure af mvrtgages on real praperty, in�luding
<br /> �he appoin�ment of a rece�Wer upon ex parte application, nv�ice being hereby expr�ss�y waived, without
<br /> regard ta the value of�he property ar �h� suff�c�ency �herevf fo discharge fhe indeb�edness secured
<br /> h�reby�r in �he Loan Documen�s.
<br /> Should Lender el�c��o exercise fhe �ower of sale granted herein, Lender will no�ifiy Trustee who will
<br /> record, publish, and de��ver fo Trustor�s} such Natice of Default and Na�ice of Sale as�hen required by
<br /> Iav�r and �ill in �he manner pro�ided by law, seil the property a��he ��me and place of sale fixed in �he
<br /> nafiice of sale, ei�her as a who[e ar in separate lo�s, parcels, or i�ems and �n such order as Trus��e wilI
<br /> deem expedi�nfi. Any person may bid at the sale including Trus�or, Truste�, or Lender.
<br /> c. Lender, eithe� in person ar� by agen�, �nrith or�nr��hout bringEng any ac�ion or praceeding and with �r
<br /> wi�haut regard fiv the vaiue of th� Property ar �he suff�ciency therevf tv discha�ge �he �bligations
<br /> - secured hereby, is authorized and en�it�ed to enter upon and�ake possession vf the Properky in its own
<br /> name ar in the nam� of the Trustee and do any ac�s �r expend any sums �t deems necessary or
<br /> des��a�[e�a pro��c�ar preserve the value of the Prap�rty or any in�eres��herein, ar increase�he inc�me
<br /> �herefram; and wi�h ar wi�houf taking possession of�he Property is autharized �o sue for or v�herw�se
<br /> c�IIect�he ren�s, issues, craps, profi�s, and income�hereof, inciuding those pas�due and unpaid, and
<br /> apply the same up�n any �bligatlons s�cured hereby ar in the Loan Documents.
<br /> d. Lend�r will be en�i�led �o a receiver to �ak� immedlate possession of the Prop�rty and a�E rents,
<br /> issues, cr�ps, profi�s, and income thereof, wi�hout regard�o�he�alue of�he Proper�y, or the sufficiency
<br /> �hereof to discharg��he trus�deed deb�and the forec[osure cos�s, fees, and expenses. Such recei�er
<br /> may be immedia�ely appoin�ed by any court of campeten�jurisdic�ion upon ex parte application, na�ice
<br /> being hereby expressly wai�ed and shal[ serve wi�haut band if�h� law allows. The recei�er�iil apply
<br /> all rents, issues, ��aps, prafi�s, and incame of �he Praperty �o keep �he same in gvod repa�r� and
<br /> candifion, pay all�axes, ren�s, fees, charges, and assessmenfis, pay insurance premiums necessary fio
<br /> keep the Property insured, pay the e�cpense of the re��iv�rship and attorney's f��s incurred by �he
<br /> receiver, and a��Iy�he ne�prviceeds�o�he payment of�he�bligatians secured hereby. Such receiver
<br /> w��i have all the o�her usuai powers of receivers authorized by Ia`rv and as�he c�urt may direc�.
<br /> e. �n�he even�Trustor fails ta pay any liens,judgmen�s, assessments, faxes, ren�s, fees, or charges or
<br /> main�ain any insur�anc�on�he Praperty, buirdings, fixtures, attachmen�s, or impro��ments as provided
<br /> herein or in�he Lvan Documents. Lender, at its op��an, may make such paymen�s or p��vide insuranc�,
<br /> maintenance, or repairs and any amoun�s paid �herefor wi�! become part of the princEpa� �bliga��ons
<br /> secured h�reby, be immediately due and payable and b�ar in�eres�at the default ra�e pr�vided in �he
<br /> App#:5394998; CIF#;224876; Note#:3�4�3n7' ���EA Legal❑oc.Date:�ctvber�6,���5
<br /> F�RNi 5���,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 6 of 9
<br />