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- 2� 1 ��7238 <br /> � <br /> Far�m �redi�Senrices of AmerRca, FLCA <br /> ���� S 118th Street, P� Box 24�9 . <br /> �maha, N E�8��3-�4�9 <br /> Trustee: � <br /> AgriBank, F�B <br /> P� Box 64949 <br /> S�. Paul, Minneso�a 55�64-�94� <br /> Def�ned Terms: <br /> Benefic�ary: As set forth ab�ve and used int�rchangeably with �he�erm Lender. <br /> Barr�wer: Mak�r or��-maker, signer or co-signer of any Loan Document represenfiing any �bliga��ons <br /> secured by�his�rus�deed. <br /> Lender: As se�forth above and used in�erchangeably wi�h �he te�m Beneficiary. <br /> Loan Dacuments: Th� described nates and any and al[ ather n��es, credit agreements, se�uri�y <br /> agreemen�s, U�� financing sta�emen�s, lease agreements, mor�gages, deeds of ��ust, any other <br /> documen�granfiEng a li�n to secure th� �bliga�ions, and any �ther dacumen�or �nstrumen� execu�ed in <br /> connection with or evidencing any �bIigati�n �including any amendment, res�atem�nt or modification <br /> the�e�o}. <br /> �hligat��ns: IncCudes, without limita�ion, all credi� inciuding principal and any ad�anc�s, interes� and <br /> o�her am�un�s due �o Lender under�he Laan Do�umen�s whether Qr no� this trust deed is specif'rcaily <br /> referred �o in �he evidence af deb�, including withau� [imitafi�n, fees, cas�s, and exp�ns�s, toge�h�r wi�h <br /> aII r�newaIs, extensians, or refinancing of same and any fu�ure and add��ional loans or advances made <br /> at Lender's ap�ion �o ❑r on behalf of Borrow�r by Lender ar under any other Loan Dacumen� for any <br /> purpos� whether rela�ed or unre�a�ed �o the purpas� of the o��gina[ cred�t, includ�ng ad�ances for the <br /> pratectivn af the Proper�y, ali a�tarney fees, cosfis and expenses incurred by Lender f� th� ex�en� <br /> permitted by law in the c�l�ec�ion of any foan or in�he enforcemen�or preservafi�n of�he rights of Len��r <br /> in and�o the Property, r�gardless flf whe�her Trus�ar is obIigated thereon as a maker ar co-make�, signer <br /> or co--signer, or as a guaran�or, endorser, surefy o�ather accommodation party. <br /> Personal Praperty: All �quipment, fix�ures and other pers�nal prop�rty tha� are now or hereafter <br /> at�ached or affixed t� the Rea[ Property; �oge�her with ail accessions, �arts and addi�ian� �o, alI <br /> repIac�menfs vf and aIl subst��u�ions far any�f such property. <br /> R�al Property:Toge�her�nri�h the be�o�legaiiy described real es�a�e, al[�x�s�ing ar subsequent[y erected <br /> or afFixed bu�ldings, structures, impr��emen�s or fix�ur�s; all crops, �imber, timber ta be cut, �rees, pian�s, <br /> �ines or ofiher plantings; a�l wa�er, wa�er righ�s, incIuding riparian rights and surface water rights, <br /> watercaurses, irrigation, drainage and d��ch rights; alI rents, issues, uses, income, prafi�s and �oyal�ies; <br /> aII [eases, permits, lic�nses, prE�ileges, eas�menfs, righ�s of way, rights �o p�ssesslon; all righfis in and <br /> tv�h� lands Eying in s�reefs, alieys and roads adjoin�ng the Rea� Property and appurtenances; all �eases, <br /> permifs, licenses, or priv�[eges, appurtenant or non-appurtenan�to�he praperty, now ar h�reafter issued, <br /> �x�ended, or renewed �y Trustor, any Sta�e, �he Uni�ed Sta�es, �r any departmen�, bureau, <br /> ins�rumen�ali�y, or agency thereof; all proce�ds in eminent domain, insurance payments, pro�eeds or <br /> refunds of premiums or any other payment�r set�[ement rela�ing ta�he Property; ai[at[, gas, gravel, �ock, <br /> geo�hermal and similar�esources or ath�r m�nera[ righ�s of wha�ever nature; and any and al� ��her rE�hts <br /> rela�ed to�he real pr�perty. <br /> Pr�perty: �vl[ectively the Reai P��perty and the Pers�nal Property, including without limi�atR�n a!I <br /> insurance praceeds and refunds of insurance premiums rela�ed �o said Property. <br /> Trustee: As se�forth above. <br /> Trustor:As se�forth above. <br /> App#:5394998; CIF#:224876; Note#:3a4Q30?' ���EA Lega!Doc.Date:Ocfober 25,�0�fi <br /> F�RM�0�'[,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 2 of 9 <br />