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2� 1 ���939 <br /> , <br /> not be exercised unreasonably. Lender xn�y r-ee�uire Bo��rower to p�y, in co��l�ectron with this Loan, either: �a}a onc-- <br /> t�me cilarge fflr flood zane determinatioY-�, certif�atio�� and trackin�s���vices; or�b}a�ne-time charge for flaod zoz�e <br /> determina�io��and certificat�on s�rvic�s and subsequent char�es each time remappings or sim�lar changes accur vvhich <br /> reasonably might aff�ct such d�terminatio�7 or �ertif catiotl. Borrowe�� sl�all also be responsiblG �'o�� �he payment af <br /> any fees impased by the Federal Eme�rgency Managem�nt A�e��cy in �annccti��� with the review of any flaod zt3��� <br /> determiz�at�ai� resulting from an abjectio��by F3�rrow��-. <br /> If Boi•rower fails to mainta�n az�y of'tl�e covet•�gcs descz�ibed abo�e, Lei-�der inay abtai�� il�.su�•���c�co�et-a�;e, at <br /> Le��der's optian and Borraw��•'s expense. Lcnder zs �.�nde�� na �bligatiot7 ta purchase any pal-Licul��r type�r az�.zoun� <br /> of co�crage. Therefare, such caverage sl�all cover L�nder, but mi�ht oz- r��ight i�ot pratect 13orrower, Boz•rower's <br /> equity in the Proper�y, or the�ontents of tl�e Praperty, a�ainst any rislc, i-�azaz•d ar liability a��d n�igl�t pro�ide gx�eater <br /> or lesser coverage tl�an was pre�iausly in effe�t, �3or�•ower acicnowled�es that the cost of tl�e insurance co�er��e so <br /> o��ained mi�ht significantly exceed the cost af insurance that�3orrovver could ha�e obtained. ��y�m�unts disbursed <br /> by Lender u�zder�his Section 5 shal�b�come additinnal debt of Bor-�•awer secured by tl�is Security I1�strui�7ent. `I'hese <br /> amounts shall bear interest at the Note rate fro�n the date�f d�sbu�-se�ne��t a��d shall �e pay�bl�, witl7 su�h in�erest, <br /> upon notice from Lender to Borrower reque�ting payment. <br /> All insurance palic�es required by Lende�� ai�d 1-enewals of such policie� s��al1 be subject to Lender's i-ight t� <br /> disappro�e sucl�palicies, sha11 in�lude a standard mn��tga�e c�ause, a17d sl��ll r�a1�-�e Lender as 1-��o�-tga�Ge ax7dlor as a�� <br /> additional Iass p�.yee. Lender sl�all ha�e the right t� ilold the policies ai�d rencwa� certif�ates. Z�Leilder �-�:quire�, <br /> Bflrrower shall promptly give to Lendez aII receipts af paid premiums and renevval notices. If�3orrowcr obtains any <br /> form of insurance�o�erage, nat otherwise requ��ed by Let�der, for dalnage ta, or destruction of, th��'rop�rt�, such <br /> pflli�y shall include a s�andard rnortgage claus� and shall name L���der as mortgagee ai-�dlor- as an additiona� loss <br /> payee. <br /> �n the e�en�of loss, Borrower shal� gi�e prompt notice to the insurax�ce carrie�•and Lendcr. Y.endez-may inakc: <br />: proof of loss if not made promptly hy Borrovve��. Unless Lender ancl 13arrowez• o�herwise �grc� �r� �vriting, a��y <br /> insurance pr�ce�ds, whe�her or��ot the under-lying insurance was r�c�����cd by Lender, shall b�c1��11L'C��� I"L'Stdl"�tl[71`� <br /> or repair of th�Praperty, if�l�e restoratian ar �-epair