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2� 1 ��722� <br /> The Funds shall be he�d in an ins�itution whose deposits are insured by a federal agen�y,ins�.r�.unenta�ity, <br /> or entity��ncluding Lender, �f Lender is an�nstitution whose deposits are so insured}or�n any Federal Home <br /> Loa.n Bank. Lender shall apply�he Funds ta pay the Escrow Items no Ia�er than�he time specified under RESPA. <br /> Lender shall not charge Borrower far holding and applying the Funds,annually ana�yz�ng the escr�v�account,or <br /> �erifying the Escraw Items,unless Lender pays Borrower in�erest on tihe Funds and Appli�able Law permits <br /> Lender�a make such a charge. Unless an agreemen�is made�n writing or Appli�able Law requires in�eres�ta be <br /> paid on the Funds,Lender shal�nat be requ�red to pay Bflrrov�er any interest or earnings on the Funds. Borrawer <br /> and Lender can agree in wri�ing,h�we�er,that in�erest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender sha�l gi�e�o B�rrower, <br /> without charge,an annual acc�unting of the Funds as requ�red by RESPA. <br /> Zf�here is a surplus�f Funds held in escrow,as defined under RESPA,Lender shall account to Borrower <br /> for the e�cess funds in accordance with RESPA. 7f there is a shortage of Funds he�d in escrow,as defined under <br /> RESPA,Lender shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Barr�wer sha�1 pay to Lender the amount <br /> necessary to make up the shortage 7n accordan�e with RESPA,bu�in no more�han 1Z mon�i�y payments. If there <br /> is a deficien�y of Funds held in escrovv,as defined under RESPA,Lender shal�notify Borrower as requ�red by <br /> RESPA,and B�rrower sha�1 pay�o L�nd�r the amount necessary to make up the defic�ency rn accordance with <br /> RESPA,bu�in no more than I2 monthly payments. <br /> Upon payment in fuil of a�l sums secured by this Secur��y Instru.ment,Lender shall promptly refund�o <br /> Borrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Lien�. Borrower sha1l pay a11 taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and impositions <br /> attributable�o the Property wh��h can attain priority�ver this Security Instrunaent,Ieaseho�d payments or ground <br /> rents on�he Property,if any,and Cammunity Association Dues,Fees,and Assessments,if any. Ta�he extent that <br /> these items are Es�row Items,B�rrower shall pay them in the manner provided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pr�or�ty o�er�his Security Instrumen�unless <br /> Borrower: �a�agrees in�vr�ting to the payment�f the obligat�fln secured by the l�en in a manner accep�able�o <br /> Lender,but only so long as Barr�wer�s performing such agreement; �b}can�ests the Iien in good fa�th by, ar <br /> defends against enf�rcement af the Iien in, Iega1 praceedings whrch in Lender's opinion operate to pre�en��he <br /> enfflrcement of the lien v�hi�e those proceedings are pending,bu�only until such proceedings are concluded;�r <br /> �c}secures from the holder af�he 1ier�an agreement satisfactory to Lender subardina�ing the lien to this Security <br /> Instrument. �f Lender determ�nes that any part of the Praper�y is sub�ect to a lien which can attain priority over <br /> this Security Instrumen�,Lender may gi�e Borrower a natice�dentifying the lien. �L�Vith�n�D days af the date on <br /> which tha�notrce is g��en,Borrower sha��sa�isfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth a�bQ�e in this <br /> S�ctr�n 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrower t�pay a�ne-time charge for a real estate tax�er�ficati�n andlor reportrng <br /> serv�ce used by Lender in connec��on with this Loan. <br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep�he�mpro�ements naw existing or hereafter erected�n t�ie <br /> Property insured against loss by fire, hazards included wi�hin �he term"extended coverage," and any ather <br /> hazards including, but not limited ta, ear�hquakes and flaods, for which Lender requires insurance. This <br /> insurance shall be maintained in the amaunts �including deduet�b�e levels} and far the p�r��ds that Lender <br /> requires. