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2� 1 ��7231 <br /> Paymen��f Princ�pal and Inter�s�; ��h�r��harg��. Bon=��ver sha�l pro�r�►pt�y pay when due the princ�pa�of and <br /> in�eres��n�he d.ebt av�ec�under th�Contra�t a�d 1a�e charges ar any�ther fees and��arg�s due under the��n�rac�. <br /> App�i�able La��v. 1�s used in th�s Secur�ty Ir�s�.�ru�en�, t��e �erm "Appii��.ble Law" shai� mean ali �ontro�l�ng <br /> applicable fede��ai, s�a�e anc� loca� statu�es, reguiati�ns, or��nan�es and adrninistrative rules and �rders ��hat have <br /> �he effec�of�aw}as we�l as a�i applicabie final,n�n-appealabie�udi��ai��iniams. <br /> Charg�s; LienS. BorraWer sha11 pay all �axes, assessmen�s, �harges, fines and in�posi�ions attri�utable �� the <br /> Property wl�ich may attain pri�rity a�er th�s S�curit-y Instrumen�, and �easehold�ayrn�n�s or ground ren�s, �f any. <br /> At the reque���f Lender,Borrawer sha�l pra�ptly fi��nish�a Lende�-re�eipt�evidenczng the paymen�s. <br /> B�rrowe�sha�� promp��y�i�charge a�y]ie� w�ich�as priorit� a�er�his Sccuri���rns�rurnen�un�ess B�rr���r: �a} <br /> agrees in wri�ir�g to the payment of�he obi��ation secured by the Xien �� � �na��ner a�ceptable to Lender; �b� <br /> �on�ests �n gao� fai�h �he Iien by, or defends against enf�rcemen� �f�he �ien in, �ega� pro�eedings wh��� in �he <br /> Lender's �pin�an opera�e to pre�ent �he enfor�ement af�he ��en; or �c} secures fr�m �he ho�der of�he �ien an <br /> agreem.ent sa�is�factory-to Lender subord�natix�g��.e ��en�� th�s S��ur�ty�nst�umen�. �f Lender deter�-n�nes�hat any <br /> par� of t�e Property �s subjec�to a Iien vvh�ch�n�.y at�ai�a priori�y ��er�his �e�ur��,y �ns�rument, Lender may gi�e <br /> Borrower a no��ice �dent�fying the ��en. Bor�-ow�r shali sat�sfy the ��en�r�ake one or more of.�he ac�io�s set�ar�h <br /> ab�v��v�th�� �C�days of�he gi��ng af n��ic�. <br /> �l[azard �r�r�p�rty Ins��an�e. Barrower s�a11 ke�p the �mpravemen�s n�vv existing or hereafter ere�ted on the <br /> Pr�perty insured aga�nst�oss by fire,hazards���cluded wi�hin the�er�n "e�t�nded co�erage" and any o�her hazards, <br /> including flaads or flooding, for wh��h I�e�der requ�res �nsuraric�. This �nsurance shal� be mairita���ed in �he <br /> a��nounts and fo���he p�riads that Lender requires. The�nsurance carr�er providing�he insurance shal�be ch�sen by <br /> Borrov�er sub�ec� �� Lender's appro�al wh�ch s��al� n�� �� unreasomab�� v�vithheld. If Borrower fa�ls to main�ain <br /> ca�erage descr�bed ab��e, L�nder may, at L�nder's �p�ion, ��bta�n c�verage to pr��ect Lender`s righ�s �n the <br /> Properfiy in accc�rdance�nri�h sec�io��i�led Pratec�io�1 af��n�er's��igh�s in th�Praper�y. <br /> A�1 insur�nce ���icY�s and renev�als sha11 be a�cept�ble t� Lender anc� sha�l �nc�ude a s�andard m�r�gage ��ause. <br /> Lender�hall ha�re�he righ�to h��d�he p��i�i�s amd renewals. �f Lender re�uires, Borrov�rer shall promptly gz�e to <br /> Lender al�recei.p�s of pa�c�prem�ums and r�rie�v�.l����ices. Yn the even��f loss, B�rra,wer shall gi�e pra�np�n�ti�e <br /> �o�he�nsurance carr�er and Lender.Lender n�a��r�a�e�roof�f I�ss if not made pr�mptly vy Borrovv�r. <br /> Unless Lenc�er and Borrower a��er�ise agree in wr�ting, :insuran�� proc�eds shal� �be applied to res�ora��on �r <br /> repair of�he Pr��per�y damaged, �f, in Lender's soie d�scretion, the �est�rat�an or repa�r is econ�mical�y feas�ble <br /> and Lender's security is no� lesse�ed. �f, in Lender's sole discretio�a, the �res��ratzon or repair is no� econa�n�cally <br /> feasib�e ar Lene�er's security�rou��.be lessened,the i�surance praceeds shal�be appliec�ta the sums se�ured by this <br /> Se�urity �nstru�nen�, �hether or no� �hen�du�, w��h any e�cess paid �o Barr�ower: If Bor�ower abandons �he <br /> Property, ar do�s no�ans�nr�r�vith�n the number mf days prescribed b�.