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2� 1 ��71 �4 <br /> interes� fr�m the date of dzsbursemen� a� �he same rate asses�ed an advances under the Gantrac� and shal� be <br /> payab�e,with�nteres�,up�n no��ce from Lender�.a B�rrower requesting payment. <br /> Inspect�on. Lender or i�s agent may make reasanab�e �n�ries upon and in�pec��an.s of�he Proper�y. Lender shall <br /> give B�rrov�er no�ice at the time of ar pri�r�v an znspec��on specifying reasQnable caus�for th�inspec�ion. <br /> Candemnat��n. The proceeds of any award�r c�a�m for damages,direct or consequentia�, �n connec�ian with any <br /> condem�xaia�zon�r o�her�aking of any part of the Proper�y, nr far canveyance in lieu af condemna�i�n, are hereby <br /> asszgned and sha�l be paid�o Lender. <br /> �n the even� of a tatal �aking of xhe Property, �he proce�ds shall be applied to �he sums secured by this Secu.ri�y <br /> Ins�rument, whether �r n�� �heza due, �tu�.�h any excess paid �o Barrotiver. In the even� of a partial �ak�ng of the <br /> Pr�p�r�r in whi�h�he fair mark�t�ralue of�he Praper�y�mmed�a�el�befnre �he taking is equal to ar greater�han <br /> the amoun� af�.he sums secured by this 5ecurzty �ns�ument �mmed�ately before the taking, u.r�Ie�s Borrov�er a�d <br /> Lender o�herwise agree�n�vrz��ng,the sums secured b�th�s S��ur��y Instrum�n�shal�be reduced b�the amoun��f <br /> �he pra�eeds multiplied by the follflwing frac�ion: �a}�he�atal amaunt af�he sums secured zmrned�a�e�y before the <br /> taking, divided by �b} the fair market value af the Proper� immediate�y bef�re �he takin�. Any balance shal�he <br /> pazd �a Borrawer. In th� ev�n� af a partial taking of�he Proper�y in vvhich the fair mar��� vaTue af the Proper�y <br /> �mmedia�ely befare �he tak�ng is Iess than the amaunt of�he sums s�cured immediately befare �he taking, un�ess <br /> Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in vvrzting or tuZless Applicabie Law a�herw�se pro��des, th� proceeds shal� <br /> be app�ied�o the sums secured by�his�ecurity�x�strumen�whe�her or nat the sums are tihen due. <br /> �f the Praper�y�s abandoned by Barrovver, �r if, after no�ice by Lender ta Borrower that the candemnor offers �a <br /> make an award or se�t�e a c�airn.for damages, Barra,wer fai�s to resp�nd�o Lender wi�hin�he minimum number of <br /> days es�ab�ished by Applicab�e Law af�.er the da�e the noti�e is gfven,Lender is au�horz�ed��co��ec�and apply�he <br /> proceeds, at ��s nptiiax�, either �o restara�ian or repazr of the Proper�y or �o �he sums secured by thxs Se�urity <br /> Instrumen�,�he�her or no��hen due. <br /> Unless Lend�r and Borr�wer o�herw�se a�re� in wri�ing, an�applzca��on af proceeds tio principa� shal�no�ex�end <br /> or pos�pane�he due da�e af�he payments due under the Con�ract�r change the amaunt of such payments. <br /> B�rrower Not Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender No� a Wai�er. Extens��n af the �ime fnr payment ar <br /> madifica��on ❑f am�r�xza�xan �f the sums secur�d by this 5ecurity Inst�ument gran�ed by Lender�a B orr�wer ar <br /> any SUCC�550�" in i��erest of Borro�wer shall no� operate �a release the Iiabz�zty of �he arig�nal B�rr�vver or <br /> Borra�er's successors in in��rest. Lender sha�l n�t be requ�r�d�.a commence praceed�ngs aga�ns�any success�r�n <br /> interes�or refuse�a extend time for paymen�or o�hervvise m�d�fy am.artizati�n of�he sums s�cured by�h�s Securi�y <br /> Znstrumen� by reason of any demand made by the ariginal Borrower ar �orro�wer's successors xn i��er�st. