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2� 1 ��723� <br /> �.nspe�tinn. Lender or �ts ag�n� �nay make reaso��able en�ries up�n and �nspect�ons of��ae Pr�per�y. Lender shall <br /> give Borrflwer notice a��he�i�ne af�r pr�nr�a an�nspec�ian spec�fying reasonable cause far�he inspect�flr�. <br /> �'andemnat�an. T�ae pro�eeds of any award�r cla�m for da�nages, d�rect or cansequen�ia�, �n c�nnec�ian vv�tl� any <br /> �ondemna�ion ar o�her�ak�ng of any par��f�l�e F�ra�er�y, or fax conveyance in 1�eu af c�pdemn�.�ian, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha��be paid�o Lender. <br /> In �he even� of a t��a� �ak�ng of�he Prape�-�y, the pr�ceeds sha�� be app�ied �� the sums secured by �his Security <br /> �nstrumen�, �he�her �r not �l�en due, w�th any exce�s pa�d t� �arr�wer. �n �he even� �f a par��a� tak�ng of the <br /> Property i�� w��ich �he fa�r market �va�ue �f�l�e Proper�y ir�r�n�ed�a�ely before ���e �ak�ng is equal �o or greater�han <br /> �he am�un� of the sums secured b� �h�s Secur��y Xns�rurn�ent immedia�ely befor� ���e tak�ng, un�ess Barr�v�er and. <br /> Lender o�herw�se agt-ee �n w�riting, �he �u�ns secure�by this Security�ns�rument s��a�l �e reduced by�he amoun�af . <br /> �he proceeds mu�tipl�ed by�he fa���w�ng frac��on: �a}���e���a�amaunt of��e sums secured �m��ediate�y befflre t��e <br /> tak�ng, d��v�ded �y �b} �he fa��r marke� �a�ue of the Prope�-�y immed�a�ely bef�re �he �al��ng. A��y �alance shai� be <br /> paid �o Borro�er. �n t�ae even� of a part�a� tak�ng flf the Property �n �vhich t��e fa�r marke� val��e �f�he Prflper�y <br /> i�nmed�a�ely hefgre �he �ak�ng �s �ess ihan th� arn�u�t of�he sums secured �mmediate�y bef�re �he �aking, unles� <br /> Borrav�er and Lender o�herv�is� agree �n vvri�i_r�g or uri�ess �.ppli�able Law o�herv�r�se provides, �he pra�eeds sha�l <br /> be applied�o�he surns secured by�his Security�nstrumen�vvl�e�h�r or no��he sums are�hen due. <br /> If�he Pr�pert� is abandoned by Borro�ver, or �f, after not�c� by Len�er�o Borrow�r�ha��he�andemn�r�ffers to <br /> make an avvard�r�et��e a clai�n f�r damages, B���ra�ver fails�o respand to Lender w���in�h� minimuin number of <br /> days es�abl�shed�y Appl�cable La�w after�he da�e���e n����e�s gi�ert, Lend�r is authorized�a�fl�lec�and app�y�he <br /> pro�eeds, a� �ts op�ion, ei�her �o res�orat��n or r�pa�r af�the ProperCy �r to fihe sums secured �y �his Securi�y <br /> �nstru�nen�,whe�her ar not then due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borro��r a�hez-v�r�se agree in �ri�ing, any app�ica��on of pra�eeds �� prin�ipal sha�I na�e��e��d <br /> or pas�pone�he due date of�he payments due under the��ntrac�or change the amflu�lt af such paymen�s. <br /> Borraw�r �at R��eased; �`arbearance �3� L�nder �ot a �Va��er. Extensia�� �f �he ��me for pay��ep� �r <br /> mod.if��atian af am�r��zation of�he sums secured l�y �l�xs Secur��.y �nstrument gran�ed by Lender�o Barrower or <br /> any successar �n in�eres� a�' S�rrovver sha�� T�a� �pera�e �a re�ease the l�a�iiity af �he �r�ginal Borro�er or <br /> B�rrov�er's su�cessors �n �nteres�: Lender s}�all n��be required t� �o�n�nence proceedings aga�ps�any successor in <br /> �n�erest or refuse�a e��end�x�n�for paymen�or o�her�nrise modify amor�i2ation of�l�e su�ns secured by this Se�ur��y <br /> Ins�rument b� reason of ar�y demand made by �he or�g�l�a� Borra�er or Borrawer's success�rs in inter�s�. Any <br /> forbeara��ce by Lender in exercising any righ�ar remedy sha�l na#:be a�vai�er of Q�pre�lude �he exercise af any <br /> r�ght�r remedy. <br /> Successors and Assi�ns B�und; Jo�nt and Severa�� Liabi��ty; Acc�mmoda��on Sig�xer�. The co�ena���s and. <br /> abreements of this Security �nstru��e��shalZ b�r�d and beneft�l�e successors and �.ss�gns of Lender and B�rro�ver, <br /> subject �o �he pr�visions of se�tion �itled Transfer of the Property ar a Sen���ia� �n�ere�� �n Borraw�r. <br /> Barr�wer's c�venants and ag�-ee�nen�s sha�l be jain�and severai. .