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2� 1 ���784 <br /> interest from the da�e of disbursemen� at �he same ra�e assessed an advances under the Con�ract and shall be <br /> payab�e,vvith in�eres�,upon not�ce fram Lender�o Borrower requestzng�ay�nen�. <br /> Inspectian. Lender �r its agent may make reasonable entries upan and znspect�ons of�he,Prflper�y. Le�der sha�� <br /> give Borrower no�ic�at the ttme of�r pr�ar�o an ins�ec�ion specifyir�g reasanab�e cause for�he inspectifln. <br /> Condemnatian. The proceeds of any award or claim far damages, d�r�ct or cansequen�ial, in connec��on Uvz�h any <br /> condemna�ia� ar�ther�aking of any part of the Proper�y, nr far canveyance zn�ieu of candemna�ian, are hereby � <br /> ass�gned and sha��be paid to Lender. <br /> In �he event of a tota� �akzng of the Praperty, �he pr�c�eds shall be app��ed to �he sums secured by �his Security <br /> �ns�rumen�, v�hether or no� �hen due, v�ri�h. any excess paid to Borrower. In �he even� af a par�za� taking of the <br /> Proper�y in which�he fair marketi value of the Praper�y immed�a�eXy before the taking is equal�o or gr�ater than <br /> �he am.flunt of the sums s�cured by th�s Securi�y Instrumen�immedia�ely before the taki�xg, unless Barrflwer and <br /> Lender o�herwise agree in wr��ing,�he sums secured by�his Security Ins�rumen�sha11 be redu�ed by�he amaun.�vf <br /> �he proceeds mul�iplied by the f���avving fracti�n: �a�the�ata� amoun�of�he sums secured immed�ately befor�the <br /> �aking, d�vzded by �b} �he fa�.r market �a�ue af the Proper�y zmmedia�.ely b�f�re the �aking. Any�a�ance sha1� be <br /> paid to Borrower. In the event of a par��a� tak�ng of the Prop�rty �n Whi�h the fair mark��value of the Proper�y <br /> �mmed�ateiy before �he �aking is less �han the amaun� nf the sums secur�d �mmed�at��y bef�re the �akin�, unless <br /> B�rra�ver and Le�.der afherwise agree in wri�ing or unless Applicable Lav�r othez�v�se prav�des, the prace�ds sha�� <br /> be applied t�the sums secured by th�s Secur��y�ns�rumen�vtr�ietih�r or na��he sums are�hen due. <br /> If the Froperty zs abandoned by Barrawer, or if, after natice by Lender to Barr��ver�ha�the condemnar affers�o <br /> make an a�vard or s�tt�e a cla�m for damages,Borrotiver fa��s ta respond�Q Lender w��hin�he m�nimuzn number af <br /> days�s�ab�zshed by Applicable La�w a��r the da�e the no�ice is gz�en,Lender�s au�hor�zed�a callect and apply the <br /> praceeds, a� i�s option, �zther to res�ora�ion or repazr of the Pr�p�r�y ar t� the sums secured by �his Securi�y <br /> �nstrument,v`rhether�r n���hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrovt�er�therwise a�ree in urritiing, any app�zcat�on of pro�eeds tn principa� sha�� nat e��end <br /> or pastpon��he due date�f�he payments due under the�fln�ract or change the amounti af such payments. <br /> Borrower Nn� Released; Farbearan�e By Lender N�� a V�aiver. Ex�ension af the t�me far paymen� ar <br /> madzfzcat�on af amortzzation of�he sums secured by �his 5ecuri�y Inst�uxnen� grari�ed by Lender ta B arro�wer �r <br /> any, successor in �n�eres� of �3orrovver shall not opera�e �.o re�ease �he Iiab�lity af the or�ginal Borrav�rer ar <br /> Barr�Wer's successors �n ir��eres�. Lender shall n��be requzred�.fl commence praceed�ngs aga��st any successor in <br /> intier�st or refuse to ex�end�ime for paym�nt�r otherw�se madify amortizat��n Qf the sums secured by this Securzty <br /> Instrumen� by reason of any demand made by the origina� Borrovtrer �r Borrower's successars �n