is economically feasibl�and Lender's �ecuz�ity is not I�;ssene��. <br /> During such repair and restoration period, Lender shall ��awe th� ri�ht ta hol� s��ch ins����a���� p��c�cecds ur�til I��nder <br /> I�as had an opportunity to inspeci such �'r�pez•ty ta ensurc thc wor�� has bc�n coz�npletcd ta �ac�7c�e�•'s sati�fact i ot�, <br /> px-ovided that such il�spectian shail be undertalcen prompt�y. Lender inay disburse pro���ds fo�- tl�c repairs azad <br /> restora�ion in a sing�e paym�nt or in a scries of prngr-ess payments as thc warlc is coinplct�d, Un�ess an agreement <br /> is x�lade in wri�ing or Applicable Law rec�uires intcrc�st to be paid on such insurance praceeds, Lendez� sha�l nflt bt� <br /> re�uired to pay B�rrower any int��es�or ear��rngs o��su�ll proceeds, Fees f�r public adjusters, or other third partics, <br /> retain�d by Borro�vei- sha�� not b� paid out of the insurance procceds and sha�l be tlle so�e abli�;atiol� af�3��•�ower. <br /> If the res�aration or repair is not ecol7omically feasi�le or Lendcr's security wa��ld b�lessez�ed, the insurar��e proceeds <br /> shall be applied�o the sums secured by tl�i�Security I�Zs�ruinent, whether or n�t tl1e��due, witl�thc excess, if aX-�y, p���d <br /> to Borrawer. Su�l� insur-ance p��oceeds s1�aII b�applied i�� t��e �rde�- pra�idec� for ii� Sectioi� 2. <br /> �f Bor�-ower abai�dons the P�apet�ty, Le��det• may fi�e, ne�otiate and settle any a�ai lab]e insu�•ai�ce c��i��� and <br /> related matte��s. �f Borrower does not re�palld withi�� 3�days to a notice from Le��der tha� the ix7su�'c�17CG CciF�'1�I•has <br /> affered to settle a claim, t��et� Lender may n�goti�te a��d settl� �he claim. �I�he 3�-day periad will �e�;in vvllen the <br /> notice is gi�en. �t� ei�her event, or if Lender a�quires th�Property under Section 2Z or atl�er•wise, �3fl�-�-ower he�-eby <br /> asslgns to Ler�der�a} Bo��rower's rrgh�s to any �t�su��an�e proceeds in an amoui�t not ta exceed �he amou�-�ts unpaid <br />' under the Nnte or�his 5ecur�ty Instrument, and(b}any oth�r of Ba�•ravver's ri�hts�ath�r th�.r��he right t❑ai�y refux�d <br /> of unearned prcmiums paid by Boz•rower} unde�a�l insurail�e policies co�e��i1�g thc Yropcz-ty, lI7S�fc�I' c�S 5UC�7 i'1��1tS <br /> are applicable to�he co�erage of�he Prope�ty. Lender i��ay use the ins��ra��ce praceeds eithe��to rep�ir-or restot-�tl�e <br /> Property or to pay amountis unpaid under the Note o�-this Secui-ity �i�strumt���t, whether or ��ot tl�ez� duc. <br /> G. �c�upan�y. Barrowez� sl�all �ccupy, estabIish, and usc t11e �'�-operty �s �3or1-owe1-'� p�-ir-�cip��l r�sidence <br /> withrn 6�days after�he exe�uti�n of t�1is Security Znstrument�z�d sh��I col7tinue t�occupy the�'��opcz-ty as�3orrovv�z-'s <br /> pr�l�c�pal��es�dence for at least an�ye�r afte��thc date of acc��p���cy, u11ICSS LCI7C�L'I'���7LI"LN15L'agrees i�� wz�i�����, wh�ch <br /> NEBRA5ISA--Single Family--Fannie Ma�1Fr�ddie Mac UNlF�RM INSTf�UMENT-- MERS ����,��.r�����,� <br /> Farm 3�28 11�� Pag� 6 of 15 www.doGmagic.corrr <br /> ; „ <br /> �� <br /> M � I 1[ � I <br />