2� 1 ��722�
<br /> Borrower in this Security�ns�rument,but,if necessary to comply vt��th law or cust�m,MERS�as naminee for
<br /> Lender and Lender's successors and assigns}has the right:to exerc�se any or aIl of those in�erests,including,but
<br /> nflt limited to,the right to fareclose and se��the Prop�rty;and�o take any action required 4f Lender includ�ng,bu�
<br /> nat limited t�,releasYng and canceling this Security Instrument.
<br /> B�RR��VLIER��VENANTS�hat Borrower is lawfu��y seised af�he estate hereby con�eyed and has th.e
<br /> righ�t�grant and c�n�ey the Praperty and that the Prap�r�y is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record.
<br /> Borrower warrants and wi1l defend genera�ly the title to the Property aga�n�t a�l claims and demands,subj ect to
<br /> any encumbrances of record.
<br /> THrS SE�URITY INSTR[JMEI�T combines uniform covenants for natiana� use ar�d non-uniform
<br /> ca�enants w��h limited �ariations �y jurisdYction to constitute a unYform se�urity instrument co�erYng real
<br /> property.
<br /> UNXF�RM C�VENANTS. Borrower and Lencler covenan�and agree as follows:
<br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Es�raw Items, Prepayment �harges, and Late �harges.
<br /> Barrower sha�� pay wh�n due the principa� of, and interest on, the deb� e�idence� by the Note and any
<br /> prepayment charges and Ia�e charges due under the Note. Borrawer shali als� pay funds for Es�row I�ems
<br /> pursuant to Sec��on 3. Payments due under the N�ote and this Security rnst�rument sha�I be made in U.S.currency.
<br /> Hawe�er, if any check or o�her instrument re�ei�ed by Lender as payment under�he Note or this Securi�y
<br /> Instrument is returned to Lender unpaid,Lender may requ�re that any or all subsequen�paymen�s due under the
<br /> Note and this Security Instrument be made in one or mare of the fallowing farms,as se�ected by Lender:�a}cash;
<br /> �b}money ord�r; (c}cert�f�ed check, bank che�k, treasurer's check or cashier's check,pro�ided any such
<br /> check is drawn upon an institut�an whose deposits are insured hy a federal agency,instarrumentality,or entity;ar
<br /> �d}Ele�troni�Fur�ds Transfer.
<br /> Paymen�s are deemed received by Lend�r when rece��ed at the�ocation designated i.n�he Note or at such
<br /> other locatian as may be designated by Lender in a�cardance with the no�ice pro�isions in Section �5. Lender
<br /> may return any payment or partial payment if the payment or par�ial paymen�s are�nsufficient to bring�ie L�an
<br /> current. Lender may accept any payment or partial payment insufficient t�bring the Loan current,withaut v�ai�er
<br /> of any r�gh�s hereunder ar prejudice to its rights to refuse such payment or par�ial payments�n the future,but
<br /> Lender is not obligated to apply su�h paym�nts at the�ime such paymen�s are ac�epted. If each Period�c Fayment
<br /> is ap�lied as of Its sc�eduled due date,then�ender neecl not pay ix�terest o�unapplxed.�ur��ls. Le�der ma�h�Id
<br /> such unapplied funds until Borr�wer makes paymen�to bring the Loan current. rfBorrower does not da so within
<br /> a reasanable peri�d�f time, Lender shall either app�y such funds or return�hem ta Borrower. If not applied
<br /> ear�ier, such funds wi��be applied to �he autstanding pr�ncipal balance under the N�te immediately prior to
<br /> foreclosure. No offse��r claim which Borrovver might ha�e now�r in the future aga7ns�Lender shall re�ie�e
<br /> Borrower from makrng payme��s due under�the No�e and this Security Ins�rument ar performing the cavenants
<br /> and agre ements s ecured by�th�s S e curity rns trument,
<br /> Z. Application of Payments or Pro�eeds. �xcep� as oi�herwise des�rilaed �.n this Section 2, a1�
<br /> payments accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in the fv���wing order of priority:�a�interest due under
<br /> the Note;�b�pr�ncipal due under�he Nate;�c�amaun�s due under Section 3.Such payments shall�e appl�ed to
<br /> each Periodic Payment�n the order�n vvhich it became due. Any remain�ng amaunts shal�be applxed fzrst�o�ate
<br /> charges,secand to any�ther amoun�s due under this Secur�ty Instrument,and then ta reduce the principal balance
<br /> of the Nate.
