2� 1 ��722�
<br /> when the no�ice rs given. In either e�ent, or if Lender acquires�1ie Property under SectiiQn 2� �r otherwise,
<br /> Borrower hereby assigns�o Lender�a�Borrower's r�ghts to any insurance proceeds in an amount not to exceed
<br /> the amounts unpaid under the No�e or this Security Instrument,and�b�any ather of Barrov�er's r�ghts�other�han
<br /> the rig�i� �o any refund �f unearned premiums paid by Borrower} under aI1 insurance palicie� co�ering the
<br /> ProperCy, insafar as such righ�s are applicable t�the co�era�e of the Proper�y. Lender may use the insurance
<br /> proceeds ei�her to repair or restore the Property �r to pay amounts unpaid under f.�ie Note or this Security
<br /> Instrument,Whether ar no�then due.
<br /> �. �ccupancy. Borrower sha11 occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's prineipal
<br /> residence within��days after the execution of this Security Instrument and shall cont�nue to occupy the Property
<br /> as�orrQwer's principa�res�dence for at least one year after the da�e of occupancy,unless Lender otherw�se agrees
<br /> in writing,wh�ch consent shall not be unreasonably wi�hheld,or unless extenuati.ng c�rcumstances exist which are
<br /> beyond Borr�wer's control.
<br /> 7. Preser�ation,Maintenance and Protection of the Property;InSpection�. Borrov�er sha1�nat
<br /> destroy, damage or im.pair�he Property, a11ow the Proper�y to deteriorate �r cammit waste on the Property.
<br /> �Vhe�her ar not Borrower is residing�n the Property,Barr�wer sha11 maintain the Fr�perty Yn order to pre�ent�he
<br /> Property fram deteriorat�ng or decreasing in value due to its cond�t��n. Un�ess it is determined pursuant to
<br /> Section 5 that repair or res�orat�on is not ec�nomically feasible,Borrower sha1l promp�Iy repa�r the Property if
<br /> damaged to a�oid further deteriora�ion or damage. �f insurance�r condemnation praceeds are paid in c�nnec���n
<br /> wrth damage to, or the taking of, �he Prflperty, Borrower shall be responsible for repa�ring or restaring�he
<br /> Praperty only if Lender has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds f�r�he repairs
<br /> ar�d restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as�1ie work is c�mpleted. If the insurance
<br /> or condemna�ion pr�ceeds are not sufficien� t� repair or restore the Pr�perty, Borrower �s not relie�ed of
<br /> Borrower's abligatian fflr the comp�eti�n of such repair or res�ora�ion.
<br /> Lender or rts agent may ma.ke reasonable entries upon and inspec��ons of the Property. If i� has
<br /> reasonable cause, Lender ma.y inspect the in�er�or of the improvements on the Property. Lender shall gr�e
<br /> Borr�wer n�tiee at the time of or prior�o such an int�rior�nsp�ction spe�ifying such reasona��e cause.
<br /> 8. Borrower's Loan AppZ�cat�on. Borrower shall be in default if, during the Loan applica�ion
<br /> process,Borr�wer or any persons or entities acting at the direction of B�rrawer or w�th Borrawer's knowledge or
<br /> cansent ga�e mater�al�y faXse,misleading,or inaccurate informa�Yon or statements to Lender�ar fai�ed t�provide
<br /> Lender wi�h ma�er�a�infarmation�in connec��on with the Loan. Material representatians include,but are not
<br /> 1im�ted to,representations concerning Borrov�er's occupancy of the Property as Borr�wer's principal residence.