�.ny person whn co-s��r�s t��is Security �nstru�nent <br /> bu� has no p�rsonal ���.bili�y under th� �on�rac� �"�1.ccammoda�ian Srg�er"�: �a� �s co-s�g��ing �his Security <br /> �n��rument �nly �o xnor�gage, gran� and �on�ey ���a� ,�.ccamm�dation ��gne�-'s �n�e�-est �n �he Proper�y under �h� <br /> �er�ns of �he Secur��y �nstrumen�; �b� �s no� pezs�na��y ob�igat�d �o pay the su�ns se�u�-ed by ���is Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rument; and�c} agrees#ha� Lend�r and an�o�her_Borr�vver��nay agree to ex�end, mod�fy, fo�bear or make any <br /> acc�mmada�ians�ri�h�erms of�his Securi�y Instrumen�or�he�ont�ac�w���ioUt t�aa��ccommodati�n <br /> S�g�aer's�ansent. <br /> �oan Charges. �f�h� �oan secured by th�s S�curity �ns�rum�nt �s subject to a �ativ vcrhich se�s max�mum Ioan. <br /> cha�-ges, and that lavv is fna��y interpre�ed sa t��ar the interest or ather ��an c��arges c�llected or�o be c�I�ec�ed in <br /> connect�an w��h th� Iaan ex��ed �he permi�fied ��mi��, ���en: �a� apy such loan c��arge shal� be reduced by the <br /> am�unt necessary�o reduce.the charge�a�he perm�t�ed ���-ni�s ar�d ��}any sums alr�ady col�ected fro�n B�r��v�er <br /> v�h�ch exceeded per�n���ed l�mi�s �v�l� be refunded �o Bt�rrawer. Lend�r r-nay c��oose to make �his refupd by <br /> reducing the princ�pal owed under�he Con�rac� �r b� mak�ng a d�rect paym�n� ta B�orrovver. If a refund reduces <br /> pri�acipa�,���e reduc��on vv�ll�e treated as a par�ial prepaymen�under�he�on�ract. <br /> No��ces. Any na�ice �a Sarr�wer prov�ded for xn �h�s S�cur��y �ns�rumen� sha�� be gi��n by de�i�er�ng �� or by <br /> mail�r�g�t by f�rst c�ass rr�a��unless,�ppli�able Lav�rec�uires use of another me�hod. Tl�e natice sha�l be directed to <br /> the Proper�y Address �r any other address Borro�er designates by no�ice �o Lender. Borrav�er agrees �o pr���de <br /> Lend�r�vi�h �or�rov�er's mos� current mai�ing address, as �t ma� change fro��n �ime-�a-tir�e. Any no�i�e �fl Lender <br /> s��a��be g��en hy firs�class rr�a�l�o Lender`s address s�a�e�herein or any o�her address Lender designa�es by no���e <br /> ��B�rrovver. Any n�tice provided for in�I�is S�curi�y�i�strumenfi shal�be deemed�a��ave�e�r� given tfl Borrawver <br /> ar Lender v�hen gi�en as provided�n th�s paragraph. <br /> ���erning Law; Se�erabi��ty. T��is Secur��y Instrument s��ail be governed by federa��a�v and���e la�s Qf�he sta�e <br /> af Nebraska. In �he e��n� t�ia� any pro��s�on or clau�� of���is Securi�y �ns�rumen� or the �on�ract Gonflic�s ���la <br /> App��cab�e Law, such canflict s��al� not affec� 4�her pro�is��ns of this Securi�y In��rum�n� or t��e ��n�rac� wl�i�h <br /> cap be g��en effect vv��h�u�t�ae�o��f��c��ng pro�ision. T�this end�he pr���sions of�his S��ur�ty �ns�rument and t��e <br /> �on�ract are declared to be severable. <br /> Borrower's Copy. Borravv�r shall be g��en flne c�py af�his Security�ns�rument. <br /> Transfer af the Pro��r���r a B�n�f�cial �nt�rest�n Borrawer. �f a�l �r any part�f the Proper�y��any in�eres� <br /> �n �� is sald or �ransferred �ar if a beneficial �zntierest in Barrawer is sold or transfer�-ed and Borrower is n�t a <br /> na�ura� person� w�thou� Lender's priar writ�en �onsent, Lender may, at its �p��an, require �mme�ia�e pa�m�pt �n <br /> C�2004-2�I 5 Compliance Systems,Tnc.G l 8A-D,�99-2�I 5.12.3.�.I l I 5 <br /> Cor�sumer Reai Estate-Security Instrurrtent DL2036 Pa�e 3❑f5 www.carr��liancesystcrr�s.cor� <br />
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