2� 1 ��71 �4
<br /> Payment�f Pr�n�xpa�and In�erQst; �ther Charges.Borrovver shall pram�ptly pay when due the prin�ipa�of and
<br /> iriteres�an�he debt owed under the Cnn�ra�t and�ate charges�r an�a�her fees and charges due under�he�ontrac�.
<br /> Applicable Law. As us�d in this Security �nstrument, the �e�m "Applicable Lav�r" sha�I mean a�� cantro��ing
<br /> applicable fed�ral, s�ate and Iocal s�a�u�es, regu�ations, ordinances �.nd admin�sfixa�ive rules an� �rders �tha�t have
<br /> �he effect af Ia�r}as�vell as al�app�icable f nal,non-appealable judicial opini�ns.
<br /> Charges, L�ens. Borrflvver sha�1 pay a�� �axes, assessmen�s, charg�s, f��.es and im.pasit�ons at�r�butab�� �a the
<br /> Property wh��h may a��a�m priority over�his Security Instrumen�, and �eas�hald paymen�s ar ground ren�s, if any.
<br /> A��he reques��f Lender,Borrovver sha�l prampt�y furn�sh to Lender rece�pts evidencing the payments.
<br /> Borrovver shall pramptXy d�scharge any�ien wh�ch has przarzty av�r�hxs Securi�y�nstrurnen�unless Barro�ver: �a}
<br /> agrees in writ�ng ta �ie paymen� �f�he o�blzga�ion secured by �.a� Iien :in a mann�r acceptab�e �o Lend�r; �b}
<br /> can�ests in good faith �he Iien by, or defends agarnst enfarcement of the �ien in, �ega� proceed�ngs �hich in th�
<br /> Lender's opini�n apera�e �o preven�t �he �nfa�cement of the lien; or �c} s�cures from the holder of�he �ien an
<br /> agreemen�sati�fac�ary�a Lender subordi.nat�ng the �ien to �his SecU.r��y Instrument. �f Lender deternr�.u�.es�hat any
<br /> par�tif the Property�s subject t� a �ren tivhich may attain priflrity aver thi�s Security Instrumen�, Ler�der may giv�
<br /> Borrower a no�ice ident�fying�he lien. B�rro�er shal� sat�sfy the 1i�n or take�n� or more of the actions set f�rth
<br /> abo�e�vithin �4 days�f the giving of not�ce.
<br /> Hazard or Pr�perty Insuranee. Borrower sha�l keep the impr�vem�nts nov�r ex�sting or herea�e� ere�te�on the
<br /> Property insur�d agains���ss by fre,hazards�ncluded w�thin�he t�rrn"ex�ended coverage" and an��ther hazards,
<br /> �ncluding fl�ads or fl.�oding, for �vhich Le�der requ�res znsurance. Thi.� insurance sha�l be mainta�.ned in the
<br /> am�unts and for the peri�ds that Lender require�. The insuran�e carrier pr��viding�he�nsurance shal�b�chosen by
<br /> Borrflwer subj�ct �a Lender's apprflval vvhich sha�l not be ur�reas�nably �rithheld. If Barrawer f�.�1s ta �arnta�n
<br /> coverag� de�c�zbed ab�ve, Lender may, at Lender's apt�on, obtain cav��age to pro�ect Lender's right� ��. the
<br /> Property zn a�cardance,wi�h sec�ian t�t�ed Protec�ion of Len�ier4s l�i�h�s��the PrQper�y.
<br /> A�� insurance pol�c�es and renewals sha�� be a�ceptable �o Lend�r �nd sh��� �nc�ude a s�andard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender shaX�have the right�o hold the po�xc�es and renewals. If Lex�d�r rec�uxres,Barro�ver shall prtimptly give to
<br /> Lender aIl rec�ip�s of paid premiums and rene�wal no�ices. In�he event af I�ss, B�rrovtrer sha��gxve pr�mpt notice
<br /> to�he insuranc�carrier and Lender.Lender may make praof of��ss if not made pr�mptly by Barra�er.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrnwer otherwis� agre� �n writ�ng, insuranc� pr�aceeds shal� be applied tv res��ra���n or
<br /> repa�r of th.e Praperty c�amaged, if, iri Lender's sal� discretitin, �he r�stora�ion or repa�r is eco�omi�ally feas��le
<br /> and Lender's security ts not�essened. �f, in Lender`s sa�e discre��on, �he r�storat��n or repair is not ec�namica�ly
<br /> feasible�r Lender's security tivou�d be�ess�ned,�he insuran�e proceeds sha:Ll be appli�d to the sums secured by�.his
<br /> Sec�a.rity Ins�rument, vvhether ar nat then due, vvith any excess paid t� Borrawer. �f B�rrovver abandvns �he
<br /> Property, or d�es no�answer w�thin the numb�r of days prescribed by App�iGable Law as se�forth��a z�ot�ce fr�m
<br /> Lender to B�rrov�rer�hat the insurance ca.rrier h�.s offered�o set�le a cla�m, then Lender rnay colle���he �nsurance
<br /> proceeds. Len�er may use �he pro�e�ds t� repair�r restore �e Property or ta pay sums secured by��.�� Security
<br /> Instrurnent,�vvh�ther or n���h.en due.The per�vd�f time f�r Borravver to an�v�er as se�f�r�h in the n�tice vvii�begzn
<br /> vvhen the notic�is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borro�ver o�.ierwise a��ee �n wri��ng, any applicati�r�flf proceeds to prin�ipa�s�al�n�t ex�end
<br /> or pos�pflne�he due da�e of�he payxnen�s due under�he Cantrac��r change the amvunt of the payments. �:�under
<br /> the sec�ion tit�ed Ac�e�erativn; Remedies, �he Pr�p�rty is acquzr�d by Lender, Borra,w�r's right�o any in�u.rance
<br /> pa�icies and praceeds resulting from damage �o the Praperty priar to the a�quzsitian shall pass �� Lender t� the
<br /> extent af the sums secured by th�s Securi�y Instrument immedia�e�y prior to the acquisi�ion.
