� . 2� 1 ��7238
<br /> �
<br /> The abo�e named Trus�ar for g�ad and valuable considerativn, hereby ir��eWaca��y ��ansfers, canv�ys
<br /> and assigns �o Trus�ee, I N TRUST, 1N[TH P��lVER aF SALE, for the benefi� and security af �he
<br /> � Beneficiary, its successors and assigns, an assignmen�and security interest En all of Trus�or's right, ti�Ie
<br /> and in�eres� whe�her curren�ly exis�ing ar he�e�nafter acquired in and to �he foilawing-described Rea[
<br /> Property in HaII �ounfy�ies}, Nebraska to wi�:
<br /> Parcel '�: The Nartheast Quarter �NE%} af Section Twen�y �ne �2��, Township
<br /> Nine �9} Nor�h, Rang� Eleven ���}1Nest af�he�th P.M., Ha�� �vun�y, Nebraska
<br /> Parcel �: A tract af Iand comprising a part of Lats �ne ��} and Two ���, Mainland
<br /> in �he Narthwes� Quart�r �NV1J%4} and part of the South Half of �he Northwest
<br /> Quarter�S'/2 NllU%4} �f Sectian Twen�y�ne ��'I}, Township Nine �9} N�rth, Range
<br /> Eleven ���} `llres� of �he 5�h P.M., in Hall �vunfiy, Nebraska, more particular[y
<br /> d�scribed as fojlows:
<br /> Beginn�ng a� �he southwes� carner of said Northwest C�uarter �NVII'/4}; thence
<br /> running northerly on the wes� line of said Northwes� Quart�r �NVII%}, on an
<br /> Assumed Bearing N 0�°�8'��"�111, a d�s�ance�f�ne Thousand Two Hundred Far�y
<br /> Nine and Fifty Fi�e Hundred�hs ���49.55} feefi; thence running N 5�°15'5�" E, a
<br /> distance af Thirty Nine and Six�y Two Hundred�hs �39.5�} f�e�, to a poi�t Thir�y
<br /> Thr�� �33.a�} feet eas�of fihe west Iine af said Northwest C�uarter�N1N%4}; �hence
<br /> running 5 �0°�$'26" E, a distance of F�ve Hundred Twelve and Forty Six
<br /> Hundredths �5�2.45} fee�; thence running N 56°��'��" E, a d�stance of �ne
<br /> Th�usand Twenty and Se�en�y Hundredths �����.7D} fee�; thence runnrng N
<br /> ��°�8'��" V11, a d�s�ance of Five Hundr�d Twei�e and Fi�ty Tw� Hundredths
<br /> �5��.5�} feet, to a point an �he s�u�herly right of way Iine af Pla�e River Drive;
<br /> thence running N �6°�5'05" E, on the svu�herly righ� �f way line of P[atte R��er
<br /> Dri�e, a disfance of Two Hundred Ele�en and Eigh�y Four Hundredths �2��.84}
<br /> fee�; thence running N 5D°22'43" E an�he southerly righ�af�nray line of Pla�te RiWer
<br /> Dri��, a dis�ance of�n�Hundred Sixty Ei�ht and Ft�ty Three Hund�edths���8.53}
<br /> fee�, to a point on the weste�iy line of Vanme�erlManfu�l Subdi�isivn; �hence
<br /> running S �6°��''l�" E an the westerly I�ne af VanmeterlManfull Subdi�is�an, a
<br /> dis�ance of Twa Hundred 5ixty �ne and Ten Hundr�d�hs ��5�.��} fee�, �o �he
<br /> svufhwest corner❑f Lo��ne ��}, Vanme�er�ManfuEl Subdivisi�n; �hence running N
<br /> 84°�S'24" E on the southerly Iine �f L���ne ��}, Vanme�erlManfuIi Subdivisian, a
<br /> disfance �f Three Hundred Eighty Eigh�and Ten Hundred�hs �388.'1�} feet�o �he
<br /> sou�heast c�rner of Lot�ne ��}, VanmeterlManfull 5ubdivisi�n; �hen�e runnin� N
<br /> �5°�3'49" V11, on �he easteriy [ine of VanmeterliUlanfu�l Sub�l�vision, a distance of
<br /> Fi�e Hundred Fvurteen an� Twenty H undredths �5�4.2�} fe�t, �o a paint an the
<br /> southerly righf vf way line of Plat�e Ri�er Drive; �hence running N 6�°4�'3�" E, �n
<br /> the sautherly righ� ofi way line of Piatte River Dri�e, a dis�ance of Faur Hundred
<br /> Eighty and Ninety Fi�e Hundred�hs �48�.95} feet�o painfi on �he narth line af said
<br /> North�es��uarter�N1N%4}; �hence running N 89°'�4'�'1" E, on�he nort� line af said
<br /> Northwes�Quarter �NVII%}, a dis�ance of Six Hundred Thirty Nine and For�y Nine
<br /> Hundredths �539.49} feet, �a �he nvrtheas� c�rner of said Northwes� Quarter
<br /> �NVI!%4}; fhence running S DO°�8'�1"�lU, on the easf line of said Northwest Quar�er
<br /> �NVIll4}, a distance of Two Thvusand Six Hundred Three and Forty �n�
<br /> Hundredths ��6�3.4�} feet, �o the sautheas� corne� of said Narth�nres� Quarter
<br /> �N�111%4}; �hence�unning N 89°59'�5"W vn the soufh �rne of said Northwes�Quarter
<br /> �NW11�4}, a disfian�e of Twa Thousand Six Hundred Forty Eight and Twenty
<br /> Hundred�hs �2648.2�}f�et, to the poin�of beginning
<br /> �n addi�ion, Trus�Qr hereby grants t� Lender a Unifo�m Commerc�al C�de secur�ty in�erest in a[� P�rsanal
<br /> Property; and ali proceeds from any saie ar o�her disposi�ian of the Property. The �rus� deed is als�
<br /> efFective as a financing s�a�emenf filed as a fix�ure filing under the Unif�rm �ommerc�a[ Cade.
<br /> lt is unders�o�d and agreed between Trust�r and Lender �hat �h�s �rust deed is gi�en �o secure the
<br /> repaym�nt in fuIl of the �bligatians as se�forth in th�s �rust deed and any Loan Document. Ail amoun�s
<br /> App#:5394998; CIF#:��4875; No#e#:304Q3D7 �D�EA Legal Doc.Da#e:�ctober�5,�n�6
<br /> F�RM����,Trust Deed and Assignment o�Ren�s Page 3 of 9
<br />