<br /> 2� 1 ��7231
<br /> T`ransfer of the�'r�per�y or a�3�nef�cia��nt�r�st in �3�rro��r. �f a�I�r a�ny par�of�he Prflperty or any�nterest
<br /> in i� is sold ar transferred �or if a ber�efc�al in�eres� i��. Bo��r��er is s��d ar tra�nsferred and Borrflv�er �s na� a
<br /> na�ural p�rs�n) �ri�hout Lender's prior vWritt�n ��ns���, Lender may, at its apt��n, require �mmed�a�e paymen� in
<br /> fu�l af a�l sums secured by �h�s �ecur�ty �ris�-ur�en�. Hovvever, �his op�iom shall na� b� e�er�ised by Le�d�r �f
<br /> exer�ise�s proh�b��ed by fed�ral law as of�he date of.���is Securi�y�nstrun�en�.
<br /> If L�nder exer�ises this �p��an, Lerid�r shall g�ve Borrovver notice of acr��erat�on. T�e not�ce shatl pr�v�de a
<br /> peri�d of n�t le�s �han �he minimum number �f da�s estabiished by Appl��able Law from �he da�e �he n�t�ce is
<br /> delivered or ma:iled wi�h�n �hich Barrower must �ay aX� sums securec� by th�� Security �nstrumen�. �f Ba�rov��r
<br /> fails t� pay �he�e su�ns prior t� �he expira��o� of this period, Lender may ���woke any remed��s permit�ed l�y �h�s
<br /> Se�urity Ir�s�rument withou�fur�her noti�e Qr de�nan�on Borro�ver.
<br /> �orro�er's Ri�ht t� R�i�s�ate. �f Borro�er �mee�s cer�ain candi�ior�s, B�rrower sha�1 have �he r�ght to hav�
<br /> enf�r�ernenl:�f�his S�cur�ty Instrument discon�inU�d at any time prior to��e earlier af �a} 5 days �or such o�her
<br /> period as A�pl���able Law rnay specify for reinsta�ement}before sa�e of the Proper�y pursuan�to any power of sal�
<br /> �ontaine�l in �his Secur��.y Ins�rument; or �U� en�ry af a judgmen� erifor�ir�g this�Secur�ly Xnstrumen�. Those
<br /> c�ndi�i�ns are tha� B�rr�v�er: �a} pays Lender aIl sums whi�h then �v�u�d be due und�r th�s Securi�ty Inst�-ument
<br /> and the�ontrac�as if no acce�eration had occu�-red;(b}cur�s an�defau���f�n��ther caverian�s or agreemer�ts;�c�
<br /> pays a�l expens�,s iri�ttrred in enfo�cing�his;S���ri�y rnstrument,�nc�i�ding,��t n���imi�ted to,reasonable at��rneys'
<br /> fees�o��he e��e1�t perm�tted by �aw; and(d}take5 suci�ac�ion as Lender may reasonably re�uire�o assure t�at the
<br /> l�en of�his Se���rity �nstrument, Lender's ri�hts in�h�P��perty and�orrov�er's obl�gation to pay�he sums se�ured
<br /> �y this S�curi�y �ns�rumen� shal� �ontinue uncha�g�d. �Jpon reinsta�emen� �by Bo�r�wer, �h�s Securi�y rnstrumen�
<br /> and�he �b�igations secu�-ed hereby shall remair� fu�ly effec�i�e as �f n� acce�eratifln�ad occurred. H�vvever, th�s
<br /> right�o r�ins�a���sha11 na�app�y ir��he case o�acce�zra��an under the se�tic�n titl�d Transfer af the 1'rop�rty�r a
<br /> ��nefic�a�In�e;res#�in B�rrower.
<br /> Hazardaus ����stances.���-rov��r sha�i n�t cause`or per�n���he presence, u�e, d�sposa�, st�rage, or r�le�.se af any
<br /> Hazardal�s Su��►�anc�s ari or in�he proper�y. B�rrov�rer shali��o�do,n�r a�1ow ar��one�els��o do,any�h�ng affec��ng
<br /> the Proper�y tha� is in v�alatian of any En�i�-o�menta� Lav�r. The pr�cedin� �wo sen�en�es shal� na� app�y �o the
<br /> presen�e,u�e,or s�orag�or��he Prope�-t�y_of sxna�l quan�i�ies of Ha�ardous Subsfances tha�are general�y recagmi2�d
<br /> to be appr�pria�:e�o��rmal resident�a�uses and ta main�enan�e�f tl��Pr���r�y.
<br /> Borrower sha�l�promp�ly gi�e Lender v�-i�ten�a��ce�f any in�estig�t�an,clair�, demand, lawsu�t or other ac�ion by
<br /> any ga�ernm�n-tal or regulatary agency or pr��al:e party invol�ing �he 1'ra���r�y arid any Hazardous Su�stance ar
<br /> Env�ranmer�tal Lavv of wh��h B�rrawer has act�al kn�w�edge. If B�r�ra��r �earns, or is �o�ified by any
<br /> go�ernm�n�ai o:r regu�a�ary au�har�#.y,�ha�any re�no�al�r o�her remedia�i�n of an�r�3a�ardous Substanc�affec��ng
<br /> the Pr�per�y is� �ecessary, �orro�rer shai� pr�xn�tl� �a�e al� �ec�ssa�y rerned�al �ac�i�ns in acc�rdanc� w��h
<br /> En�ir�nmer��a���av�.
