2� 1 ���939
<br /> "cfl�enant and agreem�nt" 1S L15�L� I17 S�C1.1C]1� �, If Lorz�awer i5 obligat�d�o p�y Escrow Z�ems d�rectly, pL11'Su�l7t tt3
<br /> a waiver, a1-�d Borrower fai�s�o pay tl�e arnoul�t due for an Es�r-ow Iten�, Let�der may excrcise its rights undei�Sec�ion
<br /> 9 and pay such amoul�t and Barrovvez s1�aI1 then be obligated under Section 9 to repay to Lend�r any such amount.
<br /> Lender may re�ol�e the waivez-as to any or�ll Escraw Itc��1s at az�y time by a nati�e given in a�corda��c�with Sec�ioi�
<br /> 15 and, upon such re�ocation, Barrower shall pay to L�ndez� all Funds, ai�d zn such amounts, �hat az-c then requirt�d
<br /> under this Section 3.
<br /> Lende�may, at any fime, collect and hold Funds in an amount�a}sufficient to per�7�it Lei�der ta apply the Funds
<br /> at the time specified under RESI'A, az�d�b} 17ot ta exceed the�-naximul-��a�nount a ler�der can �cc�uire under RESP�.
<br /> Lender sha�l estil�nate�he amount of Funds due on the�asis af cur�-ent data a��d reason�ble est�rnate�Uf expe��ditures
<br /> of fu�ure Escrow Items�r otherwise in accord�nce with �1.pplicab�e Law.
<br /> The Funds shall be held i�7 �n institution whose deposi�s �z-e ii�sured by a feder�l agei�cy, in�t�•u��ne��ta�ity, or
<br /> entity (including Lender, if Lend�r �s an ins��tution whose depos�ts are sc� �r�sured} or in at�y �i ederal ��or�1e Laa��
<br /> Bank. Lender s��all apply tl�e Funds to pay the Esc���w Ite���s i�o late�-�h��� �I�e time specified ur�der-IZE�P�1. Lendcr
<br /> shall not charge Barrower for 17olding ai�d applyi��g the �unds, at�l�ually analyzing the esc�-a��v ac�o�.int, or-ve�•iFyi��.�
<br /> the Escrow��e�-ns, u���ess Lender pays Bo��rower interest��� the �i unds and�.pplicable Law pe�'I`I11tS LL'17C��t" �.D I77c�1tE;
<br /> such a cl�arge. Unless an ag��eeme��t is made in writing ��-Applicablc Lavv�-��uires interest to b�paid on �he�i u��ds,
<br /> Lender shall r�at he required tn pay}3art•flwer�ny ix�terest ar�arnin�s o�7 the F���nds. Borrower a��d Lei�de�can a�ree
<br /> in writiz�g, howe�er, that interest shail bc: paid a�� the Funds. Le��de�� sl�a�l gi�e to �3orrow�r, witl�oLit cllarge, a��
<br /> annual accounting of the Funds as required by RES�'A.
<br />; If there is a su�-plus of Funds held in escrovv, as defined und�r RESPA, Lender sha�l account to�3orrower far
<br /> the�xcess funds in accordance with RES�'A. �f'thel•e is a shortage of Funds l�eld in cscz ow, as defincd under RES�'A,
<br /> Lender sha�l notify Borrower a�re�uired by�ZESPA, �nd Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessa��y t��n�.lce
<br /> up the shortage in accordance with RES�'A, �ut in no ���orc tha�� �� monthly payments. Zf thert; i� a defici�ncy of
<br /> Funds held in escrow, as d�fined under RESPA, Lender shall natify Borrower as rec�uir�e�i by RESP�, and�3orra�v�r
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necessary�o malce��p the deficien�y in accoz�dance wifh �ZF�S�'�, b��t i��no mor�than
<br /> 12 manthly payments.
<br />; Upon p�yment in fu�l of all su�ns secured by tllis Security Ins�ruX7�ent, Lender shall pro���ptly ref`��I�d to Bo�-�-ower
<br /> any Fu��ds h�Id by Ler�der.
<br /> 4. Charges, L�ens. Boi rawer shall pay a]��axes, assessments, ch�rges, f nes, and i�npositions at�ributaU��ta
<br /> the Froperty wl�ich can attain priority a�er this SGcurity ��7sti-u7��en�, lea�eho�d payz���nts or �ro��nd r�nts a�� thc
<br /> Propez•ty, if any, and Cornmu��ity Assaciation Dues, I'ees, and ���ssmen�s, if a��y. ri�� thc extcnt tl�at �hesc ite��z�s
<br />� are Escraw�tems, Borrower sha1l pay the�n in the�nan��e�� p�ov�ded il� Sectio�l 3.
<br /> Borrower shall promptty discharge any�ien which h��prrority over this Security Znstru���cz�t u���ess 13ot-ravvcr:
<br /> �a�agrees in�v�-it�ng to the payment of�he nbligatio�� secured by the lien i1� �mailner accep�abie�o Le��der, buf anly
<br /> so long as Borr�vve� i� performing su�h agreemen�; �b} �o17�ests the Iien in good �'aith by, ar defe����s against
<br /> enf�rcement of tl�e lien in, legal pro�eedings�vhich in Lez�der's apinion ❑perate�o pre���7t the enfoz•ce��lent ar1��e l��n
<br /> while those p��oceedings are pendiz-��, but o�-�ly until such p�-oceedin�s are concluded; ox �c} secures fi om the ho�dcr-
<br /> of �he lier� an a�reeinent satisfa�tory ta Lend�r subordinatix�g �l�e lien to this Secuz•ity r��str-ument. rf' Le�lder
<br /> determ�nes that any part of�he�'raperty is subject t� a lien wl�ich can attain priari�y a�er this Secu�-ity Znst��u��7e��t,
<br /> Lende�, may gi�e Bar-rower a notice �dentifyii�g th� lie1�. �1Vithin 10 days of�l�c date on vvhich t11at n��ice is given,
<br /> Borrower sl�all satisfy �he lien or talce ox�e or more ❑f�he actia��s set fox tl� abave in tl�is Sectio��4.
<br /> Lender may require Borro�vet�to pay a anewtime chai•ge fo�a re��estat�tax�e�-ifi�ation andl��•re�o��t��-�g ser�ice
<br /> used by Le��der in conn�ction wi�h this Lo�n.
<br /> S. Property Insuranee. Borrawer shall lcc�:p the impro�c:m�nts naw existin�; or �7L'I'L`clf��'�' C;I CGt�d �17 the
<br /> Property insured against loss by fire, hazards included wi��1��� �he tcr�-n "extc�nd�d co�erage," and any other hazards
<br /> including, but nat limzted to, eartl�c�uakes and floods, for which Lende� re���ires insurance. 'I'�7i5 1f7SUI'�17CL S��a�I �7L'
<br />� maintained in the amounts �including dcductihl�: levels} a��d far �he periods th�t Lendet requires. What Lenc���
<br /> requ���es pursuant fio the preceding se��tencc�can changc:during til�c term af th�L�an. rI�hc ins��rance carriez�p��o���.�in�
<br /> the�nsuranc�shall be chosen by�3�x•rowcr subject to Lender's right to disappr�o�c�3orz-ower'S C�lC]1CL',wh�ch�•i�l�t shall
<br /> NEBRASKA-WSingfe Family--Fannie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT- MERS f.�ocA�'�grc���o� t;
<br /> F o r m 3�2 8 �1�� P a g e 5 o f 1� www.dv�magi�,com
<br /> u r
<br /> r 9`
<br /> r[ r i I � i r
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