�ppX�cable Lavv as set for�h��.a nntice from <br /> Lender ta B�rrc3wer tha��he insurance�arrier has offered�a sett�e a cla��n, �hen Lender may cal�ec��he �nsurance <br /> proc�eds, Lend€er m.ay use the proceeds �� repair or res��re the Pr�p�r�y or to pay sums secur�d b�th�s Secur�ty <br /> Instrur�ent,wh��her or no�then due. The period of time for Borrow�r��answer as set for�h�n�he not�ce v5rz��begin <br /> �hen the notice is given. <br /> Un�ess L�nder�nd Borrower o�herwi�e agree i� wri��ng, any app]�ca�i�n�f pro�eeds ta princ�pal sha�� n�t extend <br /> �r postp�ne�he due date af�he payments due under th� �on�ra��t�r chang�the arnaun�of�h�paymen�s. If under <br /> �he sec�ion�itle�A�ce�era�ian; l�emedies, the Praperty is acquirec�by Lender, Borro�v�r's right�o a�.y insurance <br /> palici�s and pr��cee�ls resultinb from dama�ge t� the Prope�ty pr�or ta �he �cquisition shal� pass �o Lender t� �he <br /> ex�en�af�he sums secured by�h�s Securi�}r�nstru�:nent immedia�e��p�-i�r to the ac�uisi�ion. <br /> Pres�r�a�i�n, :[Vlaintenanc� and Pratecti��n of ��� Pr�per��; �arr�wer�s Laar� App�icat�on; Leas�holds. <br /> B�rr�we�-shall na�des�,roy, damaae or impa�r�he Pro�er�y, al�ow th�Prop��rty tn deteriora�e, �r c�mm��w�.ste �n <br /> �he Praperry. Bc3rrower shall be in defau��if any forf�i�ure a�tion or�r�cee�.�n�,whether c�vi�or crir�inal,is b�gun <br /> �ha� in L�nd�r's gofld faith ju�gment cfluld r�su�� in forfeitur� of t�e Prap��~ty �r ��herwise ma�erially impa�r�he <br /> l�en �rea�ed by th�s Secu�ity Instrumen� c�r Lender's securi�y i�a�er�st. Bo�r�wer may cure such a d�faul� and <br /> reins�a�e, as prc����ed�n sec��on�itled ��rro�vv�r°s I�ig]�t�� �.�i�s�a��, by�ausing the a���on or proceed�ng�o be <br /> d�smisse�with�.ruling tha�, in Lender's go�d�aith de�erm�na�ian,pr�ciudes farfe��ure of the B��-r-ower's�nt�rest in <br /> the Proper�y or a�her mater�ai impa�rment of��e lien crea�ed by �his Se�ur�ty �n���-umen� or Lender's s�curity <br /> �ntere��. Borr�v��er sha��also be in defaul�if Barrawe�-,dur�ng�he loat�appl�cat�an process,ga�e material�y fa�se or <br /> �na�cura�� �nforma�io� or statements to Lend�r {ar fa�led �� prov�de Lenc�er v�ith any mater�a� informa�ion} in <br /> connec��an v���h.the �aan e�iden�ed by�he C��#:rac�. If th�s Secur��y �ns�rument i.s an.a leasehold, Borra�nrer shall <br /> comp�y v��th all the pro�isi�ns of�:he lease. �f Bo�•rower acquires fe�����e�a�he�'r�perfiy,the�easeh�id and the fee <br /> �:i��e shal�na-�m��rge unless Lender agrees�a�he merger�n�vrit�ng. <br /> 1'rotecti�� uf ILer�der'S l�.ights in the pro��r�y. �f Borrower fails �o p�rf�rm �he c��enan�s ax�d a�re�m�n�s <br /> cQntained�n thi�� Secur��y Instrum�nt, ar there is�lega�pra�eeding�ha�may s�gn�f�cant�y affec�Lender's righ�s in <br /> �he Property �s�.�ch as a pr�ceedir�g �n bankrup���, pr�bate, for conc�e�nna��on or f�rfeitur� �r ta enfarce ��.v�s ar <br /> regulatians}, �hc�n L�nder may d� and pay ��r �h.atever is ne�ess�ry t� .protec� the value �f the Property and <br /> Lender's�ights in the PrQp�rty.Lender's ac�zons r�ay inc�ud�paying any su�ns secu�red by a�xen which has prior��y <br /> a�er th�s Secur��ty�nstrument, app�ar�ng�n��ur�,pa��n�reas�nab��attorne�s'fees and en�ering an the Proper�y�o <br /> make re�airs.A�tho�gh Lender may�a�e ac�i�n u�der this se�t�an,Lend��does n��ha��to do sa. <br /> Any am�unts d�isbursed by Lender under this secti�n shall bec�m� additio��a� debt of�nrrower secur�d �y this <br /> �ecurifi� Instrurnen�. U�less Barrovver and Lender agree t� other �erms �f�aayrnent, �hese amaunts sha�l bear <br /> C�2��4-2Q15 Compiiance Systexr�s,Tnc.CBEB-B5b4-2�15,12.2.11 I2 <br /> Const�mer Real Estate-Security Instrunie�t DL�036 Pa�e 2 of 5 www.�ompliancesys#ems.�aan <br />