2� 1 ��71 �4
<br /> Transfer af th�Froperty or a Benefi�ial Inter�st in Borr�yvera If al� a��any par�of��e Proper�y�r�.n�in�eres�
<br /> �n i� is soXd a� transferred �or if a beneficial ir��erest in B��-r�wer �s sol�d or �ransferred and Borr�v�er As not a
<br /> natuaral person} �vx�hnut �ender's prior wr�.�tex� consent, Lender ma�, at it� op�zon, require �mmediate paymen� in
<br /> full of al� sums se�ured by triis Secu.rity ��stru.ment. Ho�ve�er, thzs �ptian shail na� be exercised b� L�nder if
<br /> exercise is prahibi�ed b��`ederal lavv as�f�he date of this Sec�rity�ns�rum�m�.
<br /> If Lender exe�cises �his option, Lender sha�l gi�e B arro�ve� na�ice ��'accelera�ion. The no�ice shall prov�de a
<br /> period of nat less than�he minimum nur�b�r of days �stablished by Applicable La�w fr�m �h.e da�e �h� r�atice is
<br /> delivered ar mail�d vvi�hin which Bnrr�wer mus� pay aIl sums secured by this Secur�ty �nstrument. �f B�rro,wer
<br /> fails to pay these sums prior �a �he expira�ion of�his periad, Lerzder may �nvoke any remed�es permi�t�d by th�s
<br /> Securi�Instrument Wi�hnut further no�i�e�r demand nn Borr�oWer.
<br /> Borrower�s I�.ght �� R�insta�e. �f B�rravv�r meets cer�ax� c�ndi�ions, Borrower shall have �he righ� to have
<br /> enforcement of�hxs Secu����ns�rumen� d�sconti.nued a�any��me przar t� the earlier of: �a} 5 days �or such ather
<br /> period as Applicable La�v may specify for rein��atemen�}before sal� ❑f th�Property pursuan�to any pov�er af sa�e
<br /> con�ained in this Securi�y Ins�rumen�; �r �b} en�ry of a �udgment er�fc�r�ing this Security Ins�rume�.t. Those
<br /> condi�iflns are �ha�Borrower: �a� pays Lender aI1 sums wh�ch�hex�vvauld be due under this �ecur��y�nst�umen�
<br /> and�he�on�ra��as if na acce�era�ion had�c�urr�d;�b}cures any defaul�of any o�her co�enan�s or�.greemen�s; {c�
<br /> pays a��expenses zncurred�n enforcing�his Security�ns�rument,including,but not lim��ed�a,reasflmable attorneys'
<br /> f�es �o the ex�ent permi�t�d by�aw; and �d� �akes such act�ox� as Lender may reasona��y requ�re�o assure�ha�the
<br /> ��ex�of�h�s Securzty Zns�rumen�, Lender's rights in the Pr�per�.y and Borro�uer's obliga�ion�a pay the sums secure�.
<br /> by �h�s 5ecurity �ns�rument sha�� c�ntznue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by BarroWer, this Securi�y �nstru_ment
<br /> and �he obligat��ns secured hereby sha�l rema�n ful�y effect��re as �f no acce�erat�on had �ccurred. Havve�er, thrs
<br /> right to reinsta�e sha�l not apply in the case af accelera�iQn under�he sectinn titled Transfer of the�r�pe�ty�r a
<br /> Bene���a�In��res�i�n B�rrawer.
<br /> Ha�ardous Substances.Borro,Wer shall na�cat�se or permit�he pr�sence,use, C�1Sp�5�.�, s�orage, or rel�as�nf an�
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or in the Pr�perty.Borrower sha�l not da,nor a���ov�anyane else t�do,anyt��ng affecting
<br /> the Prop�r�y�ha� �s in vi��at�on of any En�ira�.�menta� La�v. The precedi�lg �ro sentences sha�l n�� apply �a �he
<br /> pr�sence,use,or s�orage�n�he Prvper�y of small quan�it�es o�'Hazardous:�ubsta.nces tha�are genera�Xy recogn�zed
<br /> to be appropriate to norma�residen�ial use�and�o main�tenan�e af�e Prnp�er�y.
<br /> Borr�wer sha��prompt�y g�ve Lender wr�tten no�ic�of any inves�igation,c:laim, demand,lativsuit or a�her a�ti�n by
<br /> any g�vernmental �r regulatary agency �r priva�e parry inv�lving the �rtsper�y and any Hazardaus Substance or
<br /> En�ironmentaX Law of vvhich Borrower h.as actua� knowledge. �f B�rrower �earns, or 15 no�if�d �y any
<br /> gavernmental or regu�a�ory au�hori�y,tha�any removal or other remediat���n�f any Hazardaus Substan��aff�ctin�
<br /> �he Proper�y zs necessary, Borrower shall pramp��y take aI� necessary remedia� actions in acc�rdan�e tivi�h
<br /> Environmenta�Law.
