2� 1 ���784
<br /> Tran�fer of the Prvper�y��r a Benef�cxa�Ix��eres�in��rr�v�er� If ai�or any par�o�the Property ar an�r�n�erest
<br /> xn z� is so�d or �ransferred �or �f a ben�fzcia� in�er�s� in B�rrovver �s sald �r �ransferred and Bor��o�er �s no� a
<br /> natura� persvn} with�u�t Ler�der's prior wri�te� consen�, Ler�der ma�, at ��s optz�n, r�qu�re ��nmed����e pa]ment in
<br /> fu�� �f al� sums secured byr th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument. Hovuever, this option �hall no� be exercisec� by Lender if
<br /> exercise is prohibzte�by fecLera��aW as af�he date�f this 5e�cur�ty Instrumen�.
<br /> Zf Len�ier exercises th�s ap��on, Lender shall give B orr�vver natxce of acceXerat�an. �he n�t�ce sha�l p:rovide a
<br /> period af n�t �ess �han �ie min�rnum number af days es�ab��shed by App��cab�� La�u from the da�� �he �otice is
<br /> del�vered or rna��e� w��h�n wh�ch Borr�w�r mus� pay aIl sums secur�d by th�s 5ecuri�y �nstrumer�t. �f�orrawer
<br /> fails to pay�hese �ums pr���r �o �he expiratian of�his periad, Lend�r may invoke an�remedies pe��m.i��ed bv �his
<br /> 5 e curity Ins�rument wit�iout fur�her no�i ce or demand on B orrawer.
<br /> B�rr�wer's R�ight �o I��i��state. If BorroWer meets certain cand�t��ns, Borrower shall hav� the righ� �o have
<br /> enforcemen�of this Secur�i��r�ns�tment d�scon�inue� at any time pri�r�o �he �ar�ier flf: �a} 5 days �or s�ch��her
<br /> periQd as App�icabl�Law zr�ay specify for reins�atement}before sale �f the Property pu�suan���an��pourer of sale
<br /> contained in �his 5ecuri�}r Yns�rurnent; �r �b} en� of a judgmen� �nforeing �his Secur��.y Tnstrument. Those
<br /> cond�tions are �hat Borro�v�:r: �a� pays Lender a�� sums v�hx.ch �herz�r�uld be due under this 5ecu.�Yty In��rumen�
<br /> and the�on�ract as if no ac�.elera�ion had occurred; (b�cure�any defau�t of any o�her covenan���r a�reerr�ents; �c)
<br /> pays all expenses zncurred i�z enforcing th�s Securi�y Iristrument, including,bu�nat l��ni�ed to,reasanable a��t�rne�rs'
<br /> fees �fl the �xtent permi�ted by law; and �d} �akes such ac�i�n as Lender rna�r�asonab�y requ�re�o assure�hat the
<br /> Iien of�his Securxty�ns��um.en�, Lender's r�ghts in�he Properfiy and Borrower's o�a��gatxon to pay the:sums secured
<br /> by �his Security Instrumen� sha�I contznue unch.anged. Upon rein�ta��ment by Barrov�er, �his �ecux�ty �nstrumen�
<br /> and �he ab�igat�ons secur�d h�reby shal� remain fu�ly eff��t�ve as if n� acce�eratian had oc�urred. H�v►l�ver, this
<br /> rxght to reinsta�e sha��n�t apply in the case of acceleratiar�under�he section tit�ed Transfer af the�'rope�rty or a
<br /> Bea�ef��ial In�erest in B�rraw�r.
<br /> Hazardous Substancese B�rrov�rer sha�1 no�cause ar permit�he pres�nc�,use, disposal, s�orag�, or re�ea�e o�any
<br /> Hazaxdous Substances��or�in�he Property.Borrovv�r shal�nfl�do,n�r al�ovv anyone e�se ta do,anyt�iing affec�ing
<br /> the Proper�y that �s �n viola.�ion of any Env�ronmental Lavtr. The p�-eced�ng two sen�en�es �hall nc�t apply�� the
<br /> presence,use,ar storage on�he Proper�y af small quanti�xes�f Hazard�us Substances tha�are genera�Xy recognized
<br /> ta be appr�priate�o narmal:residen�ia�uses and�o maint�nance of�he Proper�y.
<br /> Borrovv�r sha�l promptly giy�e Lender writ�en notice af any�nves�iga��on,c�a�m, demand,lav�rsu�t or c�ther�c�ron by
<br /> any go�ernxnental or r�gu�atory agency or priva�e paz-ty �z�valving the Praperty and any Hazardou�� Substa.nce or
<br /> Environmental Lavv af vvruch Borrovver has actual kno�r�edge. If Borr��vver learns, nr is na�if ed by any
<br /> gflv�rnmental or regu�atory��uthor�ty, tha�any rernaval ar o�her remedia�ion�f any Haz�.rd�us �ubs�:ance�.ffe�ting
<br /> the Property is nec�ssary, Borro�rer sha�l promp�t�y take a�l necessary r�med�a� ac�ions i� a�c,ordar�ce v��th
<br /> Environmental Law.
