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� 2� 1 ��7238 <br /> � . <br /> shall be pald when due as prov�d�d for in the Loan Documents crea�ing �he �b�iga�ians seCured by th�s <br /> trust deed. <br /> This trust de�d s�cures a!! �bligations, including, but not lim���d to the following: <br /> Date of Nvte�s� or ather L�an Document s Princ�pa�Amount <br /> ��1261���6 $7�,���.�� <br /> Provided, hawever, that the�o�al pr�ncipal indeb�ednes�vutstanding and secured hereby a�any one fiime <br /> wiil not exceed the sum of SEVENTY-5[�C TH�USAND �$7�.���.��}, excCusive af interes�and pro�ec�ive <br /> a�l�ances au�horized herein or in any Loan D�cument and such ather amounts aEiow�d by iaw. <br /> N�THIN� ��NTAINED HEREIN SHALL C�NSTITUTE A ��MMITMENT T� MAKE FURTHER �R <br /> ADD1T[�NAL ADVAN�ES lN ANY AIUI�UNT AT ANY T[ME, VUHETHER �R N�T THE T�TAL <br /> PR1NC[PAL 1NDEBTEC]NESS AB�VE HAS BEEN A�]VAN�ED. <br /> This�rus�d�ed will be due D�cember �, 2�35. <br /> Trustar hereby vtirarrants that T�ustor halds good and marke�able�i�le in fee simpie ta the abnve described <br /> Property, tha�Trus�ar has good and lawful authvrity t��rust deed�he same, that the Property is free and <br /> clear of alI liens and encumbrances, except th�se s�f forth in a �itle po�icy ar tit�� opinian purchased by <br /> Lender and deemed accep�able by Lender, in its sole discreti�n, in re[ation ta this trus� deed and that <br /> Trus�or wilI warran� and defend �he Property at Trustar's expense a�ainst all ciaiman�s whomsoever. <br /> Trustor also hereby waives and relinquishes a<< rights of dovver, homestead, dis�ributi�e share, and <br /> exemptian in and fio the abvve described Reaf Pro�erty. <br /> lt is und�rs�o�d and agreed between Trus�or and Lender that this �ru�fi deed is given to s�cure th� <br /> repaym�nt in fu[I of the ali ��ligafiivns, regard[ess of vvhether Trus�vr is Iiable�hereon, and aII future and <br /> addit�ona! laans or advances, protec�i�e or o�herwise, which may be made by Lender, af its option, at the <br /> reques�of, and�o ar for the a�coun�af TrusfQr, any of the parties Iiable unde�any of the Laan Documen�s, <br /> for any purpvs�, plus in�erest �hereon, alI payable accarding �o �he �erms of the Laan Documents. Any <br /> �b[igations secured by�his�rus�dee� s�all be payabC�when due as set fvrth in the Loan Documenfs. <br /> This�rus�deed may secure more fhan one Loan Document. <br /> Trustor hereby assigns, �ransfers, and conveys to Lender a[1 rents, issues, income, pr�fits, r�yaItles, <br /> bonuses, and delay moneys or v�her proceeds tha�may from time�v time become due and payable under <br /> any rea� estate leas� or under any oiI, gas, gra�ei, rack, ar oth�r m�neraE lease of any kind including <br /> geo�he�mal resaurces now existing ❑r that may her�after come inta exis�ence, cavering the Praperty or <br /> any part�hereof. AII such sums so receirred by Lender wi![ be applied �o the �bligativns secur�d hereby; <br /> or Lender, a� ifs vption, may �urn ��er and deliver�o Trusfor�s} or��h�Er successors in interes�, any vr all <br /> of such sums `nri�hau� prejudice �o any of Lender's rights to take and retain future sums, and without <br /> pre�udice to any �f i�s o�her righ�s under this trusf deed. Thrs assignmen� w��l be �onstrued ta be a <br /> p�a�ision f�r�he paymen�or reduction of�he �bligations, subjec��o �he Lender's ❑ption as her�inbefore <br /> pro�ided, independen�of�he�rust deed on fhe Property. <br /> Trust�r and each vf them further covenants and agrees w�th,�r cer�if�es and represents to Lender <br /> as fal[ows: <br /> '�. To pay aii liens, judgments, vr ofher assessmen�s aga�ns� �he Property, and ta pay when due ai� <br /> assessmenfs,ta�es, ren�s, u�ili�i�s,fees, charg�s or encumbrances upon�he Property or under any Iease, <br /> perm�t, license, or pri��Iege assigned ta Lender as add�tionai security�a this�rus�deed, including�ha�e in <br /> or�n public damain. <br /> 2� Ta insure and keep �nsured all buildings and ather impro�emen�s, including fixtures and a��achmen�s <br /> n�w an or hereafter placed an the Real Praperty ta the sa�isfact�on of Lender. Such insurance wilE c�n�ain <br /> an endorsem�nt shaw�ng L�nder as 6eneficiary. �n demand, Trus�ar w[II furnish said po[icies or proof af <br /> insurance �a Lende� and �he insuran�e carr�e�shall be sa�isfacfiory fia Lender. Trusfior shall give�rri�ten <br /> App#:5394998; C�F#:2�4876; Note#:3�4�3�7 2��EA Legal❑o�.❑ate:�ctober 25,2��6 <br /> F�RM 5�1'I,Trust Deed and Assignment o�Rents Page 4 of 9 <br />