<br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "Hazardaus SubstanGes" are�hose substances d.efined as taxic or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Environmental Lav►l and the ffl���vving substances: gasoline, kerosene, other fl.ammable or ���ic petroXeum
<br /> products, t�xi� pestzcides and herbzczdes, v��atile s�lvents, ma�erza�s ca��taining asbes�os or forma�dehyde, an�
<br /> rad�aaetive mater�a�s. As used in this paragraph, "Environmen�a�Lavv" xn��ns federal laws and�a,ws of the s�ate of
<br /> Nebras�a tha�re�a�e to health,safety or�n�iranmen�a�pr��ec��on.
<br /> Acce�erat�on; Remedieso Lender 5ha�1 give n�a�zee to Barro�ver pri�r �o ae�e�eration f����w�n� ��rrower's
<br /> brea�h of any�avenant or agre�men�in th�s Se�urxty Instru�n�n�ar the C�ntra��under wh��h accel�rat�on
<br /> is permitted��u� no�pri�r to acce�erat��n ur�der �he sect�an t�tled 'I`ransfer of�he Property or a B���f�c�a�
<br /> In��res�in Borr��ver, u�les5 Appx�cabl�Law pr�v�des atherwis��. Th e nv�ice shall spe��fy: ��) the default;
<br /> �b} the ac��an required to �ure th� def�ult; �c} a dat�, nvt �es� f.han fhe m�nimum nu�nb�r af days
<br /> est�blished�y Appl��ab��Law from the date the not��e�s g��er� �o Bonrow�r,by vvhich the d�fau�t must be
<br /> cured; and �d� that failure t� cure the d�fa�it �n or before �h�e date spe��f�ed in the noti�e rr�ay r�suit in
<br /> a�Celeratian of the sums 5eeured by �h�s S��uri�y Instrurnen� and sa�e of the Property. To the ex�en�
<br /> perm�itted by�aw, th� n�t�ce shall fur�h�r�mform Borrower o��:he r�ght�o refnstate after ac�ele����a�. and
<br /> �he r�ght to br�ng a caurt actfon fo as�er�the nfln-exzstenc�vf a�def�u�t or any other defense of Borr�w�r�o
<br /> ac���era�ion and sale. If the defauit is not �ur�d on or before t�e d��F� specif�ed�n the notice,Lenc�er at its
<br /> �ption may r��uire imm�d�ate payment �n full of a�� surns secured by th�s Secu�rity Instrum�nt �vithvut
<br /> further demand and m�y invoke the p�wer of sa�e and any �t�er rernedies perm�.tted by Appii�ab�e Law.
<br /> To the extent p�rmi��ed by lav�, Lender s�iall i�e entitled ta col�ect a.�� expen�es �ncurred i� pursu�ng the
<br /> rerned�es provided in �h�s Section,xnc�udin�,bu� not limi.ted�o, r�asonab�e att�rneys' fees and��sts�f title
<br /> evider�ce.
<br /> If the power�f sa�e �s in�oked, Trust�e shall record a not�c� af�default in each caun�y�n wh��h any part of
<br /> �he Property is loca�ed and shall mai� ��p�es of sueh noti��in �he manner prescr�bed by Applfcab�e ILaw tn
<br /> B�rr�wer and to the other per�ons pre�cr�bed by Appi�c�ble L�ayv. After the txme requ�red by A���x�able
<br /> Law, Trus��e shal� gi�e public noti�� of sale �o the persons and �n �lhe manner prescri�ed �y �pplicabl.e
<br /> Lavv. Trustee,Yvithvut demand on Borrv�v�r, shal� se�l th�Proper��a�pub�ic auct�on to �he h�ghes�biddex-
<br /> a�t�e time and pla�e and under the t�rzns de�ignated in t�e not��e of sale in one ar more par�e�s a�d in any
<br /> order Trus�ee determuines. Trustee may pos�pone �ale of all o� an�y parcel of th� Prape��y by pub��c
<br /> annvuncement a�the txme and pl.ace�f any p�-ev�ous�y schedu�ed�ale.Lender vr its de�ignee rn�.y purchase
<br /> �he PrvpQrty at any sa�e.
<br /> Upvn rece�pt �f payment af the pr�ce b�d, Trustee shal� deli�er to the purchaser Trus�ee's ��ed cvr�veyxng
<br /> the Propert�. The rec�ta�s in the Tr�aste�'� deed shal�be p�~�ma fa�ie e��idence �f the�ru�h vf th��t�t�ments
<br /> �2�44-2415 Campliance Systerns,Tnc.518A-42BD-2415.I2.3.1.1115
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instr�me�t DL2436 Pa�e 4�f 5 www.campliance�ystems.cQm
<br />