<br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are�hose substances def ned as tox�c or hazardc�us su�st�nces
<br /> by Enviranmez�tal Law and. th� foll��ring substances: gas��ine, k�rasene, n�her �lammable ar toxic pe�raleum
<br /> prflducts, to��c pe��icide� and herbicid�s, vola�ile solven�s, ma�er�als containing asbestos ar fvrrna�deh�de, and
<br /> radioactive materzals. As us�d in th�s paragraph, "Envi�anmen�al La�v" means federal la�rs and lavvs af the state of
<br /> Nebra�ka�ha�relate to hea���:�,safety or environmen�al prfltec�ion.
<br /> Accelerat�vn; Remedie�. Ltender sha�� g�ve nfl��ce to BorroYver pr�flr to ��ce�eration fo���w�n�� Borrov�er's
<br /> breach of any c�venan�vr agre�me�t im this Security Instrum�nt or the Contract under whici�� a�ce�.era���n
<br /> xs permxtted� �but not pr�ar•�a a�celerat�an under �he sec�i�n t���ed Transfe� of the Prflperty oir a B�ne��ia�
<br /> Interest Yn Borrower, unless A►.pplY�ab�e Law prflvides a�herwY��). The n����e shall specify: �a;� the �efault;
<br /> �b} the act�on requ�red �o cure thQ defau�t; �c} a da�e, n�� less th�n the nr�xn�mum nu�r�ber �f days
<br /> established hy Appl�cab�.e 1Lav�from the dat��he nflti�e�s g�ver��o Barravv�r,by wh��h th�de��auit rnu�t be
<br /> cured; and �d) �hat fa��ur�: t� cure �he defau�t on or be�ore the date s��ci�ed �n the n�t�ce rnay r�su�� in
<br /> acceleration �f the sux�s sec�red by this S�curi�y InStrument a�nd sal� of �he Property. 'I'v the ext�nt
<br /> permi��ed by law, the r�o����e �ha�I further inf�rm Borrower of�he rf ght�� reYn�ta�e af�er acc�Llerat�on and
<br /> the right to bring a caur�a.cti�n�v asser�the non-exis��n���f a defaul�or an�other defense of`Borr�wer to
<br /> acce�era�ion and sale. If the d�fault is not cured on or b�for� th� date speci�ed�n �he notice, Lend�r at its
<br /> op��on may require �mrr�e�diate pay�nent �n fu�l of al� sums s��ured by this S�curity Instrur�.ent �vi�hvut
<br /> further demand and may��nv�ke th� p�wer af sa�e and �ny ather remedies perr��tted byT Ap��licab�e Law.
<br /> To the extent perrrutted ��y �av�, Lend�r sha�� be entit�e�d to cv�l�ct a�l e�penses incurred in pursu�ng �he
<br /> rernedies provided in this"ec�ion,�nc�uding,�u� not l�mited�o, r�asonab�e attorney�' fees and ��st�of t��ie
<br /> ev�d�nce.
<br /> If the power of sa�e �s i�.voked, Trustee shall recvrd a no�xc� of default�n e�ch county�n yvhicI� any part of
<br /> the Property is�o�a�ed anc[shall ma�l copies of su�h n��i�e�� th�m�nner pres�rib�d by AppliE�ab�e La�v�o
<br /> Barrower and to th� athe�• pers�ns pr�scr�bed by A��lY�able La�. Aft�r the tirn.e requ�red by Applicab�e
<br /> Lavv, Trustee sha�l gzve pi�blic n�tice af sale �o the per�an� an� �n �he xnanner pres�ri�bed h;� A�pli�ab�e
<br /> Law. Trustee,vvf�hout de�ar�and on B�rrvwer, shali sel�the Pr�p�rty at pu�l�c auc�ian to the highest bidder
<br /> at the time and place and und�r the terms des�gnattd in�he no�����f SaZe�n on��r more�arce:�s and in any
<br /> �rder Trus�ee determir�es„ T�ustee may ptistpone 5a�e of all �� any �ar�el of the Pro�er�� �y publ�c
<br /> announcement at the time�anc�p�a�e nf any prev�.�usly�c�edu�ed �ale.Lender flr�t� d�s�gnee r�xay pv�rchase
<br /> the Property at any sa��e �
<br /> Upon recexp� vf paymen�of the price ��d, �'rustee shall deliver �o the purchas�r Trustee�s d��a�i c�r�veving
<br /> �he Pr�perty.The recitais�in the Trust�e's deed sha�b�prima�`acxe e�iden�e of�h�truth�f t��e s�a�em�n�s
<br /> Q Z�d4-2415 Com�Iiance Systems,Inc.CBE8-]��2d-2� I2
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-5e�urity�nstnimenc DL2D36 Page�❑f 5 www.compliancesyster�s.com
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