interest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exercis�ng any right ar remedy shall nat be a�raiver of ar preclude �he �xerczse af any <br /> r�gh�or remedy. <br /> Suecessors and Ass�gns Baund; Joint and Sev�ral L�a�x�xty; A�cnmmodat�on Signers. The cavenants and <br /> agreements of�.his S�curity�nstrumerit shal�bind and benefi�the successars and asszgns af Lender and B�rrower, <br /> su��ect ta �he pro�isians af sectian titled Transfer of �he Property or a Benef�c�a� In�erest �n Borrnvver. <br /> Borrower's covenan�s and agreemen�� sha�l be�oi�.�and severa�. Any person vtrho c�-signs�h.�s Security�nstrument <br /> but has nn persona� ��abili�y und�r �he �on�rac� �"Accamrnoda�ion Szgner"}: �a} �� ca-sign�ng �his Se�ur�ty <br /> Ins�rument an�y t� mar�gage, grant and canvey �ha� Accommadatian Signer's interes� zn th� Property under the <br /> ��rms of �he SeCurity �ns�rumen�; �b� �s no� persona��y obligated �a pay �he sums secured by this Se�ur�ty <br /> Ins�rumen�.; and�c} agrees that Lender and any��her Borrower may agree�� e��.end, modify, forbear�r make ar�y <br /> accommada�i�ns w��h regard�a the�erms of th�is Securi�y�ris�rumen��r�he Cantrac�withau�that Ac�ammoda�ion <br /> Signer's cansen�. <br /> Loan �harges. �f the �oan secuared by �hzs 5ecur��r �nstrument zs subj ect �o a lavv �vhich se�s ma�imum �nan <br /> charges, and�hat Iav�r is finally interpre�ed sa tha�the i�.�eres�or o�her l�an charges ca��ected�r�o be cflllected in <br /> cannec��o� Uvith �the 1Qan exceed the permi�ted limits, then: �a} any such �aan charge shall be reduced by the <br /> amoun�necessary ta reduce the charge#a �he permi�ed l�mzts and �b} any sums already collec�ed from Borrov�rer <br /> which exceeded perrnit�ed 1imi�s w��X be refunded �o Borr�vver. Lexader may choose to make �h�s refund by <br /> reducing the princ�pal �wed under the Cantract or by making a d�rect paymen�to Borrovt�er. If a refund reduces <br /> princzpal,���reduction Wi1I be�rea�ed as a par�ia�prepayment under�he��ntract. <br /> Nat��es. Any no��ce �o Barro�ver prov�ded for �n �his Se�u�i�y �ns�rument shali be g�ven by delivering i� or by <br /> mailing�t by fzrs�class ma��unless App��cable Lav�r re�u�res use�f ano�her methad. The no��ce sha�I be d�rected to <br /> �he Property Address or any o�her address Borr�v�rer designates by na��ce �o Lender. Borrawer agr�es tQ provide <br /> Lez�der w�th Borrower's mos� cwrrer�t maiX�ng address, as z�may chax�ge from t�rne��aW�ime. An.y noti�e �a Lender <br /> �hall be given by firs�c�ass maz��a Lender's address sta�ed herei�or any o�her address Lender des�gnates by notice <br /> �a Barrovver. Any no�zce prov�ded for�n this Security Z�s�rurnent shal�be deemed�o have been g�ven�o Borr�wer <br /> or Lender when given a�pro�zded in thzs paragraph. <br /> �averning La�v; Severabil.�.ty.Th�s Security�ns�rument sha��be gaverned by federa��aw and the�avtrs af the s�a.te <br /> �f Nebraska. �n�he event tha� any prov�sian or clause of�h�s Securi�y Ins�rumen� or the �orztract conflicts v�ith <br /> App�zcab�e Law, such conflic� sha�l na� affect o�her provzs��ns af this 5ecuri�r�nstrum�nt or the Con�raG# whzch <br /> can be g�veri effect withou��.ie c�nflic��ng prov�s��n. To�his end�he pravisi�ns of�his Security�nstru�men�and the <br /> Contrac�are declared to be severable. <br /> Barrower's�opy.B�rr��ver shall be g�ven one capy of�his 5ecuri�Ir�s�rumen�. <br /> C�24d4-2015 C�mp�iar�ce Systems,€nc.CBES-EC25-2� i 12 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2436 Pa�e 3 vf 5 www.��mpliancesystems.cvm <br />