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<br /> provided�o me and�his Agreemen�will be voxd and of no�egal effect upon notice af such err�r.If I
<br /> e4ect not to sign any such corrected Agreement, the �erms af the or'sginal Loan Doeuments shal�
<br /> continue in full force and effect, such terrns wiil nat be modified by this Agreement, and � will not
<br /> be eligible for a modif cation under the FHA Home Affordable Modification Program.
<br /> M. That Lender�ill coXlect and record personal information, �ncluding, but not limi�ed to, my name,
<br /> address, �elephane number, socxa� security number, credit score, incame, payment historSr,
<br /> go�ernment mon�taring information, and information about account balances and acti�ity. In
<br /> addit�on,I unde�rs�and and consen�to the disc�asure of my personal information and the terms of the
<br /> Tr�al Period Plan and this Agreement by Lender�o (a} any �nWestor, insurer, guarantor ar ser�icer
<br /> �hat��vns, insures, guarantees or services my �irst lien or subordinate lien (�f app�icable}mortgage
<br /> loan�s}; �b} companies that perform support services for the FHA Harne Affordable Modification
<br /> Program;and�c}a.ny HUD certified housing counselor.
<br /> N. I agree, that if any dacurnent related to the Loan Documen�s andlor this Agreement is �ost,
<br /> mispla�ed, miss�ated, inaccurately reflects the true and carrec�terms and conditions of the Ioan as
<br /> modified,or is other�vise missing,I will comp�y wi�h the Lender's reques��o execute,acknowledge,
<br /> initial and deii�er to the Lendec any da�umentation the Lender deems necessary. If the original
<br /> pramissary note is replaced, the Lender hereby indemnifies me aga2nst any loss associafed v�ith a
<br /> demand on the ariginal note. All documents the Lender requests af ine under this sec�ion shall be
<br /> referred to as ``Documents." I agree ta deli�er �he Documents with in f fteen (15} days after 1
<br /> rece i�e the Len der's wvritten req uest for such rep 1 acem ent.
<br /> �. That the mortgage �nsurance premiums on my Loan, if applicab�e, ma}� inerease as a result of the
<br /> capitalization vrihich vrrill resul�in a higher total monthly payment.Furthermore,the date an which I
<br /> may request cancellation of mortgage insurance may change as a result of the New Principal
<br /> Ba�ance.
<br /> P. CQRRECTI�N A�REEMENT: The undersigned Borrowerts}, for and in cansidera�ion of the
<br /> app�ro�al,closing and funding of this modif cation, hereby grants �ells Farga Hame Mortgage , as
<br /> lender, timited pawer of attorney to correc� andJor initial al! typagraphica� or clerical errors
<br /> dtscovered in the Agreement required to be signed. In the event this limited pow�r af a�torney is
<br /> exerc�sed,the undersigned vvil�be no��f e�and recei�e a copy of the document executed ar init�aled
<br /> on the�r beha�f.This pro�is�on may not be used to modify the interest rate,mvdify the term,modify
<br /> �he outstanding princ�pal baIance or modify the undersigned's monthly pr�ncipal and interest
<br /> pa�ments as modxf ed by�his Agreement.Any of these specif ed change5 must be execut�d directly
<br /> by the undersigned. This limited pav�er of at�arney shall automatical�y term inate in 12U days from
<br /> the clasing date of the undersigned's modif ca�ion.Borrawer agrees to make and execute such other
<br /> documents or papers as necessary or required to effectuate the terms and condi��ons of this
<br /> Agreement vvhich, if approWed and ac�epted by Lender, shall bind and inure to th�ir heirs,
<br /> executors,administrators,and assigns of the Barrower.
<br /> �. Borrower must deliwer tv �ells Fargo Home Mortgage a properly signed Modification Agreement
<br /> by SEPTEMBER 14,�O1G.�f Bor�rov�er does not return a properly signed Mvdif cation Agreement
<br /> b}��his date and make all payments pursuant�o the trial plan agreement or any other required pre-
<br /> madif catiion paymen�s, �ells Fargo Home Mortgage may deny ar cancel the modification. If
<br /> Bnrrawer returns the proper�y �igned Madification Agreement by said date, paymen�s pursuant to
<br /> �he loan Modificat�on Agreement are due as outlined in thYs Modif�ca�ion Agreement. Wel�s Fargo
<br /> Home Mortgage may deny or cancel this loan Madif cation Agreement if Barrower fails to make
<br /> Wel�s Fargo Custom FHAHomeA�ordable Moc�rficati�n Agreement ��6 I������I�II������f�����f�
<br /> 08252�16 445 u < <
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