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2� 1 ��723� <br /> ful� of a�� sums secured by �h�s Security I��stru�nent. Ho���r�r, t�ai� �p�ia� shal� n�� be exerc�sec� h� Ler�der if <br /> e�er�ise is pr�h��bited by federai law as of�he dat��f this Security��ns�rurr�e�t. � <br /> �f Lend�r e�ercises �his �p�i��, �ender shal� �i�e Bo�ravver no�i�� �f acce�erati�n. T��e nat�ce sha�l pr�v�de a <br /> peria� a�no� ��ss �ha� ���e min�mu�n numbe� �f days estab�ishe�i by .App�icable Law fram the da�e th� n���c� �s <br /> deli�ered ar �nai�ed wi�h�n whi�h Barr�v�er- must pay all sums se��.red �y� t���s Se�uri�r �ns�rument. rf I3�rr��nrer <br /> fa��s t� pay the�e sums pr�or to �he e�pira�ion of t��is periad, Lender x�ay in�o�e an�r rem�dies pern�it�ed b� �his <br /> �ecur��y Instrur�ent without fur�her notice��d��an�on B�rrav��r. <br /> I��rr�weri� Ri�h� ta laeinsta�tee �f Barrawer �-r�ee�s cer�a��� �ondi#;�ons, �o�rower shall ha�e the r�g�t �� ha�� <br /> enfarcemep�of�his Securi�y �ns�ument disc�n�i�ued at any �irn� pr��r�o the earlier af: �a} 5 days (ar suc� other <br /> peri�d as Ap�l icabl� Law may s�a�cify fa�reins��tenzen��h�fore sa�e of�he�'r�perty pursuant�o any po�ver of sale <br /> cantained in �his Secur��y �xastrument; or �b} en�ry of a judgmen� enfo��ing th�s Sec�rity Instrum�n�. Those <br /> candi���ns are that Borrower: �a� pays Ler���r a�l s��ms which�he� wau�d be due under this Security �nst�ument <br /> and�he�ontrac�as�f n�acce�eration had o�curred; (b}cures a��d�faul�of any atl�er�ovenan�s�r agreeme�ts;�c} <br /> pa�s a�l e�pens�s incurred�n enforcing�h�s Secu�-�ty Ins�r�a��.e���:, ��cludi�g,bu�not li7r�i�ed�o,reasona�bl�at��rr�eys' <br /> fees�o the e��ent permitted by�ativ; a�d �d}ta�tie� such action as L�r�d�r may r�asonab�y re�uire�o ass�re�ha��he <br /> lien of�his Security�ns�ru�ne���, Lender's rights �n�h� Property and �o�-r�vver's obligat�o�to pay�he sum.s secured <br /> by �his Se�uri� InsrruYr��r�t sha1l c�ntinue �.���c��a�aged. Upo�a re�ns�a��men�b� B�rra�ver, th�s Security �r�s��urne�� <br /> a�d the ab��ga�:�ons secured hereby s�ail re�air� ful�y effec��r�� as �f no ac��lerat�on had o�curred. H�vsre��r, this <br /> righ�to r�insta�� sha�l n�1:apply zn the case af ac�e�era�:�on��nder�he sec�i�j��i��ed Tr�n�f��of the Praperty or a <br /> �en��cial In�er�s�i� ��rr�vv�r. � � � <br /> I-��zard�us�u��s�ancese �o�-ov�er s��all n���ause or permi�the pr�s�nc�,�.�s�, disposal, storage, or releas� af any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on�r in�he Prn�e�.y.Borro�ver sha�l na�do,��r a�l�>w an}�o�ne e�se�fl da,anyth�ng affe��ing <br /> �l�e Proper�y that is in vifll�.t�on af any EnV�ran�nenta� Lav�r. The preceding �vvo sen�ences sha�l n�� app�y �a �he <br /> presence,use,c�r storage�n���e Property af s�-nal�quantxties af Hazard�us Subs�an�es�t��a�are genera�ly r���gnize�. <br /> t�be appr�pr�a�e�o n�r�r�a�res��entia�uses a�d��main�enance af�he Property. <br /> B�rrow�r sha��pr�mp��y g��e�,ender�vrit�en n�t�Ge of any i����s�iga�ion,�la�m, demand,�awsuit ar��he�ac�i�n by <br /> any �o�v�rnrnentai ar �ebulat�ry agency ar pr�vate par�y in�o�vi�g �:h� �ro�er�y and any Hazardous Su�stan�e ar <br /> En�ir�nlnenta� Lav� af which Borrov�er has a��ua� k��owvl�dge. If Bo�n-ov�er �ea�ms, or is n�tifi�d by an� <br /> governn�en�al or reg��la�a�y author�ty,tha�any re�m�v�.l or��her�-em���a.ti�n�f an�Ha2ard�us Subs�ance a�fe��ing <br /> the Propert� is necessary, Bo�ro�er sha�l promptly �ake a�� nec�ssary remed�a� �acti�ns in ac�arda�ce vvi�h <br /> En�ir�nmen�a�Lav�r. � <br /> As used in t��is paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�:anc�s" are those s�bsta��ces de�ned as toxic or ha�ard�us su���ances <br /> b� En�ir�nme��al Lau� and �he f�l�or�ing �ubs�ances: gaso�i��e, k��•os�ne, o�hei flamrnable or t�x�C pe�raleum <br /> produc�s, toxic pesticides �nd herb�ci�es, �oia�i�e s�iven�s, rnate�i�.