<br /> 9, Protection�f Lender's Interest in the Property and R�ghts Under this Security Instrumen� If
<br /> �a}Borrawer fails ta perform�he co�enants and agreements conta�ned in this Security Ins�rument,(b�there is a
<br /> �egal prflceeding�hat might significantiy affect Lender's interes�in the Proper�y andlor rights under this Security
<br /> �nstrument(such as a proceeding 7n bankrup��y,proba�e,for condemnat��n or forfeiture,for enforcement of a I�en
<br /> which may attain priority o�er this Security Instrumen�or tfl�nforce laws or regu�ativns},�r(c}Borrower has
<br /> abandoned the Property, then Lender ma.y do and pay for whate�er is reasonable or appropriate to protect
<br /> Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Securrty Ins�rumen�,including protecting andlor assessing
<br /> the�a1ue of�he Pr�perty,and securing andlor repairing the Pr�perty. Lender's actions can include,but are not
<br /> lim�ted to:�a}paying any sums secured by a lien v�hich has priarity over this Security Instrument;�b}appearing
<br /> �n caur�;and�c�pa}�ing reasonab�e attorneys' fees�a pro�ec�i�s interest in the Property andlar rights under this
<br /> Securi�y Instrumen�,including its secured posit�on in a bankrup�cy proceeding. Securing the Property�ncludes,
<br /> but is n�t 1imi�ed to,en�ering the Pr�perty to make repairs,change locks,replace or board up d�ors and vvindows,
<br /> drain water fr�m pipes,el�minate building�r other c�de��olations ar dangerous conditions,and ha�e utrlities
<br /> turned on�r off. Althaugh Lender ma.y take act�on under th�s Sec�ion 9,Lend�r do�s no�ha�e t�d�so and is not
<br /> under any dufiy ar�bl�gation t�do so. It is agreed that Lender�ncurs no liabi�ity far not taking any or all ac�ions
<br /> authorized under�hxs Section 9.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Section 9 shall become additifl�a� deht �f Borr�wer
<br /> secured by this Security Instru�ment. These amounts �hal� bear interes� at the No�e rate from the date of
<br /> disbursement and shall be paya�ale,with such in�erest,upan notice from Lender to Borrower request�ng payment.
<br /> Yf this Securxty Instrument�s on a leasehold,Borrovver shall comply with al��he provisions af the lease.
<br /> Zf Borrower a�quires fee title to the Property,the leasehold and f.�ie fee�itle shal�not merge unless Lender a�rees
<br /> to�he merger in wr�ting.
<br /> l�. Mortgage Insurance. 7f Lender required M�rtgage Insurance as a condition of ma,king the
<br /> Loan,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the Mor�gage Insurance in effect. If,for any reasan,
<br /> the Mortgage �nsurance coverage required by Lender ceases to be aWailable from the mortgage insurer tha�
<br /> pre�iously pro�ided such insurance ax�d Borrower was required ta make separately deszgna�ed payments toward
<br /> the premiums far Mortgage Insurance,Borr�wer sha��pay the premiums required to obtain co�erage substan�ial�y
<br /> equi�alen� ta the Mortgage Insurance previous�y in effect, at a cost substan�ially equr�alent to �he cQs� to
<br /> Borrower of the M�rtgage rnsurance pre�iously�n effect,from an alternate mor�gage insurer selected by Lender.
<br /> If substantially equi�alent Martgage Insurance co�erage is not a�ailab�e, Barrov�er shal� continue to pay to
<br /> Lender the amflunt of�ie separa�ely designated paym�n�s�hat were due when the insurance co�erage ceased to be
<br /> in effect. Lender wi��accep�,use and re�ain these payments as a non-refundable loss reserve in lieu af Mortgage
<br /> �nsurance. Such loss reser�e shal�be non�refundable,notwithstand�ng the fact that�he L�an is u�timately pa�d�n
<br /> full,and Lender shall na�be requ�red��pay Borr�wer any in�eres�or earnings on such loss reserve. Lender can
<br /> no longer require Ioss reser�e payments if Mortgage Insurance coverage�in�he amount and for the period that
<br /> Lender requires}pro�ided�y an insurer selecte�i by Lender again be�omes available, is obtained, and Lender
<br /> requires separately designated payments toward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required
<br /> Mor�gage Insurance as a condit�an of makin�the Loan and B�rrower was required�o mal�e separa�ely designa�ed
<br /> paymen�s�oward the prem�ums for Mor�gage Insurance,Barrawer shal�pay the premiums required�o maintain
<br /> Mar�gage Insurance in effect, �r to provide a non-refu.ndable loss reser�e, until Lender's requirement fnr
<br /> Mnr�gage xnsurance ends in accordance with any writ�en agreement between Borrower and Lender pro�iding far
<br /> such terminat�on or until termination is required by Applicable Law. No�hing in �his Section I� affects
<br /> Borrawer's obligatYon to pay interes�a��he ra�e pro�ided in the Na�e.
<br /> Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender�ar any entrty that purchases the Note�for certain losses i�may
<br /> incur rf B�rrow�r d�es not repay�he Loan as agreed. Barrower is not a party to the Mortgage rnsurance.
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac CTNYF�RM INSTRUMENT(MERS} Form 3U28 1141 (page 5 of 9 pages�
<br /> 1Z439.CV[b113} Za16�18�GNE Creati�e Thinking,Inc.
<br /> GaTQ��070��3�
<br />