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2� 1 ��7231 <br /> �n�eres� from �he date of dis�u.rsement a� the same ra�e assessed an advances under �he Con�ract and shall be <br /> payab�e,�ith�nterest,upon n���ce fram Lender�o�orrovver reques��ng paymen�. <br /> Inspection. Lender or ��s agent may ma�e reasanable en�ries upon and xnspect�ans flf�he Proper�y. Lender s��a�I <br /> g��e Borrflwer na��ce a��he��me of or pr�or�a an inspec�ion specify�ng reasonab�e cause for�he inspect��n. <br /> ��ndemnat�on. The proceeds af any award or cIa�m for damages, direc�ar consequentia�, in connect�on w��h an <br /> Y <br /> ��ondemna��on or a�her�aking af any par� of the Proper�y, or for �an�eyance �n �ieu of candemnat�on, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha���e paid�o Lender. <br /> In �he even� of a to�a� �a��ng of���e Praper�y, �he praceeds s��a�i be app��ed �� �he surns se�ured by �his Securit� <br /> �ns�rument, whe�laer or n�� then due, v�z�h a�ay excess paid to Borra�ver. �n the e�en� af a par��a1 tak�ng �f�he <br /> Prflper�.y in which �he fa�r market va�ue af�he Pr�pez-ty ��n�nedia�ely befare the �aking �s equal to ar grea�er than <br /> �he amoun� of the sums secured by �his Securi�y �nstrum�n� �mmedia�eiy b�f�re �he �aking, un�ess Borrawer and <br /> Lender otherw�se agree in vvr��ing, �he sums secured b����is Security�nstrumen�sha�l be reduced by�l�e amoun�of <br /> �he pr�ceeds multxpl�ed by the follov�ring fracti�n: �a}the�o�al am.ount�f�he sums secured innmedia�ely before the <br /> �aking, div�ded by �b3 tl�e fa��- marke� value af���e Proper�y �mmediateIy before tlae �ak�ng. Any ba�ance shail be <br /> pa�d �a Borro�ver. �n �he ��en� �f a par��ai �aking af tl�e Pr�per�y zn whzch the fair mar�e� vaiue of�he Pr�per�y <br /> ��a�ely befare �he taki��g �s �ess �han �he amount of�l�e sums secured immed�ately bef�re �he taking, un�ess <br /> B�rr�wer and Lender otherur�se agree �n vvr���ng or un�ess �.ppt�cable Lav�o�hervUise pra�xdes, t��e proceeds shail <br /> be app�zed to the sums s��ured by tl�is Se�ur�ty�ns�rumen�v�he���er or nat the sums are���en due. <br /> If�he Pr�per�y �s abandoned by Borra�er, or�f, after n���ce hy Len.der to B�rrov�er�ha�the condemnar offers �o <br /> ma�e an av�ard or se��le a c�aim for damages, Borrower fa�Is �o respond�o Lender wi�hin the minimum number of <br /> days esta��is��ed by App�icab�e Law after�he da�e the notice is gi�en, L�nder is au�hor�zed�o co�le��and app�y�he <br /> praceeds, at i�s flptxon, ��ther �o restorat�an ar repa�r af�h� Praper�� �r �o �he sums secured by th�s Security <br /> �ns�rumen�,�het��er or na�then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrflwer otherw�se agree �n writing, any app�icat��n af proceeds�o pr�ncipal sha11 not ex�end <br /> or pos�pone the due date of�he payments due under�he�on�-act or change the amount of such paymen�s. <br /> �orravvQr N�t Relea�ed; �vrbearance By Lender Not a 'L�Va��er. Ex�ens�on of �he time for payme��� �r <br /> mod�f ca��on of amor�izatxon of�he sums secured by this Security �nstrument �ranted by Lender to Borrovver ar <br /> any successor in �n�erest �f Barrow�r s�aa�I n�t apera�e to release �he �iab���ty of �he arig�nal Borrower �r <br /> Borrower's successors �n interes�. Lender shal� not be required�� c�mmence praceedxngs against any successor�n <br /> in�erest or refuse�o e�tend�ime far payment ar a�hervvise modify am�r�iza�ion o:f�he sums s�cured�y�his Se�uri�y <br /> �nstrument by reason �f any demand rnade by the orig�na� Barrower �r Borrower's suc�ess�rs in zn�erest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender �n