<br /> 2� 1 ���939
<br /> a
<br /> under the Note and this SeCurity �nstl-u�7��t�t shall be 1�1adc ir� t�.S. L'C.li'1'Ci�C:�. ��C]1N�'VL'�', if �i��y cl�cc�� o�- o�h���
<br />: instrut�nent recei�ed by Lender as pay�-��ent u��der �he Note at-thts Secu��ity I��strur��ent is returt��d to Lender i�l�paid,
<br /> Lende�may rec�uiz-e tha�any or•all suhsequent payment�du�under th�Notc and ti�i� ��cu1-ity In���-ument be i�nad�i��
<br /> one flr mare of�he follawing forn7s, as selected by Lender: �a�cash;�b}money ord�r;�c}certified chec��,ban��checic,
<br /> treasurer's checl�or cashier's checls, provided any such cl�ecl�is drawn��pon an iz�s�itu�ion wllose deposits are i��sut•�d
<br />� by a federal agency, instrumentatity, or �ntity; nr- �d} Llectrar7ic Funds 7'ransfer.
<br /> Payments are deemed�•ecei�ed by Lend�r vvhen recei�ed at tl�e location designat�d�n the Note or at such other
<br /> loca�ion as may be designated by Lender in accordance witl� t��e not�ce pt•ovisians in 5ectian 15. Lender may t�et�.irn
<br /> any payment ar parfial payment if the payment at-par�ial payments are insuffi�ie��t t❑brin����e Laa��current. Lendex•
<br />� may accep� any payment ar partial payi�7en� insuff cie��t �o bi-ii�g the Loan curret�t, without vvai�er of any i�ights
<br /> hereunder• ar prejudice t❑ Its rigl�ts to refu�c such pay�ne��� ar p�rtial pay���el�ts in �he f��tu��c, but Lei�dc�z- is nat
<br /> obligated to appl�such paymen�s a�the time sL�ch paymcnts arc aecepted, If��ach Per�odic �'ayment is applied as of
<br /> its scl�eduled due date, then Lender��eed not pay interest on unapplied fu�7ds. Lender may l�o�d such ur�applied funds
<br /> un�il Borrower makes paytnent ta b�ing the Laan current. rf Borrower does not do sa wi�hin a reasonable period of
<br /> �ime, Lender shall either apply such funds or returz� thel�� ta Borrower. �f no� applied earlier, SLkC�1 �UI7L�S W1�� bC;
<br /> applied �o the outstanding pz-i��cip�l bala��ce ul�der the Nate immediately przor tio foreclosure. No offset or ciaim
<br /> which Borrower 1r�igl�t ha�e now or in the futur�a�ainst Lender shall ���lie�e �3a��rower from m�lc�t�g pa�mez7�s due
<br /> under the Nate and this Securi�y �nstrument or pet-farx�li��g �he co��nants ar�d agreemei7�s secured by this Security
<br /> 7nstrumez��.
<br /> 2. Appl�ca�:ian of Payrnents or Procceds. Except as at��erwise descr-ibed i�� this Sectio�� 2, all payme��ts
<br /> ac�epti�d a��d applied by Lender shal� be applied in �he follovving�rd�r of�pz-i���ity: ��} i��tc;re�t ci�i� u��d�r thc Note;
<br /> �b}principal due ul�der t1-�e Nate; �c}a���ounts due u�7dei�S�Gtioz�3. �L1C�7�3r��177�17L5 S�1�I� bL{�ppl icd tc� each�'��-io��i�
<br /> Pay���ent in �he order in vtwl��ch it became dLt�. Any re1-�7ail-�in�amo�rnts shall be applicc.i first �o Iate char�e�, scc�z�d
<br />: to any otl�er amounts due ui�d�r- this Secuz�ity Instt-ume��t, at�d thcn ta t•educc the p��i��cip�l balaz�.ce �f t�1� Note.
