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2� 1 ��723� <br /> Appii��bi� I..1�v�v. As used in �l�is �ecuri�y �ns�rumen�, t��e �e��n "Appiicable La�v" sh�l� mean a�� c�ri�roll��g <br /> appl�cab�e fede�-al, stat� �nd ��cai s�a�utes, �•eg�i�.�i��s, ard�nan�es and administrative ru�es and orde�s ��la�t have <br /> �he effe��:of�a�}as v�ell as a��a�p�icable f�at;n�on-��p�ea�a���judic�a����nions. <br /> �ha�-ges; I�i�r�s. Barravver sha�l pa� a�� �aa��s, asse�smeni;s, cha�ges, fines ar�d in�positians a�tr�butable �o �he <br /> Property wh�ch znay atta�n pr�flrity ave��h�s Sec�ri�y�nst�•umen�, �.�d leasehold payn�en�s or grourld ren�s, if any. <br /> At�he request�f Lender,B�rr-owe�shall promptiy fi.�rn�sh to L�nder�eceipts evidenciYig the pay�nen�s. <br /> B�rra�er shall prflmp�ly d�scharge any 1i�n�hich has pri�r��:y o�er�his Security Ins�rumen�unless ��rrov�er: �a� <br /> agrees in wr��ing to �:he pa�ment of�11e �bl�gat�fln secured �y �he ��en �n a manner accep�ab�e �a �e�de�; �b� <br /> cantes�ts in g�ad fa��h th� lien by, o� defe��s agains� enfar��men� of��e li�n �n, ��ga� praceed�ngs ���ich in the <br /> L�nder's a��nian operate to �reWen� the en�orc�men� af the lie�; ar ��} �ecures fr�m �l�e h��der �f the �ien an <br /> agree�nent sa�isfactary ta Lender subard�na�ing�he �i�n�a this Secu�•i�y Ins�trume�nt. �f Len�er deterrn�nes tha� any <br /> part of the Pr�perty �s sub�ect to a lien v�hich may a.t�ain priari� a�ve��his �ecurit� �ns�umen�, L�nder�nay give <br /> Barrav�er a no�ice �dent�fyi�g the �ien. Borr�wer sh�.�� sa�isfy the ���n ar�ake one or mc�re of�he ac�io�s set forth <br /> above v�i�hin �4 days�f��e gi�ring of notice. <br /> �Iazard. or Prmpe�-ty �nsurance. Borr�vver s�al�keep�:he improvemen�s now e�isting�r hereafter erec�ed an the <br /> Prape��y�nsured aga���s��oss b�f�re,�azards i�c�ude�within�he terrr�"e�t�nded co�erage" and an��th�r h�zards, <br /> including flo�ds ar f��ndir�g, for v�hic�� Lencie�- requi�-es insuran�e. T��s insurance shall be ma.�n�ained �n �he <br /> amou���s and far�1�e per�ods that Lender requires. The �nsurance carri�r pravid�ng the�nsurance shall be chosen by <br /> Barraw�r sub��ct �o Lende�'s approva� �l�ich sha�l no� be u��reaso�a��y r�v��hhe�d. �f�arrav�er fai�s t� ma�r�tain <br /> coverage described abo�e, Lender may, a� Lender's o�t��n, abtai�� co�� �o prot�c� Lender's righ�s �n �he <br /> Prflper�y in a�cordar�ce wi���section��tl�d lP�-ot�c�ian o�L��.d�r's ��ght����th�Pr��er�y. <br /> AIl �nsurance po�i�ies ar�d renewa�s s���l� be a�cep�able �a L�nde�- �nd sh���.l �nc�ude a standard mor�g�ge c�au�e. <br /> Lex�der sha�l haWe�he righ�ta h��d�he pa1���es a��d renevva�s. �f��r�der rec�ui�-es, B��-rawe�shal�pr�r�p�ly give to <br /> Lender all re�e�pts af paid premiu�ns and r�r�ew�� i1��ices. �n �he event�f loss, Borr��ver sha11 gi�e p�orrap�n��ice <br /> ���he�nsura�ce�arrie�and Lend���.I�ender may�nal�e proaf of lass i��no�m.ade prompt�y by Borra�rer. <br /> Un�ess Le�ader and Barr�w�r �therwise agr�e �� v��-i��ng, �nsura���e �Y-�ceeds s�.a�l �e applied fia res�ora�ion or <br /> repair �f the P�-operty damaged, �f, ir� Lender�s �oie discretian, �h� res�arat�o�� or re�air �s ec�nor��cal�y feasible <br /> and Lender's secur��y �s not tessened. rf, im Lender's sole ��scret���, �he r���orat�an �r repair �s no� ec�r�o�nica�ly <br /> feas�b�e ar Lender's security would�be��sser�ed,�;he�nsurance pr�ceed�sha�l be app�ied to�he sums securcd b�this <br /> Securi�y lnstrumen�, whe�her ar not t�en due, vvi�h ai�y exc�ss �aid to Borr�vt�er. �� Borrovver a�and�ns �he <br /> Pro�er�y, or do�s n��ans�ver�i�hin�he nu���ber of days�rescribed b�App�i�ah�e Law as se�for�h i.n a.n�tice from <br /> Lender t� Borrower tha�the insuranc� carr�er has o��ered�o s����e a �laim, �hen Lender�na�c���ect��ae insurance <br /> praceeds. Ler�der may use �he pr��eeds t� �epai�- �r res�ore the Pro��er�y flr to pa� sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrurnent,v�rh��her or no�.