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� <br /> � . 2� 1 ��7178 <br /> . ` <br /> amounx necessary to make up the in accnrdance with RESPA, but in n� more than 12 <br /> month�y payments. If there is a deficiency of Funds held in escrovrr, as def ned under RESPA, <br /> Lender sha�� notify me a� required by RESPA, and I shall pay ta Lender the amount necessa�-y to <br /> make up the de�iciency in accordance with RESPA,but in no more than 12 mon�hly paymen�s. <br /> Upon paymen�in full of a�� sums secured by the Loan Documents,Lender sha�1 promptly refund to <br /> me any Funds held by Lender. <br /> F. That the Loan Qocuments are composed of du�y �aiid, binding agreements, enforceab�e in <br /> accordance with�he�r terms and are he�reby reaffirmed. <br /> �. That alI terms and provisrons of the Loan Documents, e�ccept as expressly modifie� by this <br /> Agreem ent, rem ain in fixll force and effec�; nath ing i n th i s A greem ent sh al� be u nderstood or <br /> canstrued to be a satisfaction ar release rn whole or in part of th�vbligations cantained in the Loan <br /> Dacuments;and tha�except as otherwise specif ca11y pro�ided in,and as expressly madifed by,this <br /> Agreement,fhe Lender and�will be bound b}�,and will comply w�th,all af the tern�s and canditions <br /> �f the Lvan Documents. <br /> H. That, as of the Modif cation Effectiwe Da�e, noi-�vithstanding any other pravision af the Loan <br /> Documents, � agree as fallows: lf all or any par� af the Property or any interest in it is sold or <br /> transferred without Lender's prior wri�ten consent, Lender may, at i�s optian, reyuire immediate <br /> payment in full of all sums secured by the Mortgage.Howe�er,Lender shall nat exercise thiS aption <br /> if federal law prahibits the exercise of such option as of th� date of such sale or transfer. If Lender <br /> exercises this option, Lender sha1l gi�e me notice of a�celeratson.The notice shall praWide a period <br /> af not less than 3� days from �he date rhe notice is deli�ered or ma�led within which I must pay al� <br /> sum� secured b� the Martgage. If I fail to pay tnese sums prior to the expiratian of this period, <br /> Lender may invoke any remedies permjtted by the Mortgage without further notice or demand on <br /> me, <br /> I. That, as af the Modifica��an Effective Dat�, I understand that the Lender may only allov�r the <br /> transfer and assumptron of the Loan, in��uding this Agreement, to a transferee af my property as <br /> permitted under the Garn St. Germain Act, �2 U.S.C. 5ection 170�j-3.A buyer ar transferee nf the <br /> Praperty will not be perm�tted, under any ather circumstance,to assume the Loan. Exc�p�as noted <br /> herein,this Agreement may not be assigned to,ar assumed by,a buyer or�ransferee of the Property. <br /> J. Tha�, as of the Modificati�n Effecti�e Da�e, if any p�avisian in the Note or in an� addendum or <br /> amendment to the Note allovwed for�he assessment of a penalty for ful�or partial prepaymen�of the <br /> Note,such pro�ision is null and�oid. <br /> K. That, I vrri�l caaperate fui�y with Lender in obtaining any title endarsement�s}, or similar title <br /> insurance produc��s}, andlor subordination agreement�s} that are necessary or required by �he <br /> Lender's procedures to ensure that the madified mortgage�aan is in frst lien position andlor is fully <br /> enforceable upon madi�ication and tha� if, under any circumstance and nat withstanding anything <br /> else to �he contrary in this Agreernen�, the Lender does not rece��re such title endorsement(s}, title <br /> insurance praduct�s} andlor subardinativn agreement(s�, then the terms of this Agreemen� wi�l not <br /> becorne effect��e on the Modificatian Effecti�re Date and the Agreemen�wrl�be null and�aid. <br /> L. That I will execute such ather documents as may be reas�nably necessary to either�i} cansummate <br /> the terms and conditions of this Agreement; or�ii)correct the terms and cand�tions af this Plan if an <br /> error is detected after executian of this Agreement. I understand that a carrected Agreement will be <br /> �e1�s Fargo�ustom FHA Hame Affordable Modificat�vn Agreement 936��������������Il�ll�l�l��I���I <br /> �8252Q16 44S <br /> Page 5 <br />