�s con�a�ning asbest�s or f�rn-�a�dehyde, and <br /> radioa�tiWe ma�erials. As use�in�h�s parag�ap�, "En�ironmen�al La�v" means federal�av�s and laws�f�he state of <br /> Neb�aska tha�r��ate to�eal��,safe�y Qr envir�nr�ental pro�e�ti�n. <br /> Acce��ra�i�r�g �emedie�. �ender �ha.�� g��� r����c� t� ��rr��er �r�ar i:a acceiera�i�n fo��flw�ng B�rrov�er'� <br /> brea�h of a�y��ve�i�n��r agr��r����in�h�s����u�-i�y ������m�������h�C���tra�t under which ���el�r�tion <br /> �s pe�-�n�t��� ��ut n�t pr��r #� acc��er��iar� �nder th�s����vn ���l�d Tran�fe�of the I'r�per�y or a �er�ef���a� <br /> �nteres� in B��-ra�er, ��nl��s App�icabl� Law pr��id�s othe�-�����. '�`h�: r��t�ce sha�l specify: ��} the d�fau�t; <br /> �b} th� acti�� r�qu�red �� cur� th� d�f���t; ��� � date, �o� less ��nan t��e minimum numbe�- aif day5 <br /> esta���sh�d by�pp�icab��L�w �'rorn �h�da���he�o�ice is�i�er� �� B�rrower, �y��hich the defau�t must b� <br /> �ured; and �d� tha� fai�u�e t� cu�re the d�fau�� ��� vr b�fore the da�e �p�cifie� �n th� na�ice �nay �-esul� in <br /> a�c���ra��or� �f �he �ums s�cur�d �� ��i� ��c�rity �����r�mer�� anc� �a�e a� �he I'raper�y. '�'❑ the e��en� <br /> p�rr�a���d by ��av�� �he �at�c��h��l fur�h�r ir�forn� �t�rr�w�r�f t�h� r�g��t �v re�nsta�e after accelerat��n and <br /> the right���r��g a c�urt act�o�� �o a��er�th��on--���s�t�nce of a�f�faul��r an��fher defense of�orr�w�r ta <br /> acce���-a�i�� a��c� ���e. I�'��e def�uit is ��.�c�red vn or 8befnre th� dat� specifi�d. �n th� nat�ce, Lenc�e��t its <br /> ap�i�n may requ��re ir��ed��t� pay�en� �n frull nf ��� sur�� �ec���� �y thi� Securi�y Instru�r�.ent r�ithout <br /> fur�her dQna�nd �nd n�ay ������ �h� p�vv��- af s�le anc� ��� ❑�h�er r���d�es perm�t�ed by Applic�bl� Law. <br /> '�i`n the ex�ent perm�tted �� l��v, Lender �h�l� lb� ��ti���d �� c�l�ec� ��� �xp�nses i�curred in pursuing the <br /> rern�di�s �rov�d�� �n t��i���ction, i��lue��n�, bu� �o� li�i��c� ��� �-ea�on�h�� at��rneys' fe�s and �o��s �f��t�� <br /> evide�c�. <br /> If#he pu�v�r o�'saie i� �r���ked,'Trust�e sha�� ���o�rc� � n�t����f�ie��u�# ir� �ach c�unt��n v�h�ch am� �art flf <br /> f�e Proper�y i� �ocat�d a���t shail r��i�c+���e��f s�xc� r����c� i�� �h� m�n��er�r��crib�d by ,�pp��cable I1aw to <br /> �a�-�-�vver a�d �o ���e o�h�r p��-�ans �re�����e�l b� .�.�p���a��� �L�.vv. Af�t�r �h� tir�e r�quired by �ipp�ica��� <br /> Law, '�f'rus�ee �ha�� �i�e publi� �ntice �f sa�e �� th� p�rson� a�ad �n ��e r���.�a�r prescrib�d �y A►pp�icable <br /> La�. 'I'�us�e�,�vi�hou�d�mand a� ��rrc�wer, sha�� s��1�h� �r���r�y at pu��i�au�tion t�the h�gh�st bidder <br /> at���t��e ar�dl����e a�� und�r�h���rrm�d�s�gn�ted in �h�rn��ic�of�a��iY� an�or more parc�l�and in any <br /> �rder 'I'rustee d.efeYm���se '�C"rus�ee rr��y pas�p�ne sal� �� �l� or an�� parcel �f t�� Pr�pert� lby pub��c <br /> a����u��cerr��a��at�����i�e and plac��f a��� pr��i�����y�che�ul�d sa��. 7Le�der or i�s design��rnay pu�chas� <br /> �h�Pr�perty at�n�s���. <br /> Upnn r��eipt�►f paymen# of�h� pri�� bid, 'T`ru��ee �h��� deliw�r to t�� pur�h�se� 'I`ru�tee�s d�ed ��n�eying <br /> ��e Praper�ye The reci��is �n the'�'rust�e'� ���d sh��� �� pr�ma fac��e�id.e�c�vf th�tru�h of�he sta�er�ents <br /> mad� therei��. '�'�-us�ee s'h�i� �ppiy �h� ��-��ee�s �f t�� ���e �n �h� folio►��ng; �a� �Q a�l cos�s and <br /> e�p�nses of ex�rc�s��g the pawer of�ai�, �nd th� sal�, i�c�u�ling t�e paymen� af tl�e Trus�ee'� fees ac�ua�ly <br /> C�2�fl�-2015�o�npliar�ce Systenzs,Inc.51 SA-D�99-�Q 15.I2.3.i.]l 15 <br /> Cor�s�ii�er Rea€Estate-SecuE•iry Instrurtiet�t llL203G ' Page 4 of 5 www, <br />