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2� 1 ���933 <br /> �. I�ender wi�l farg�v�aut�tanc��n�Qt�1�r��es U.S.$�.0�.Q�Iier�ees rt�ay incl�ude,�t�t are t�at��m�t�� <br /> t�:�'riar�3efer�•ed Xntet��st,ap�r�.s$�f��s, <br /> E. �.�nder vw���farg��e outstandin��SF Fees�J.S.��.D�. <br /> �`. L►�r�der agt•ees�o v�ra�ve a�1 unpaid i�ate�harges in the amount of�T.�.���6.�4. <br /> �. '�'h�am�unt af�.nteres�ta be��c�uded�capita�.iz�d}wii�be U.�.$7�8.75. <br /> H, The am�un�of t��e Escrow AdWan�e�a be capi�aliZ�d�ritl b�i],S,����7S.Z�. <br /> �. Add���ona�A�gr��men�s. <br /> �agr�e�a�he fol�ow�ng: <br /> �. If a�p��Gable, the�Iote may �antair� p�o�isions a�I�vwin� fo�changes �n �he interes� rate and t�e <br /> mant��1� payment.T�e�i�te [im�ts�h� amount the��rrav��r's �rite�es#ra�e �an el�ang�at any��e <br /> ti�e and�e�ax�xnum r�t�fhe$orrvwers mt�t pay. <br /> �. If a b�vtreekfy Iaan,th�Loan w�il conwert ta a rnont.hly IaaYment�ch�dUle.Re�erence� in#h�LQan <br /> Documents t� "hiw�ek�y," "e�rery two v�eefcs," and "e�ery a�her ��nday" s�a[I be read as <br /> "m�nt����+,"e�ccept as it reiates t�tUe�od�fed�atur��.y Date.�terest w�l��e�harged���a��Q-day <br /> �ear, d�vtd�d into tweiv� �i�} segn�ents. �ntet��st e�acg�d at a��l o��er xim�s u�i�I be eompute� bx <br /> mu�tiplysng th��nterest be�ring prtnc�g�ba�an�e by t�.e in�er�st rate,diwiding the resu�t by 355,and <br /> ���et� rr�u��iptying��at d�i�y in��res�amaUrtt a�the a��ua� num�ex of deys for whicf� ioterest is t.�en <br /> du�.As�ae�of t��e con.version fror� b�w�ekly ta mantv�,� pa}�ments, an� au�amatic wftf�dra�ra�of <br /> pa}�ments�ac�ta draf�ing�in efF�c��vi��i Lend�r for#�e�,,,van are canc��[ed. <br /> �. Funds f�r Eserow I�ems. r wi�Z �a�� ta Lender �n th� da� payments are due under th� �an <br /> I�ocum�nxs as am���ded by thts Agr�eement, ur���� th�Lc�an zs p�id ir► fu�I, a su�n �the "F�II�CIS"} �o <br /> pravide far�aym�nt nf amoun�s due for;�a}�a�€es a�d assessmen�s and a�her items w�ic�can��tai�t <br /> p��iority ov�� the iV�artga�e as a �ien or enc�mbrance on t�he Pa�aperty; �b} i�as�ho�d p�yments vz• <br /> graund rents on the Prapec�, i�`any; �c) premiums fox an� and a�� insuranee require� by�.end��� <br /> und�r th� Loan Docum�nts; (�.} mar-t�age insurance premiums, �f an�►, or any surns p�yab�e ta <br /> Lender in j i�u of th� pa�rn.en� �f max�gage insur�n�e prerniums �n a�cordanee wit�3 t��e I.�au <br /> �acuments�and�e)an�c�mmun:ty asso�iation dues,fees,and a�essn�ents that Lend��r�quires to <br /> be eacra�red.Thes� �tems�re ca��ed"�scr�ow Items�'I s�aii p�omptty furnis�ta I.end�r a��nati�es <br /> af amounts ta be pa�d und�r t�z�s Sectivn�4.�.1 shaii pa�Lender the Funds far��w Y�erns un�ess <br /> Lender w�iv�s m�ob��gatian to�ay the�unds f�r any or a[��scr�w ttems.Lender ma��ra����n� <br /> ob#igatian ta pa�to Len�er Funds for�ny ar a�� Es�row I�ems at any time.An�r suc��ur��v�r a�a�r <br /> aniy be �n�vr�tt ng.In t��� event af such waiwer, I shai�pa� dire�tl�, v�r���n and w��ere paya�le, the <br /> ar�naunts du��or any Es�ravv�tems fvr�hich payment of Funds has heen vW��ved b}�L�n�er a�d., if <br /> �.en��r requires,shall �urn�s}��a Letad�r�•��eipts ev�dencing such payn��nt v�rith.i�suc�time�eriad <br /> as Lend�r xna�r�qui�e. �11�y ahl�gatioa to make such pa�ments �nd ta QrQv�de r�e�pts sh��� for a�� <br /> purpases be de�m�d �a be a cowenant and Agreement cor�ta�ned i�i the I�aan D�cumen�s, as the <br /> phrase"eo►r�nant and A�reem�r�t" is used �.n fhe Y.oan Do�uments.If I am ab�iga�ed ta pay��r€�w <br /> �tems d�re�r��, pu�rsuant to a�vaiv$r, a.nd �fai�to pay t�e amo unt due fo�an Fscrov�+x�em, Lenc�er <br /> may�xe�c�se�ts r�gh�s under t�ie I�aan Dacumen-t.s and this Agreement and pay sueh amo�nt and� <br /> Wells Fa�go�ustam Mu[ti�tate I�arne Affardab�e h�Qdef�cat�an Agrecn�ent 7�S���t������l��� <br /> --S�ngte Farn�1y U22C24l�i 36S <br /> Pa�e 4 <br />