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2� 1 ��7217 <br /> 2. Applicationof P'aym�nts or Prviceeds.Except as expressly sta.ted otherwise in this Security <br /> Instrunnent ar the Note,all paym�nts accepted and app�ied by Lender shall be applied in the following <br /> order of priarity; <br /> First,to the Martgage Insurance premiums to be paid by Lender to the S�creta.ry or the monthly <br /> charge by the Secreta,ry�r�st�ad of the month�y rr�vrtgage insurar��e pr�miu�ns; <br /> Secand,ta any taxes,spec�al assessments,leasehold payments ar grou��d rents,and fre,flood an�i <br /> ather hazard insurance premiums,as required; <br /> Third,to int�rest due uader th�Note; <br /> Fourth,ta amortization of th�principa�of the Notes and, <br /> Fifth,t�1�.te charges due under the Nate.. <br /> Any application of payments,insurance proceeds,ar Misce�laneous Proceeds to princxpal due under the <br /> Note sha11 not extend ar postpone the due date,or change the amount,of the Periodic Payments. <br /> 3. Fundsfvr Es�row Items.Bonawer shalt pay ta Lender on the day Periodic Payrnents are due uader <br /> the��t�,ur�t��th�I�ote rs ga�d xn.fu��,a sum�t��"Fur�ds"}to prov�de far payment Qf arr�ounts due f�r: <br /> . (a}taxes and a�s�ssmen�s and atl�er items which can attain priarity o�er�his Security instrum�nt as a lien <br /> or�ncumbrance�n th�Property; (b)leaseh�ld payments ar�round rents�n the Praperty,if any;(c} <br /> prerrii�ums for any and a���nsurance�equ�r�d by�ender undeF Sectzan�;and(d�Mortgage Insurance <br /> premiums to be paid by L�nder to the Secretary�r the rnonthly charge by the Secr�tary in�tead of�he <br /> monthl��Vlor�gage�nsurance premiums.Th�se items are cal�ed"Escrow Items,"At origination ar at any <br /> t�m�during the terrri af the Lvan,L�nd�r may requxre that Gv�nu�.2t�A.s�ociat�on I�ues,Fee�,and <br /> Assessn�ents,if any,be escro�ed by Borro�rer,and such du�s,fees and assessments sha�l be an�s�row <br /> Item.�orr��v�r shal�p�ramptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be p�id under this Section. <br /> Boz�rawer s�.a���a�Lenr�er the Funds for Escra�Iter�s u�.�ess Lender�vai��s B��-row�r's ob��gat�on�o <br /> pay the Funds far any or a1t Escrow Items,Lend�r may waiv�Borrower's abliga�ian ta pay to Lend�r <br /> Funds for any or al�Escraw Items at any t�m�.Any such waiver may only be in�vriting. In the e�en�of <br /> su�h tivai�er,B�rr��ver ska��pay dire�t�y,�rhen and where payab��,the arr�aunts d�e for any Escro� <br /> �tems for which payment of Funds has be�n waived b�Lender and,if Lender requires,sha11 furnish to <br /> Lend�r receipts e�idencing such payment�rithin suc�time period as Lender may require.Borr4�ver's <br /> ob�rgat�an t�ma�e suc�.payments and t�pr�vid�r��eipts s�a�� fo�a���urpo�es be de�rr�ed ta be a <br /> cav�nant and a�reemen�contained in this Security�nstrurr��nt,as the phrase "ca��nant and agre�ment" is <br /> used in 5ection 9, If Bono�ver�s oblrgat�d ta pay�scroiu Items directly,pursuant�o a v�raiver,and <br /> Borrou���fai�s to pay the amau�.t dUe�or an Escro�v Item,�.en�e�-ma�exerc�s�its��ghts under�ecti�n 9 <br /> and pay such amount and Borrower shall�hen be obligated under Secti�n 9 to repay to Lender any such <br /> amount,�,end�r may revoke the wai�rer as to any or a�l Escrow Items at any time by a notiee given in <br /> accor�ance with S�ction �4 and,upan sUc�rev�catrar�,Bofro�ver sha�1 pa�to Le�.�er a��Fun�s,and�n <br /> �ueh amounts,that are then requued under this S�ction 3. <br /> Lender may,a�any time,col�ect and hold Funds in an amaunt(a)sufficient to permit Lender to apply the <br /> . Funds at the time specif ed under RESPA, and�b)n�ot to exceed the maximum amount a�ender can require <br /> und�r RESl'A. Lend�r s�ha11 estimate the amaunt of�unds due on the basis of�urrent data.and reasonable <br /> estimates of exgenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accardance with Applicabie Law. <br /> FHA❑eed o�Trust With MERS-NE 913QIZa14 <br /> Bankers Sysfems� VMP� VMP4f��NE�tf346�.Q(} <br /> Wq�ters Itluwer�inancial SeNices Page�of 1T <br /> q033627456�4 Q�33 31$ 0517 <br />