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� 2� 1 ��7238 <br /> i. <br /> no�i�e to Lend�r �mmediately of any claim or Ioss. Any sums so received by Lender may be applied in <br /> paymen�af any ma�ure� or unmatur�d �bliga�ions secured by this�rus�deed, ar at the�ption of Lender <br /> may be used �� pay for recons�ruc�ion of the desfroyed impravemen�s. Such insurance will b� in an <br /> amoun� at least equa� to �he lesse� of the loan balance, �he actual cash �alue �f fhe �roperty, or the <br /> replacemen�cost af the Property, and will at a minimum, co�er Iosses caused by f�r�, lightning, explosi�n, <br /> rio�, aircraft, �ehicIes, �anda[ism, ci��l comm�tion, smake, windst�rm, and hail. T�us�ar wi11 ob�ain and <br /> keep flaod insurance in force fo cover Ivss�s by fla�d as required by Lender and by �he Natianal F�aod <br /> �nsur�ance Ac� of �9�8, as amended, and by regula�ions implemen�ing th� same. Trustor furth�r agrees <br /> �ha� Lender is no�and wtil not be Iiable fvr any fai�ure by T�ustor or by any insurer, for whafie�er reason, <br /> �o obfiain and keep�his insurance in farce. Trustar sha[[ g�We wr'r�ten notic�t� Le�der immedia�ely af any <br /> canc�Ila�ion, fiermina�ion �r material madificafion af any such Insuranc�. lf Trustor fails to main�ain the <br /> co�erage described above, Lender may, a�Lender's�ptian, obtain co�erage�o pro�ect Lender's rights in <br /> the Property according ta the terms of this trust deed. <br /> 3. To keep a!� bui[din�s, fix�u�es, attachments, and a�her impro�ements now on or hereafter plac�d �n <br /> the Rea[ Property accu�red and in gaod repair, main�enance, an� conditian and �o neither camm�� nor <br /> permi� any ac�s af waste or any impairment of�he �a[u� of �he Property. Trustor shall n�� remove or <br /> demolish any improvemen� wi�h�ut prior wri��en appro�al af fhe L�nder. Trusf�r shali give immedla�e <br /> notice fo Lender of any ma�erial damage to or cons��uction on or r�la�ed �o any of the Proper�y. Lender <br /> may en�er upan the ReaI Prvp�rty fa inspec�fhe same or�a perform any ac�s au�horized herein ar in the <br /> Laan Documents. Any inspec�ions, reports or sampfes conduct�d by Lender sha�l be far their a�nrn use <br /> and henefit, and Lender shall na�be requlr��l f� disclo�e the results of any inspec�ions ta Trus�or far any <br /> reason, regardless of whefher Lender has done so on any vther vccasion un[ess Lender agrees�o do so <br /> in a separafie wr��ing. Trus�or is responsible for m�n��or�ng, preserving and inspec�ing �he Property <br /> independently of Lender, and Lender makes no represen�a�ian, sta�ement ar warran�y regarding the <br /> accuracy af any inspection, reports or sta�emen�s related �o�he Property's condition, quan�i�y, ❑r qual�fiy <br /> af any nature, and Trustar ag�ees �� shall no� reIy upon s�atements related fhere�o made by a <br /> rep�esen�ativ�of Lender. <br /> 4. Tha� Trus�or is, and sha[I continue to be, du[y o�ganized, �alidIy existing and iegally qua[ified �o do <br /> bus�ness under �he laws of the states in which Trus�or opera�es, in compliance wi�h federal, s�ate and <br /> loca� Iaws ar reguIa�ions, and have lega[au�hori�y in such sta�es�o canduc�T�ustor's business vpera�ions <br /> and �o own agricultural rea[ es�ate. N❑ chang� has been made in �he name, ��nrn�rship, con�rol, <br /> re�a�ionship, �egal sfatus, ar�rganiza�iona� an�1 fvrma�i�n documents of any undersign�d s�nce the time <br /> any such informafiivn was last provide�l to Lender.Any barrowing �esQlu�ion or similar documen�pro�ided <br /> �a�he L�nder, whe�h��an Lender's form or o�hen�vise, has been execu�ed by all�h�se with an a�rvnership <br /> �nterest in the Trus�or's en�t�y and suGh designated signor as sef forth in the bvrrowing reso�ution is duly <br /> au�hori�ed �a execu�e any and a[i L�an Documents on beha[f�h� en�i�y, including this trust deed. <br /> �. A[[ kno�rn saurces of exis�ing or pot�nfiial environmen�al con�aminati�n on or near any Real Property <br /> owned or operated by Trus�or has been fully dlscI�sed �a Lender; �he op�ratians af Trus�vr comply, and <br /> du��ng �he term af �h[s �rus� deed will a� a�i times compIy in all respects, wi�h a[[ en�iranmen�al laws; <br /> Trus�or has obtained and wiil ma�nfiain a�E Iicenses, permi�s, au�hori�atians and regis�rati�ns required <br /> under any en�irvnmen�a[ law and n�c�ssary f�r its ordinary cou�se operations, a[I such environm�n�al <br /> permi�s are in good s�and�ng, and Trus�o�is in comp[iance wi�h a[� material�erms and cvndi�rans of such <br /> environmen�al permits; neither Trus�or no� any af i�s present Prop�rty or operatlons is subJect to any <br /> ou�s�anding`rvrit�en order fram or agreement with any governm�ntal au�horifiy or subjec�.to any judicial ar <br /> docke�ed administrati�e prac�eding, respecting any environmen�ai law, envir�nmental ciaim or <br /> hazardous materiaf; �here are no hazardous materials or other conditians or circums�ances e�isting, or <br /> arising from opera�ions prior�� �he da�e of this trus� deed, wi�h respec� t� any Property af Trus�or�ha� <br /> v�rauld reasonably be expecfed�o gi�e rise�o material environmental ciaims. I n addi�lon, Trus�or shall hold <br /> L�nde� harmless from any Iiabili�y far environmenfal waste or con�amina�ion on any Property awned ar <br /> operated by Trustor or�iabiIi�y imposed as a consequence by reason af Trus�or's activities and will defend <br /> and indemnify Lender against al[ clalms, �osses, liabll��ies, and expenses incurred by L�nder as a result <br /> thereof. This co�enan�will survive cancel�ati�n, expiration or termina�ion af�h�s�rus�deed. <br /> 6. Each of�he fo![ow�ng shall c�nstitute an even�af defaul�: <br /> a. Failure to make any paymen��vhen due under any Loan Document ar v�her�biiga�ion secured by <br /> th is�-�u s�d eed. <br /> App#:5394998; CIF#:2�487�; Note#:3�4�3�7 2��EA Legal Doc.Date:�ctober��,2Q�6 <br /> FaRM 5�1�,Trust Deed and Assignmenf of Rents Page�of 9 <br />