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2� 1 ���939 <br /> . <br /> cansel�t�hall not be u�-�reaso��ably wi�l�h�ld, or unless exte�7uat���b c�r�:umstanccs exist which az�beyond �.30�•�•owe�,'s <br /> c�ntrol. <br /> 7. Preser►vation, 1Vlain�:cnancc and Pratectxon �f thc Prc�perty; xnspe�tions. Bor•rower shall not des�ray, <br /> damage or�mpair the Prop�rty, allow�he I'rope��ty�o deteriorate or com���it wast�an the Property. Wl7ether or not <br /> Bo�rower is residing in the Property, Borrower shall mai��tain the I'i•opez�y in order to p��e�ent the Property from <br /> deter�orat�ng ar decreasing in �alue due to its canditioi�, Un�e�s it is deter�ni��ed p��rsua��t to 5ect�on 5 that repair or <br /> restoratior� is not economically feasible, Barrower shal i promptly repair the Property if dama�;ed to avoid fi�rther� <br />� deterioration or damage, �f insurance or condemnati��7 proceeds a��e paid in�onne�tioz� with damage ta, or the�akin� <br /> of, �he Property, Barrot�ver shai� �e resp�nsible foz� reparr�n���• restoring �he �'roperty a��ly if Leilder has released <br /> proceeds fo�� such purposes. Lendcr may disburse pt�oceeds for the r�pai��s and restoration ��� a sin�le payn�ent nr iz� <br /> a seri�s of pragress pay�nei-�ts as tl�e vvorlc is�a��lplet�d. �f t��e insura��c�or co��dei��nation proceeds are n�t s���ficie��t <br /> to repair ar z•es�ore�h��'roperty, �3orrower is nat z-elie�ed of�3orrow�r's obligatioz� for the complctioi-� of sucl�reparr <br /> or restoration. <br /> Lender or i�s agent may�nalce reaso��aUle e7�t�ies upoi�and�nspections of�he Property. �f i�has reasnnable�ause, <br />: Lender may inspect�he i��terior of t�7e i���pro�ements an the I'rnperty. Lender shall gi�c�3or��ow��-notice at the time <br /> of or pri�r ta such an interior inspection specify�ng such reason�ble cause. <br /> S. Sarrower's Laan Application. Baz-rower shall be in defau�t if`, during the Loan applicatio�� pracess, <br /> Borrower az-any persons or entities actit�g at the directia��of�3orrower or with�3orrower's l���awled�e ar conse��t ga�� <br /> rnaterially fal�e, mi��eading, �r inaccurate information or st�tex-�7e��ts to Lendez- �a�- failed to prnvid� Lcnder wit�� <br /> material info�•matian} in connection �vitl� �he Loan. Material rc��rese��tati�ns in�l��de, bu� arc nc�t limite�� to, <br /> repr�esentations concerning Ba��i-ow�z-'� accupancy of tl�c I'z-oper-ty as F3or-row�r'S �]I"li`�C1�3�11 �"L'S1C�L11CL. <br /> 9. Prn#ectian of Lender'� �nterest �n the Prapir�:y and �t�ghts �.�nd�r this Sicurity �nstrumenf.. If�a} <br /> B�rrower faits to perform�he �a�enaz7ts and ag����tnents contained �n this Sccurity Instru��zent, tU} thcre is a l��al <br />- prflceeding that might significant�y affect Lender's inte�-es!in the Propez-ty ai�dlor rights under this Security Instrument <br /> �such as a praceeding in banlfrup�cy, probat�, for- co�7demn�tion ❑r farfeiture, far enfarcement of a lie�7 �vh�ch m�y <br /> attain pr��rity o�er this Security Inst�•ument o�� to enforce laws or r�gula�ians}, or �c� �3o��r�we�• has ab�ndoned the <br /> Property, then Lender inay do and pay for whate��z� is rea�oi�able or appropriate to p�ote�t Lender'� int�rest in thc <br /> Proper�y and rigl�ts under this Security I7�strument, including protecting andlor assessing the�alue of the P��operty, <br /> and se��ir�ng an�lor repairing the Property. Lender's aet��l�s can include, but are Y7at limited to: �a}paying ar�y sui�as <br /> secured by a�ien which has pz-iority o�e��this Security Ii�st�un-�e��t; �b} appearii�g in co��rt; a��d �c}p�yin�r�a�ol�ablc <br /> attorney�' fees ta protect i�s interes�in the Praperty���dlor ri�;l��s under this Security Inst��u�-n�nt, 117L'IL1C��17�1tS SL'CU1�C� <br /> pasition in a banl�ruptcy pra�eeding. Securil�g the Nroperty i��cludes, Uu� is��ot Iimit�d to, enter�i��tlle �'ropet�ty to <br /> r��ake repairs, change locl�s, replace o�board up doars and windows, drai�� wa�er fram pipes, L'I11`I7117c1�� �L11��117g��' <br /> other code vio1ations or dangerous condi�ions, a1�d have uti�ities tur��ed❑��or off, A�though Lender z-�Zay tal�e actin�� <br /> under�h�s Se�ti�n 9, Lender does not have�o d�s�ai�d is no�unde�any du�y o�•ab��ga�ion �o do so. It is agr�ed tl�at <br /> Lender lncurs na llability for nat ial�ing a�-�y ar all a�tio�7s au���orized und�r this Sect�on 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender undet-this Section 9 shall become additional debt of�3arrower secuz�ed by this <br /> Security �nstruinent. These a��launts shall bear i���eres� at the Nate ra�e fz-om lhe date of disb��rseme�lt a��d sl�al� be <br /> payabte, with such in�eres�, up�n notice from Lend�r to Bot�rowc;r �-��u�stf���;pay��lent. <br /> If this Security Ins��-umet-�� is on a leaseho]d, Borra�ver shall comp�y with al� tl�e pro�isions nf tl�e �ease. <br /> Boz�rawer shall i�ot surrender the�e�.sehold estate and r��ter-ests he�-e�n con�eyed or�err�linate oi-�anc�l tl�G grc�ut�d lease. <br /> Bor�•ower shalI not, withou� tl�e express vvritten cansent of Lender, alt��- or amer�d th� �i-ouz�c� 1��5e. If'13flr�-o�ver <br /> acc�uires fee ti�le to the Property, the leasehold a�7d the fee tiile shall t�ot�ner�c un�ess Lez�der a�rees �o the mez-�e�� <br /> in writin�;. <br /> 1.0. Mor#:gage Insuranee. If Lender re�uired 1Vror�ga�c�nsu�ance as a condition of r-��aki�-�g�l�c Loai1, I3arrawer <br /> shal� pay the pre�niu�ns rec�uired to mai��t�in the Mo1-�gage I17sL�rance in effect. If, for any �easan, the 1VIo�-t�a�e <br /> �nsuran�e co�erage rec�uired by Lender ceases to be avai�able from the moi-��ag�insurei-that pi-e�iously p��o�rded such <br /> insurance and Barrawer was required ta n�alce separately designated payme:nts toward the premiu�-ns f�r Mortgagc <br /> ���surance, Borrawer shall pay tl�e prez��iums �equ�red to ❑b�ain co�cragc substantially equi�alent to th� Mortgage <br /> NEBRASKA--Singl� Fam�iy--Fanni� Ma�lFreddi� Mac UN�F�RM INSTRUMCNT- IVI��S ❑�CMa�,�C�r�a_����, <br /> Form 3��8 11D 1 Page 7 0� 15 w w�v_dncm�gic.c�arn <br /> ,r � <br />� 1 � �� �� � <br />