2� 1 ��7217
<br /> The Funds shalr be held in an institution whose depo�its are insured by a federal agency,instrum�ntality,
<br /> or entity�including Lender,if Lender i�an institutian whose depasi�s are so insured}or in any Federal
<br /> Home L�an�ank. L�nder shall apply the Funds to pay the Escro�v Items na later than the time specified
<br /> under 1�.ESPA.Lender sha11 no�charg�Borrovver for holdin�and applying the Funds,annuaily analyzing
<br /> th�escrow accour�t,or v�rifying the EscrQw��ems, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the�'unds
<br /> and Applicable Law permits Lender to make such a charge.Uniess an agreement�s m�.de in writing ar
<br /> Applicabie Law requires inter�st to be paid on the Funds,L�nder shall not be required to pay Borro`u�r
<br /> any int�rest or earning�on the Funds.Barrower and Lender ca�a agr��in writin�,h�wever,that interest
<br /> �hal�be paid on the Fun�s. Lender sha�1 give to Borrower,�rithou�charge,an annual accaunting af the
<br /> Funds as required by RE�pA.
<br /> �f there is a surplus af Fund�held in escro�,as define�under RESPA,Lender shalt account to Borro�ver
<br /> far the exces�funds in aecordanee tivi�h RE�PA. If ther�is a s�.ort�g�of�unds he�d�n escrodv,as def�xted
<br /> under RE�FA,Lender shai�notify�arrawer as r�quired by RESFA,and Borrower shall p�y to I.ender
<br /> t�e amount necessary t�make up the sha�tage�n accardance�v�th R�SPA,but�n no mvre than �2
<br /> monthly payments.If there i��defi�iency of Funds held in e�craw,as defined under RESPA,L�nder
<br /> sha��notify Barrower as r�quix-ed by RESPA,and Bo�o�e�sha��pay to�.e�.�e�th�amount�.ecessary to
<br /> make up the deficiency in accordance witla RESFA,but in no more than�2 monthly payments.
<br /> . Upon payment in full of all sums secured by�his Securi�y Yn�trument,Lender shalt pr�mptly refund to
<br /> Borrower any Fuads held�y Lend�r.
<br /> 4. Gharges;Liens.Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments,charges, fines, and�mpositi�ns attributah�e
<br /> to the Froperty�vh�ich can attain pri�rity a�er this Securit}r I�.strunr�ent, leaseho�d payrnents ar gr�und
<br /> rents on the Fraperty,if any,and�omn�unity Assoc�a�ion Dues,Fees,and Ass�ssmen�s, rf any.To the
<br /> e�tent that th�se item�are�scrow Items,Borrower sha���a�therrz irt the rrranr�er pro��ded ir�Sect�on 3.
<br /> Borrower shall pr�mptl�discharge any lien w�iiGh�ias priority aver this Se�urity�nstrument unless
<br /> Borrower; (a}agrees in�vr�ting to the payment af th��bligation secured by the lien in a manner
<br /> acceptable to Lender,but only sa long as F3orrawer is perf�rming sueh agreement;(b}contests the lien in
<br /> good faith by,or defends against enfarcement of the li�n in, legal proceedings which in Lender'�opinian
<br /> operate to pre�ent the enforcement af the lien while those proceedings are pendin�,�ut only until sucb
<br /> proceedings are concluded;ar��}secures frorn the ha�der�f the I�en an agreem�nt satisfactory ta Lender
<br /> subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any pa.rt of the Property i�
<br /> sub,�ect to a lien wh�ch can atta�n priority over thxs Securit�Instrument,Lend�r may gi�e Borro�er a
<br /> not�ce identifying the 1ien, VL�ithin 1�day��f the date on�hic1�that natice is gi�en,Borrawer sha�x
<br /> satisf�the lien ar take on.e or more of the actions set farth above�n this 5ection 4.
<br /> 5. �r'operty�nsuran�e.Borrawer sha�l�eep the impravement�n.aw e���ti�g�r her�af�er erected or�t��
<br /> Froperry insured a�ainst 1�ss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended co�erage,"and any
<br /> vther hazards i�acZuding,�ut nat�imi�ed ta,earthquakes and flodds,for�vhich Len�er�equi�es xn�ura�.ce.
<br /> This insurance sha11 be maintained in th�amounts[ineluding deductible levels)and for the periods that
<br /> Lender requires. ��at�.ender requ�res pursuar�t to the pre��ding sentenc�s can chat�ge du���.g t�e t�rm of
<br /> the L.oan. The insurance carrier providin�the insurance shall be chosen b�BarrQw�r subject to L�nder's
<br /> . right t�disa�pprove�orrower's chai�ce,vwhich.rig��sha��not be e��reised unreasonab�3�.Lender rnay
<br /> require Borrower to pay,in connection with this Loan,either: (a}a one-time�harge for#lood zone
<br /> determination,certif cat�o�.and tracking�ervices;or�b}a one-tirne�harge for flood�one�etermrr�a��on
<br /> and certifieatxon services and subsequ�nt char es each time rema ings or similar changes oceur�vhich
<br /> FHA Deed of Trust With MERS-NE 913012D14
<br /> Bankers 5ystems�+ VMP C7 VMP4N(NE)(15d6}.4fl
<br /> Vlfoiters Kluwer Financial 5erv��es Page B of 17
<br /> q033G�7�5�24 �� 3 318 0617
<br />