� 2� 1 ��7238
<br /> ti
<br /> Lvan Documen�s from the dafie of payment unti!paid.The advancemen��y Lend�r of any such amaun�s
<br /> wilj in no manner limit the right of Lender�a declar�Trus��r in defau[�or exercise any af Lender's o�her
<br /> ��ghfs and rem�dies.
<br /> f. �n the e�en� Lender is a party to any litigatton affecting �he Praperty or�his�rus�deed, incIuding any
<br /> ac�ion by Lender to�nforce�his trus�deed or any suit in which Lend�r is named a defendan��inc�uding
<br /> eminent domain and bankruptcy proceedings}, Lender may in�ur e�penses and ad�ance paymen�s for
<br /> abstract f�es, at�orney's fees��o�he exten�all�wed by law}, G�s�s, expenses, appraisal fees, and ather
<br /> charges and any amoun�s so advanc�d will become part af the principa� �bfigati�ns secured hereby,
<br /> be immediateIy due and payable and bear interesf a�th�default ra�e pr�Wided in �he Laan Documen�s
<br /> fram�he da�e of ad�ance un�il paid.
<br /> 8. Dejay by Lender in exercising its righ�s upon default w��i not be construed as a wai�er�hereof, and any
<br /> act of L�nder waiving any sp�cific defau[t vvi[I no� be c�ns�rued as a waiver of any fu�ure defau[�. [f the
<br /> proceeds under sale vr forecI�sure as set fvrth above are insuffici�n��a pay�he ta�al ��liga�ians secured
<br /> hereby, Lender will be enti�led to a deficiency�udgment.
<br /> 9. Any avtirar�ls made �a Trus�or ar thei� succ�ssars by the exercise of eminen� domain ar� he�eby
<br /> assign�d ta Lender; and Lender is hereby au�ho�i�ed ta callect and app[y the same in paymenf of any
<br /> �ndebtedness, matured or un-ma�ured, secured by this�rusf deed. Trustor shall imm�dia�ely nv�ify Lender�
<br /> of any acti�n in emEnen�d�main.
<br /> '1�. This�rust deed constifutes a securi�y agreement with respec��a all the Property described herein.
<br /> �I�I. No remedy herein canferred upon or resenred�o Trus�ee ar Ben�f�crary�s in�ended ta be exclusi�e af
<br /> any ather remedy herein or by law provided or permitted, �ut each will be cumulative, wiCC be in additian
<br /> to every o�her�emedy given h�reunder or naw or hereafter existing at law ar in equi�y o�by s�a�ute, and
<br /> may be ex�rcised cancurrentjy, �ndep�nden��y ar successively.
<br /> '12. Trus��r acknvwl�dges �hat �he duties and obliga�ions of Trustee wi[I be determined solely by �he
<br /> express prv�isions�f�hi��rus�deed�r�he Nebraska Trus�Deeds Ac�and Trustee will not be liabie excep�
<br /> for the performan�e af such duties and obliga�ions as are specifically se# forth fiherein, and nv �mplied
<br /> covenanfs �r ob�igations w�ll be imposed upon Trus�ee; Trus�ee w�ll not be [iable f�r any ac��an by i� in
<br /> good faith and reasanably beiieved by if tn be authorized �r within the discretinn ar r�ghts of pvwers
<br /> �onferred up�n i�by�his tr�usf de�d or stat� Iaw.
<br /> �[3� The cvvenan�s contained in �his �rust deed will be deemed fio be severable; in �he event that any
<br /> port�on of�his trusf deed is determined fio be�vid or unenfo�c�abie, �ha�determinafion vv�ll not affec��he
<br /> �alid��y of�he remarning port�ons vf�he�rust deed.
<br /> '14. Trustvr her�by requests a copy of any notice af d�fault ar notic� af sale hereunder to be mailed by
<br /> certlfied mail to Trustor a�the address set forth herein.
<br /> 'I�.A![ notic�s, requests and demands to or upon �he r�spectEve parties h�reta to be effecti�e shali be in
<br /> writing and, unless o�hen�vise expr�ss[y p�o�ided herein, shall be deemed tv have been duly gi�en or
<br /> made wh�n delivered by hand, or�hree days after being depasited in the mail, posfiage pr�paid, o�, in�he
<br /> case of delivery by a na�ionally recogn�zed a�e�nigh�courier, v�rh�n recel��d, address�d �o ane or mare
<br /> of the indi�idua�s execu�ing this trusfi deed on behalf of su�h party a�the address set f�rth abo�e, or�o
<br /> such v�her address as such par�y may desi�na�e for i�seIf by Irke nvtice.
<br /> �G. Trus�or shaIi promp�ly provide andlar execu�e and defi�er ta L�nder such further instrumen�s,
<br /> includ�ng, but not limi�ed fia, mortgages, deeds �f trus�, security agr�ements, financing s�atemen�s,
<br /> continuation statements, assignmen�s, certificates, affidavi�s, a�dendums, amendmen�s or resa�uti�ns in
<br /> form and substance satisfactary �o Lend�r �ha� Lender may requir� t� e�fec�ua��, c�mplete, perfec�,
<br /> continue �r presenre�his�rus�deed or any o�her Loan ❑�cum�n�s, �bligations or liens �elafied �hereta.
<br /> 'I7. This trus� deed and all of�he Laan Dacuments constifu�e fihe enti�e and com�lete unders�anding of
<br /> the parties her�to and supersede a!! prior agreements and understandings relative�o �he subjec�mat�e�
<br /> h�reof. This trusf deed may n�t be effecti�ely amended, changed, alt�red or modifi�d, e�ccep� in wri�ing
<br /> executed by a11 parties. Ta �he �xten� the pr��isions contained in this trust deed are �ncansis�en� with
<br /> �hose con�ained in any o�her Laan Dacum�nts, the terms and provisivns contained herein shalC control.
<br /> �therwise, such pr�v�sions shall b�considered cumulati�e.
<br /> �18. This trust deed may be execu�ed �n any number of counterparts and by eifher party on separa�e
<br /> coun�erparts, each af which shall b� deemed an original, bu� a�l of which tagether shal� constifiufe one
<br /> and fihe same ins�rumenf.
<br /> '�9.Time is of�he essence in �he performance of�his�rus�deed.
<br /> ��. The �erms af this t�ust deed shai[ b�nd and benefit�he heirs, legal representa�ives, successvrs, and
<br /> assigns af the parties; pro��ded, howe�er, tha�Trustor may no�assign this �rust deed, or any adWances
<br /> App#:�394998; �IF#:224876; Nafe#:3�4�3�7 �D�EA Legal❑oc.Date:�ctvber 26,��'[5
<br /> F�R1Vl 5�'��,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 7 of 9 �
<br />