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender i.n exer�ising any r�ght ar remedy sha�� no�be a waiver of or prec�ude �he exer�ise af any <br /> right or remedy. <br /> Successors and Assigns Bound; Ja�nt and Severa� L�abi��ty; Accammodation Signers. The covenants and <br /> agreements of this Security�ns�rumen� shall bind and b�n�fi��he successars and assigns of Lender and Borravver, <br /> subjec� �a the prnvis�ans �f section tit�ed Transfer of �he Proper�y ar a Bene��ia� Interest in Borrower. <br /> Bo�-rau�er's covenan�s and agreements sha��be j oint and seve�a�. Any person vvho c�-signs�his Security�ns�rument <br /> bu� has n� personal �zabz��ty under the ��za�ract �"Accommada�ion 5i�m.�r"}: �a} is co-s�gn.�ng �his Securzty <br /> �nstrumen� �nly �o mor�gage, gran� and �onvey �ha� Accammvda��on Signer's tnteres� �n the Praper�y under �he <br /> �erms of the Security Ins�m.ent; �b} is na� persanally ab�xga�ed tfl pay the sums secured by this Secur�ty <br /> Instrument; and�c} agrees�hat Lender and ar�y o�her Borrnvver may agree�o extend, mod�fy, farbear or make any <br /> acc�mmodatia�.s wi�h regard ta�he terms�f�hi� Security��.strumen�or�h.� �on�rac�Wi�hout that Accammoda�ion <br /> Sign�r's consent. <br /> Lflan Charges. �f tihe ��an by th�s Se�ur�ty Instrumen� is sub�ec� to a Iaw vtrhi.Ch sets maximum I�an <br /> �harges, and that 1aw is fnall��n�erpre�ed sa �ha��he znterest ar��her laan charges col�e��ed or to be collec�ed�n <br /> connec�ion wi�h the loata exce�d #he permi��ed lirnits, �hen: �a} any such loan charge shal� be r�duced by the <br /> amoun�necessary�a r�duce th� charge to �he pernaitted l�mits and �b� any sums a�ready G�llec�ed from.Borravver <br /> whi�h exceeded perm��ted �imi�s vv�l1 be refunded �t� Barr�vver. Lender may choase to make th�s r�fur�d by <br /> �he princ�pal owed under �he Can�.rac� ar by rnak�ng a direct paymen.�t� Barrower. If a refund reduces <br /> principa�,�he reductzon�will be trea��d as a partial prepaymenti under�he Can�ract. <br /> Notices. Any notice to Borrotiver provided for �n this 5ecuri�ty Ins�rument shai� be given by delivering zt or by <br /> mailing��by firs�c�ass mail unless Applicab�e Law requ�res use of ano�her rnefihad. The natice sha�I be d�rected�o <br /> �he ProperCy Address or any other at�dress Borr��wer des�gna�es by na��ce �o L�zader. Borrower agrees �o prov�de <br /> Lender�ri�h Borravver's mns� currenti mail�ng addr�ss, as z�may change fr�m�ime-�o-�ime. Any z�o��ce ta Lender <br /> shall be g�ven by f rst c�ass ma��tfl Ler�der's address s�ated here�n ar any ather address Ler�der deszgnat�s b�not�ce <br /> �a Barroyver. Any n��ice provzded for in tih�s Secur��y�nstrument shal�be deemed to have b�en g�ven�o Barrower <br /> or Le�d�r tivhen given as pro�ided zn�his par�graph. <br /> GQverning Law; Severability.Th�s Secur�ty Znstrumen�sha��be governed by federa��avv and the�aws of the state <br /> of Nebras�a. �n �he even�tha� any pravision or �Iause of�his 5�curzty Ins�arumen� or �h� �ontract conflicts �tx��th <br /> ,�pplicab�e Law, such canflict shall n�� affect other pr��is�ans of�his Security Ins�rurnen�or the Con�ra�f vvhich <br /> caza be given effec�w��h�ut�he canflic�ing pr��ision. T�tihis end the pr�v�s��z�s of this Securi�y Zns�.rumen�and�he <br /> Con�rac�are de�lared�a�e se�erab�e. <br /> Borrvwer's Capy.B�rrflvver shal�be give�.one copy of th�s Securzty Ins�rumen�. <br /> Q 2�4�-���5 Camp�iance Systems,Inc.6 t 8A-42BD-2�I S.t 2.3.1.I 115 <br /> Cor�sumer Real Estate-Secc�rity Ir�stniment DL2D3d Page 3❑f 5 <br />
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