�hen due.The per�o�of��m�foY�Borr�v�e��to a��wer as set f�r�h in�he n€�ti�e v�ill beg�n <br /> wher��he no�ice is given. <br /> Unless L�nde�-and Bflrr�wer o�herwise agree in�v�rr��inb, a��}�appl���tion o�proceeds to princ�pal �ha��not e�tend <br /> �r pos�pone�he due da�e of�he payments due under�he Con�ract or chang��he arnoun�of the pay�.erit�. If under <br /> the �e�t�on title�A����era��an; R�med�es, t�e �roperty �s acquired b�Le��der, Borrower's right�o any insuran�e <br /> po�ici�s and proceeds resul�ing from da�nage �o ���e Proper�y prio��a ��e acquis�ti�n sha�l �ass t� Lernde� �o ���e <br /> extent of the su�-ns secured by�his Securi��ns�ru�nen�immedia�e�y pzriflr�o�he acquis��i�n. <br /> Pre�erv��ion, Ma�n�e�anc� an� �r�t�c�i�n �� th� ����erty; �v�-r�w�er�s ��a� �ip��i�ati�m; L�as�holds. <br /> Borr�wer sha�l�o�destro�, damage or impair the Pr��er��, allo��h� Pr�p�r�y�fl de�e�-iarate, or comrn��vvas�e on <br /> �:1��PraperCy. �3orrov�er sl�al�be�n defaul��f any f�rf�i�u�re ac���� or proceecling,whe��er civi�ar criuninal,is begun <br /> �ha� in Lende�-'s gaod faith j udgmen� cou�d�•esult in for�fe��ure of th� Pr�p�r�y or otherwise ma�er�ally irr�pair�he <br /> lien created by this Se�uri�.y �ns�rument ar L.ender's sec�.�r��� in��rest. Borra�er may cure su�h a defa�.��t and <br /> �-e�n��a�e, as pro�ided in sec��on�i�led ��r�����-°� �.�ght �� I2�in���te, by causing the ac��on �r proceedinb ta be <br /> ��5I7��55eC��1��`1�,I U�.ing�h�.�, in Lender's gaad fai�h c�etermina�ion,preclude�f�rfeifiure af the Borr��ver's inter�st in <br /> the Proper�y �r a�her material �mpair��en� �f the [ie�� ��eat�d by �his �ecuri�y �ns�rumen� or L�nder's s��urity <br /> in�erest.Borr��nrer shali a�s�b��n defa�l�if��rrower,during�he ioan app�ication pr�cess,gave rna��ria��y�' ar <br /> ��a�cura�e inf���ma��on or s�a�eme��s to Lend�r �o�- �a��ed �� pro��de Lender vvith any materia� �nfarmat�on} in <br /> connect��n wi���;he �oa�. �v�denc�d by�:he �ol�trac�. �f this �ecurity ���s�rur�-��n� is on a Ieaseh��d, L�rr�w�r shal� <br /> comply�nr����aII�l�e pr�vis�o�s af�:he�ease. �f Borr�wer acquir�s fe��i�le�a the P�-�perty,the�easehold and�he fee <br /> t��le shall no�m�rge u��less I�ender a�.-ees t�t�ie merg��-in wr��i�g. <br /> Pr��ectio� �f ;�:,ender's �.t�g��ts �n th� Prmp�r���. �f�a�-r��er fai�s �� perf�rm �he cn�ena�n�s �nd agreements <br /> c�ntained in 1:his Secur��y�nstru�nen�:, or�here is a�ega�prnceeding�hat�na.y signif�cari�ly affec�LcnderFs r�g�a�s �n <br /> the Prape�-�y �such as � procee��ng i� ban��-uptcy, p�-aba�e, f��- ca�d.emna�ian or f�rfeiture ar �o �nf�rce �aws ar <br /> regu�a��ans�, th�n L�nder may do and pay fa�- �nr��a��ver �s necess�ry �� pro�ect t��e va�ue of th� Pr�perty and <br /> Lencler's r�gh�.s�n t�e Prop��-ty� Lender's ac�i�ns rnay inciude p�.y�n�ar�y su�ns secured by a li�n whi�h h�,s�rior��y <br /> o�er this Security�nstrumen�, appe�.r�ng�n�our�,paying reasonable a��orneys'fees and en�er�ng an�:he Pr�perty to <br /> make repa�rs.Alth�ugh Lender may�ake ac�ion�.���de��his s�c�i�n,�L�nde�-d�es not��ave�a do sa. <br /> Any am�u7��s disbursed by Lender und�r this sec�ian shall b��ame add����nal deb�: of B�rr�vver secured by �his <br /> �ecuri#y �nstrumen�. Unless Borr�v�er and �.ender agree �:o othe�- �er�r�s �flf paymen�, �hese am��an�s �ha�� bear <br /> inieres� from �he da�� of disbursement a� �he same �-a�e assessed on ad�ances unde�- the �antra�� an�i shal� be <br /> payable,v���h in�eres�,upan n��ice fr�m Lende�-�o�o��-�wer reques��ng pa�r�en�. <br /> C�2004-2�15 Campliance Systeans,�nc.618A-D49�-2�i 5.I2,3.�.11 15 <br /> Cansur�er Reat Estate-Seccirity Ins�nir�ent DL2a36 Page 2 of 5 www.can�pliancesysten� <br />