exercising any rig�� nr remedy sha�� no�be a�va���r flf or prec�ude t1�e exercise of any <br /> r�g�x��r remedy. <br /> Success�rs and ,�ss��ns B�und; Jo�n� and Se�era� Liabz�ity; A�commodation Signers. T)ae ca�enan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of this Securi�.y �nstrument shal�b�n�and �enef����e successars and ass�gns of Lender and Borro�ver, <br /> sub�ec� to �he pro�isions of sec�ifln ����ed Transfer of the Proper�y ar a Benefi��a� In�ere�t in Borrow�r. <br /> Bor�ro�uer's c�venan�s a�d agreements shal�be jo�nt and se�eral. ,�.ny person wh��o-�s�gns�h�s SeCur�ty_�n��rument <br /> bu� has no pers�na� liab�Ii.ty under �he Con�ra�� �"�ccammada�iop S�.gner"�: �a} is cowsign�ng ti�is Secur��y <br /> Ins�rument only �o mor�gage, grant and can�ey �ha� ,�.cco�-n�r��dat�on S�gn�r's �n�eres� �n the Propert� under ��e <br /> �erms af �he Securi�y �nstrumen�; �b� is no� persona��y ob��ga�ed ta pay the su�s secured by �h�s Se�uri�y <br /> Instrumen�; and�c� agrees�h��Lender and any a�her Borrav��r may agree�o e�tend, m�d�fy, forbear ar make any <br /> accommodatians wx�h r�gard to�he terms�f�his Securi�y Instru�nen�or the �ontrac�withou�tha�Accommodat��n <br /> S�gner's consen�. <br /> Loan Charge�. �f�he �oan secured by �his S�curity �nstrument �s subjec� �o a �av� v�h��h se�s maximum �aan <br /> charges, and���a��a��s fina�ly in�erpre�ed sa �hat�he �nterest ar o�her�oan charges coll�cted or�a be co��ec�ed in <br /> co�ne�tion �v��h �he �oan ex�eed �he perm�t�ed ��m��s, �l�en: �a� any su�h �oan �harge shaIl be reduced by �he <br /> am�unt necessar��o reduce the charge �o�he permitted lim�ts and (b� any sums already coI�e��ed from Borrovver <br /> v�h�ch ex�eeded permitted �im�ts wi�� be refunded �� Borraw�r. Lender ma� chaos� �o make this refund by <br /> reducing �he prin��pal a��d under the C�n�ract or by mak�ng a d�rec�payment�o Sorrawer. �f a refund reduces <br /> princ�pal,�he reduct�an�x��be�reatied as a par��a�prepaymen�under th�Con�ract. <br /> Notices. Any n�tice ta B�rr�wer prav�ded for �n �h�s S�curi�y �ns�rumen� sha�l be gi�en by de�i�ering i� or by <br /> mai�ing���y firs�c�ass mai����less App�icab�e Law requ�res use of ano�her me�h�d. The no��ce shal��e d�rected�o <br /> �he Pr�per�y Address or any other address Borrower designa�es by notice to Lender. Borrower agrees ta prov�de <br /> Lender with Sorrower's mos� current mai��ng address, as i�may change from t�me�to-�7me. Any not�ce to L���der <br /> sha��be gi�en by frs�c�ass mail to Lepd�r's address s�a�ed h�re�n ar any other address Lender designates by nati�e <br /> �o B�rro�ver. Any x�o�ice pr���ded for in�his Se�urity�nstru�nen�shall be deemed t�have be�n gi�en ta Borr�wer <br /> or Lender when given as pr�v�ded in this pa�agraph. � <br /> �fl�ern�ng Law; Se�erab����y.Tl��s Securit��ns�rumen�sha��b�e governed by federal �aw and�he lavvs of�he s�a�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n tl�e e�en� �l�at any pravis�on or �lause o�this Security �ns�rumen� or the Contract conf�ic�s w��h <br /> Applicable Lau�, such c�nflic� s�aal� n�� affect other pro�7s�ans.�f this Securi�y �ns�rument ar the �fln�ra�� v�h�ch <br /> can be g��en effec�v���hau��he ��nflic��ng pravis�an. To��a�s end the pro��sions�f th�s Secur�ty�ns�rument and�he <br /> Cfln�ra�t are de�Iared�o be se�erahle. <br /> Borrower's C�py..Borro�er shall be given one capy of�his Se�uri�y�nstrumen�. <br /> Q 20Q4-2015 Corr�pliar�ce Systems,Ir��.CBE8-B5�4 W 2� i i2 ' <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrur�ent DLz43G Fa�e 3 af 5 www.c�rrzpliar� <br />
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