<br /> Zf Lender recei�es a pa�ment from Barrower for a delinquent Periodic Payment wh��h incluc�es a
<br /> sufficient amount ta pay any late charge due,the payment may be app�ied to the delinquent payment and the�ate
<br /> charge. If more than one Pe�iod�c Paymen� i5 outstanding, Lender may apply any paym�nt recei�ed from
<br /> Borrower t��he repayment of the Periodic Pa�ments if,and to the exten�that,each payment can be paid in ful1.
<br /> To the extent that any excess exists after the payment is app�ied to the fu11 payment af one or more Periodic
<br /> Payments,sueh excess may be app�ied to any late charges due. Valuntary prepaymen�s shatl be applied f rst to
<br /> any prep ayment�harge s and then as de s crib ed in the Note.
<br /> Ar�y applicati�n of paym�nts,�nsurance pr��eec�s,�r Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under the
<br /> No�e shall not exten�or postpone the due�ate,or change the amount,of the Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds f�r EScrow Items. Borrower sha�l pay to Lender�n the day Periodic Payments are due
<br /> under the Note,until the Note is paid in ful�,a sum�the"Funds"�to prav�de for payment of amounts due f�r:�a}
<br /> taxes and assessments and other items which can attain priarity o�er this Security �nsfxumen� as a lien or
<br /> encumbrance on the Property;(�}leasehold payments or graund rents on�he Property,if any;�c�prexn�ums for
<br /> an}�and a1I insurance required b�Lender under Sectron 5;and�d�Mortgage Insurance premiums,if any,ar any
<br /> sums payab�e by B�rrotiver to Lender in lieu of the payment of M�rtgage Insurance premiums in accordance with
<br /> the pro�isions of Section ��.These items are�al�ed"Es�row Items." A�originatian or at any time during the
<br /> term of the Loan,Lender may require that Community Associat�on Dues,Fees, and Assessments, if any,be
<br /> escrawed by Borrov�rer,and such dues,fees and a�sessments shall be an Escrow Item. Borrower sha11 promptly
<br /> fia�nish to Lender all no�ices of amQunts to be paid under this Section. Barrower sha11 pay Lender�he Funds for
<br /> Escrow r�ems unless Lender waives Barrower's obligation to pay the Funds far any or aII Escrow Items. Lender
<br /> may wai�e Borrovver's ab�igation ta pay to Lender Funds for any Qr al�Escrow��ems a�any time. Any such
<br /> v�ai�er may only be in wrYting. In the e�en� af such wa�ver, Borrower sha11 pay di.rectly,when and vWhere
<br /> payab�e,the amounts due for any Es�row�tem�for which paym�nt�f Funds has been wai�ed by Lender and,if
<br /> Lender requires,sha11 furnish to Lender receipts e�idencing such payment within su�h time peri�d as Lender may
<br /> require.Bvrrower's obligati�n ta make such payments and to pro�ide receipts sha11 for al�purposes be deemed to
<br /> be a co�enant and agreement contained in�his Security Instrumen�,as�he phrase"co�enant and agreement"�s
<br /> used i.n Secti�n�. If B�rro�ver is obligated�o payEserow Items direct�y,pursuant�o a wai�er,and BorrovWer farls
<br /> �o pay th�amount due for an Es�row Itern,Lender may exercise i�s rights under 5ecti�n 9 and pay such amount
<br /> and Borrawer shall�hen be ab�igated under S�ction 9�o repay ta Lender any such amoun�. Lender may re��ke
<br /> the wai�er as to any ar all Escro�v Items at any time by a noti�e g���n in accardance with�ec��on �5 and,upan
<br /> such re�ocation,Borrower shal�pay to Lender aIl Funds,and in such amounts,that are then required under�his
<br /> Section 3.
<br /> Lender may,at any time,col�ect and hold Funds in an amount�a�suf�icient tio permit Lender�o apply the
<br /> Funds a��he time specifed under RESFA,and�b�no�to�xceed the maximum amount a lender�an require under
<br /> RESPA. Ler�der shall estima�e the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasanab�e estimates of
<br /> expenditures of fu�ure Escrow rtems or otherwise in accordance with App�icable Lavv.
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac iTNIFURM INSTRUMENT(MERS} Fvrm 3�28 11U1 (page 3 nf 9 pages}
<br /> IZ439.CV(61�3} 2016018��NE Creati�e Thinking,Inc.
<br /> GQTQ(4�7Q�13f}
<br />