<br /> If Lerlder recei�es a payment frnl�� Bor•rawer for a delinquel�t �'�riodic Pay�r�en� r�vhi�l� i��cludc;s a suff icie���
<br /> amount ta pay any lat� c1-�arge due, the payment may be applied t❑ the dcli��quent payxne��t anci the la�� charge. If
<br /> more than one Periodi� Payn�ent is autstanding, �lender tnay apply any payme��t recei�ed from Borrower to thr:
<br />� repayment of�he Periodic Pay�nents if, and to the extcnt that, eac�a paymen�cdn be p�id in full. "��o the exten�that
<br /> any exc�ss exists after the payment is applied to the full payment of�n�or more Periodic Paym�z�ts, such exce�s may
<br /> be app�ied�o any late charges due, Volun�2�ry prepayments shal�be applied f rst to any prepay�-tlent chargcs and tl7�n
<br /> as described in the Note.
<br /> Aa�y application of payments, �1�sur��zc�praceeds, �i' M1SC�I�cil7eflLlS I�I��C�LC�S LQ �]1117C1�3c�� L��.�G U17C��'I" t�7� ND�:�
<br /> �hall not extend o�-postpone the due date, or cha��ge ���e ai�.�ouzlt, of thc NeriodiC �'�yments.
<br />� 3. Funds for Escrarv Ytems. Borraw�z-shall pay ta Le�7der ��� tl�e day I'erifldic �'ay���ents are d��e u��dcr tl�e
<br /> Note, un�il ���e Note is paid in fi�ll, a sL�n��the "Funds"} �a pro�idc f`or pay�ncnt of a��iau��ts due t��-: �a} taxe� aa�d
<br /> assessments a��d otl7er items wh�ch can a�tain priority aver �his Se�urity �nstrui��cnt as a�ie���t�er�cuil�brax7ce ot� the
<br /> Proper�y, �b} leasehold payme��ts or gz�ound rents ��� the Yrape��ty, if a��y; �c} p�"emiur��s f�z• a��y �nd al� rns��raz�ce
<br />. required by L�nder und�r Se��ion 5; and�d}M�rtgage Znsurance premiums, if���y, or any sums payabie by Borr�wer
<br /> to Lendel-in Iieu of the payment of Mo�tgage Insurance premiums in acco��dance wi�h tl-�e pt•o�isiat�s of Sectifln 1�.
<br /> These items are ca�led"Escrow�tems." At nz-ig�nation oz•at any time d��rin�the term of�:he Loa1�, Lender may rec�uire
<br /> that Community Assacia�ian Dues,Fee�,and As�ess���ents, if any, be escrowed by Ba�•t�awer,and such dues, fees and
<br /> assessm�nts s��a�� be a1� Es�row Ytem. �3or��avver sl�a�l p��omptly f��rnish to Lende�� all notices of amounts to�e paid
<br /> �z��der tl�is Section. Borrower sl��Il p�y Lender the �{�i��ds for Lscrow Ztet�z�.s t�nless �enci��• vvai�es ��orrower's
<br /> obligati�n to pay th�Funds far�.ny o�-all Escrow�t��ns, �.endcr rnay wai���3orrowez�'s obligatio�� to pay to Lendez-
<br /> Funds for any or-a��E�c�-ow Items at a�ay tiane. Any s��ch wai�er r»ay ot�ty b�in w�•itii��. �n tlle c�ei�t of sucl�wai�ez�,
<br /> Barrower shall pay direc�ly, whcn a1�d where payablc, thc:amounts due for any�.scrovv Itc���s for which pay���ent o�'
<br /> Funds has been wai�ed by Lender and, if Le7�der rec�uii-�s, s��all furnish�o Lender receipts e�id�nciz�g such pay�nent
<br /> within such ti�ne period as Lend�r may r•ec�ui��e. Borrowel-'s abligatia�� ta n�a��e s�.�ch p�yl��en�s and to pz ovide rc�cipts
<br /> sha�l for all purpases be deelned t�be a cn�enant a��d agt�eeme��t con�ained in this Secu�•ity Inst�-ument, as 1he phras�;
<br /> NEgRASKA--Stng1� Famiiy--Fannie MaclFr�ddie Mac UN�FDRM lN5-���UMEN�i� - ME��S � � �o����.���rl���,� �r�}
<br /> Form 3�'�8 �1�1 Pa�� 4 of �5 www.docrr�ayic.carrr
<br /> �r i �
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