<br /> Pre�e�-�vat�vn, Ma�nfenar�ce and Protec��on of the Prnper��; �3�rrav���r's Loan Appl�ca�ia�; Leas�holds.
<br /> �orrawer sha�l nat d�s�roy, damage or impa�r the Proper�y, allow�he Property�o deter�tirate, or comrn�t was�e �n
<br /> �he Proper�r. Borrower shal�be in defau��if any farf�iture action ar pr�eeec�ing,v�rhe�her civi�or�rzminal,is begun
<br /> that zn Lende�'s good faith judg�ment could re�ult in f�rfe��ure of the Property or�therw��e mater�al�y impair the
<br /> Iien created by this Securi�.y Ynstrumen� flr Le�der's securi�y interest. Borr�wer may cure sucr� a defaul� and
<br /> reinsta�e, as prov�ded in section ti�ied�orro�errs Righ� �o laexns����, by causing�he ac��an or pr�ceedi�.g�o be
<br /> dismissed vvzth a ruli.ng that,�n Lender's good fax�h de�ern�natzan,pr�clude z farfe��ure�f�he Borro�er's z�at�res�in
<br /> the Proper�y or ather rna�erzal impa�rmen� of the �ien crea��d by �his Secur�t�r �nstrurne�.t or Len�er's securi�y
<br /> in�erest. Borro�er shal�a�so be in default if B�rr�wer,during�h��oan appl�cati�n process,gav�ma�erza��y false or
<br /> inac�urate infarmation ar statements ta L�nder �or fa�led to provide Lender vv�th any mater�al inftir�na�zon} in
<br /> cann.ec�ion tiv�th�he �oan evidenced by�he �an�ract. If�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rument is an a leasehold, Barro�w�r sha�l
<br /> comp�y v��th aIl the pravisions af the I�ase. If�orrower acquires fee ti�le�a�he Property,the�easeh��d�nd�he fee
<br /> ti�Ie shall not merge unless Lender agrees�o th�merger in wri��ng.
<br /> Pr�tect�on Qf Lender's l�ights in the PrQperty. �f B�rrovver fai�s �a p�erfflrm the covenants ar�d agr�e�ments
<br /> can�ained�n�his 5ecuri�y�ns�rument, or th�re�s a�egal proceeding that m�Ly signif cantly affect L�nder's r�gh�s in
<br /> �he Praperty �s�.ch as a pr�ceeding in bankruptcy, pr�bate, for condemnat�on or forfeiture or ta �nf�rc� la,�rs or
<br /> regulat�ons}, then Lender may d� ax�.d pay for v�rha�ever is necessary �o pra�ec� �he value of th� Prape��y and
<br /> �ender's r�gnts in�he Praperty. Lender's ac�ioz�s may inc�ude pay�ng any suXns secured by a Iien vvhich has pr�ori#y
<br /> aver this Securxty Ins�rumen�, appearing zn cour�,paying reasonable a��orneys'fees and en��rzng an�he Pr�perty tio
<br /> make repairs.Although L�nder may�ake actian under th��sec�ian,Lender d.aes not have�o do so.
<br /> 1�ny amaunts dis�ursed �y Lender under �his sectian sha�� bec�rne additir�na� deb� �f Borrovver s��u.red �y this
<br /> Security �nstrument. Unless Barrower and L�nder agree ta a�her terrr�s of payment, �hese arnounts sha�� bear
<br /> C�2�0�#-2015 Camplian�e SysEems,In�.dIBA-42BD-2415.12.3,1.1 i 15
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-5ecurity Instrumez�t DL2fl36 Pa�e 2 v�5 www.campliances7�stems.corn
<br />