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding sen�ences can change during the term of the Loan. The <br /> insurance carrier pro�iding the insurance shall be chosen by Barrower sub�ect to Lend�r's r�ght to d�sappro�e <br /> Borr�wer's choice,which right sha11 not be exercrsed unreas�nably. Lender may require Borrower tn pay, �n <br /> connectian with�his L�an,either: (a�a one-t�me charge for flaod zone determinat�un,certification and track�ng <br /> ser�rices;�r��}a one-time charge for fl�ad zone determination and certifica�ion services and subsequent charges <br /> each time remapp�ngs or simi�ar changes occur vvh��h reasonab�y mi�ht affect such determination vr certification. <br /> Borrawer sha11 a�so be responsible f�r the paymen�af any fees imposed by the Federa.l Emergency Management <br /> Agency in connec��on v�i�h the revxew of any flood zone determinatron resulting from an�b�ection by B�rrower. <br /> If Borrower fails ta mainta�n any af the co�erages described a�o�e, Lender may �btain insurance <br /> co�erage,at Lender's option and Borrovver's expense. Lender is under no obiigati�n t�purchase any particular <br /> type ar amount of co�erage. Therefore, such coverage shali cover Lender, but might ar migh# not pr�tect <br /> Barrov�er,Borrower's equity in the Property,flr the�anten�s of the Property,against any ris�,hazard or liability <br /> and might pro�ide greater or lesser co�erage than was previously in effect. B�rrower acknowledges tha��he cost <br /> of the insurance coverage so obta�ned might signifcantly exceed the�ost of insurance that Borrower could ha�e <br /> obtained. Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this Section 5 shall become additional deb� of Borrower <br /> secured by this Security Instrumen�. These amounts sha�1 bear in�erest at �he No�e rate from�h� date of <br /> dishursement and shall be payable,wYth such interes�,upon notice from Lender t�Borr�wer requesting payment. <br /> A�I insurance pol�cies required by Lend�r and renewa�s of such p�licies sha�l be sub�ect t�L�nder's right <br /> to disapprove such policies,shall include a standard mor�gage clause,and sha11 name Lender as m�rtgagee andlor <br /> as an addi�iona�loss payee. Lender shal�have the right ta ho�d the polic�es and renewal certif cates. Zf Lender <br /> requires,B�rrower sha11 promptly g��e t�Lender all receip�s of paid and renewal noti�es. If Sorrawer <br /> obtains any f�rm of insurance e�verage,no�otherwise re�uired by Lender,for damage to,or destruc�i�n af,the <br /> Property,such po�icy sha���clude a standard mortga�e clause and sha1l name Lender as mor�gagee andl�r as an <br /> additiana�Iass payee. <br /> In the e�ent of loss,Borravver shal�gi�e prompt no�ice to the insurance carr�er and Lender. Lender may <br /> make proaf of loss if not made pramptly by Barrower. Unless Lender and Borrower a�herwise agree in writing, <br /> any �nsurance proceeds, whe�her or no�the underly�ng insurance was required by Lender, sha11 be applied to <br /> restora�ion or repair of the Praperty,if the restoration orrepair�s economically feasible and Lender's security�s <br /> nat �essened. I�uring such repair and restaration per�od, Lender shall ha�e the right to hold such insurance <br /> proceeds un�i�Lender has had an opporturiity to inspect such Property to ensure�he work has been completed to <br /> Lender's satisfaction,pro�ided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds <br /> for the repa�rs and restoration in a single payment or�n a serzes of progress paymen�s as the vvork is completed. <br /> Unless an agreement �� made in writing ar Appl�cab�e Law requires in�eres� to be paid on such insurance <br /> proceeds,Lender shal�not be required to pay Borrawer any 7nteres�or earnings on such praceeds. Fees for pub�ic <br /> ad�usters,or other third pa.r�ies,re�ained by S�rrower shall not be paid out af the insurance pr�ceeds and sha��be <br /> the s�le obligativn of Borravver. �f the restora�ion or repair�s no�ecanamically feas�ble or Lender's security <br /> would be �essened, the insuranee proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrumen�, <br /> �vhether or not then due,with�he excess,if any,paid to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in <br /> the order pro�ided for in Section 2. <br /> rf Borrawer abandons the Proper�y,Lender may file,negotiate and set�le any a�ailable insurance claim <br /> and related matters. If Borrower does not respond within 3� days ta a notice fr�m Lender that the insurance <br /> carrier has offered�a set�Ie a c�aim,then Lender may negotiate and settle�he�Iaim. The 3�wday period wil�begin <br /> NESRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNiFQRM INSTRi3MENT(MERS) Farm 3U2S II�I (page 4 of 9 pages) <br /> 1�439.�V(5113} 2416�1845NE �reati�e Thinking,Ync. <br /> GQT���0700I3� <br />