<br /> As used �n�h�s paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are �hose substances de#��ned as�ax�� �r hazardous substances
<br /> by En��ronmenta� Lav� and the following subs�an�es: gasoline, keros�ne, other f��.m�nab�e or tax�c pet�o�eum
<br /> �r�ducts, ��x�c pestic�des and herbi�ides, vo��tile solven�s,�materia�s cnntainirig asbes�os or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive mat�erials. As used in�his paragrap�h, �'E��ironmen�a� La�"n�ea�s federal�aws and�av�s af�h�s�a�e af
<br /> NeUras��.tha�r��late to hea�th,safety or env�ro�:meri����aro�ectian.
<br /> A��e�erati�n; �L�e�n�dies. Lender.sha�� gi�e na�ic� to �orrawer pri�r t� a�c�leratian fol�ow�ng B�rr�v�er's
<br /> ��-each �f an��c��enan��r agre��nen�im th��S���r�t�lnstr��me���o�th�e C�n�rac� under�vhich ac�eleration
<br /> is p�rmi�ted (h�ut n�� pri�r to a�ce�erat�an und���th�s��tion �i�l�d Tr��sfer of�h��rap�r�y ar a Benef�c�a�
<br /> In��r�est in ��rrow�r, unless Applicab�e lL�� pr�vides oth�rw�s�}. Th� no�t�ce�h�l� spec�fy: ��) the d�fau��s
<br /> ��} �he ac�i�m r�quired t� cu�-e �the defau��; �:�} a da�e, no� les� th�n th� mi�imum nu�ber of days �
<br /> es�ab�ished by Applic�b��I.�aw�rom th�dat��he�otice is gi�en �t��3arro�ver, by vWh�c]h the defaul�rr�u�t be
<br /> cured; and �d} that failure ta cure the def�uit an or befo�-e the date ��ecif�e� in the �nvtice gnay �e�ul� �n
<br /> accelera�ior� �:� the su�ns secured b� th�s �ecu r�ty Ins�rument �nd 5a1� of �he Pr�perty. To �he extent
<br /> perr�itted b� IE�w, �he noti�e sh�li fur�h�r inf�rm Borrovver uf the rig����o rei�s�ta�e after accelerati�� and
<br /> th�r��ht t�br�ing���urt�ction to asser-�th�rnon-existe�ce of a dlef�ult�r�ny�ther defense��Borr�w�r�a
<br /> acc�l�ra�ivn a��d s�ie. If the d�fau�t is n�t ��red �n vr befar� th�date�pec�fied�n the notice, Lex�der at �ts
<br /> option may requfre immediate paymen� in fuli af al� sum� secu�-�d �y this �e�urity Instru�n�nt v+v�thout
<br /> fur�her dem�nd �.nd r�ay �nvoke the po�v�r nf���e a�d ��� oth�r° r���dies permit��d by Applic�b�� Lavv.
<br /> T� �he ex�en� p�r�it�ed b� �av�, Lender s���� �� ent�t��d �a c�olie�t ��� �xpenses in�curred in pursui�g the
<br /> r��nedie� provi�ded in �his Sectio�, �n�ludir�g� bu� n���i�ited ��q �-ea�on�bie attarneys' fee�and costs�f��tle
<br /> e�idence.
<br /> If tl�e p�v�er�:�sale is �n�aked, T'rus�ee sh��� rec�r� a n�otic�af�lefau�t i� each county�n which any par�of
<br /> the Pr�per�y ��► located and.sha��mail copie�o�f such na���� �� th� �anner pre5cri�ec� by Appl�cabie I1aw tn
<br /> Borr�wer and �o th� �the�- per�ons presc�-ibe�d �by .A�ppl�ca�l� ��w. A�ter the t�me r�quired by .��p�icable
<br /> L�w, Trustee ;shali give public notice of 5a�e tv th� persor�s an� �� t�ne manner prescr�bed by .�pp�icabl�
<br /> Law. 'I'ru�tee,v�vith�ut�emand on I3arr�v�er,�h��l sei��he�roperty a���ubl�c auction tv�h�high�s� bidd�r
<br /> at the time ancl p�a�e a�a�u�de�°th�ter�s des�gr�ated�n the nafic�a�'salle in�ne ar m��•e parc���and�n any
<br /> order Tru��e� det��-min�s. Tr��stee ma� po�tpan� sa�� �f ali �r a�y parce� of the Proper�� �y public
<br /> announceme��a��he tim�and place of an��r�v�ux�s���c�e�uled s���.�..�ender or i�s designee may�urc�.ase
<br /> the Proper��a�a�y sa�e.
<br /> L�pon re�eipt��f�aymen� of th� price hid, '�`r�s�e� s�a�� d�l��ve� �o �he pur�haser'�`rus�ee's d�ed �on�eying
<br /> th�1'rap�rty. r�'he re�i�als �n th�Trus�ee's d�ed �l�a�� be pr�na� f�cie e�vid�nce of th��ruth of�he stat�n�ents
<br /> C�24�4-2015 Carr�pliance Systems,Tnc.CBEB-B5�4-2a15,12.2,1132
<br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-Sectirity Instrument DL2�35 Pa�e 4 af� wti�+w,�ompliancesystems.cam
<br />