2� 1 ���784
<br /> Payment of Principal a�d Int�res�; �ther�harges.BorrQvver shal�promp�Iy pay�vhen due the p:rincip���f and
<br /> interest on the debt ov�ed un.der the�antrac�and Xate charges nr an�r�th�r fee�and��arges due under the Cor��rac�.
<br /> Appli�able Law. As us�d �n �h�s Security Instrumen�, th� �erm "Appl�cable Law" shal� mean �all ca�.�trolling
<br /> appl�cabl� federal, sta�e ant��ocaX sta�utes, re�ulations, ordinances and adminzstrativ� rul�s ar�d orc�ers ���.at have
<br /> the effec�of Iav�r�as wel�as all app�icable f nal,non-appealable�udzcz�.I�pini��s.
<br /> �harge�; Liens. Borrflu�er sha�l pay aI1 taxes, asses�ments, �harges, f�nes and ir��osi�iox�s attr�butab�e to the
<br /> Pr�perfiy vvhich may attain��riority over�his Secur��ty Ins�ument, and �easeha�d pa�ments or groun�3 ren�s, if any.
<br /> A�the request of Lender,B orrovsrer sha��promp�ly furnish to Lender receipts�videncing�he paymen�ts.
<br /> Bflrrower sha�� promp�l�r di;�charge any 1�en wh�ch has pr�o�-i�y aver this 5�cu�i�y Ins�rumen�un�ess B�rr�Wer: �a�
<br /> agrees in writing �� the paym�nt of�he ob�zga�ion secured by �h� ��en �n a manner a�ceptab�e ��o Lender; �b}
<br /> con��sts in goad fa�th the lr;en by, or defends agains� enf�rcemen� of the �ien in, �ega� proceedzngs whi�h in th�
<br /> �,ender's op�n�on opera�e �a preven� �he enforcement of the Iien; �r �c} secures frorn the halder Df the lien an
<br /> agreement satzsfa�tory�o L��nder subordinating the lien�� �h�s 5ecur��y Ins�rumen�. �f Lender de�er:mines tha�any
<br /> part of�he Proper�y is sub���ct�o a lien vvh�ch xnay a��ain priori�y over �h�s Secu.rity Instrument, Lender r.�ay give
<br /> Borr�wer a no��ce identifyit�g�h.e �ien. Borrourer shaXl satisfy the lien ar�ake �ne or more of the a�:��ans set for�h
<br /> abave wi�hin 10 days of�he giving of no�ice.
<br /> Hazard �r Praperty In�uran�e. Bor-rovsrer shalZ keep th�i�nprovemen�s now existing flr hereafter Lrected on the
<br /> Property in�ured aga�ns��os�s by fre,hazards included w�thin the term"extended cov��ag�" and any o�her hazards,
<br /> inc�uding floods or f�aodin.�, fflr tivh�ch Lender requ�re� �nsuranc�. Th�is insuranc� sha�� be mai:r�taine� in �he
<br /> arnounts and f�r the peri�ds�hat L�nder requ�res. The i.nsuran�e carri�r provid�ng the ansurance sha�:L be chosen b�
<br /> Bflrrov�rer subj ec� to Lende�-'s appraval v�rhich shall not be unr�asona]�Iy w�thheld. If Barrovver fai�s ta xnaintain
<br /> coverage described ab�ve, Le�der may, at Lender's ap�ian, �bta�n caverage �o protect Lender'�� righ�s in �he
<br /> Praperty in accordance vv�th sec�ion titled Protecti�n of I�e�der's�ights�n�he Prop�rty.
<br /> Ail insurance pa��c�es and renewa�s sha�l be acceptabXe �a ]Lende� and sha�I inc�ude a standard ma�rtgag� clause.
<br /> Lender sha��have the right 1:o h�ld the polic�es and rene�al�. If Lender re�uir�s, Borrawer shall prtamptly�g��re ta
<br /> Lender aI1 re�eipts Qf paid��remiums and renevval na��ces. I��he ev�n�of�oss, Borrflyver sha��give prompt natxce
<br /> to�he�n�urance carrier and��ender.Lender may make pro�f of Xass if no�made prampt�y by Borrovv�;r.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrourer otherwise agree in v�-iting, �nsuranc� proceeds sha�l be appXzed �o r�stor�tion or
<br /> repair of the Proper�y da�r�.a.ged, if, �n Lender's sole discre�uon, �he r�s�ara�i�n or repazr �s economi�ally feasib�e
<br /> and Lend�r's security is not lessened. If, in Lender's so�e d�scretion, �he restora�ion �r repa�r is nat econom�ca��y
<br /> feasib�e or Lender's security wou�d be lessened,the insura.nc�praceeds shall be applied�a�he sums s�cured by�hzs
<br /> 5ecurzty Ins�rumen�, wheth��r �r nn� �hen due, with any �x�ess pa�d to Borr�v�rer. �f Borrower abandons �he
<br /> Proper�y, or do�s not ans,we��wi�hin the number Qf days pres�ribed by Appli�able Law as set far�h in a not�ce frorn
<br /> Lender to Barr�wer that�he �nsurance carrier has offered�a se�t�e a�Iaim, �hen Lender rnay co�lect th� ir�surance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use �]he praceeds to repair or res��re the Prop�r�y or to pay sums secu�-ed b���this �e�urity
<br /> �nstrument,vvhe�her or n���reri due.The period�f�ime for Borrovv���o ansvve�as se�forth�n th�no�:�c��v�Il begin
<br /> vvhen�he no��ce�s given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrflvver otherwise agree in wri�ing, an�applica���n flf pr�ceeds to principal sh�l�no�ex�end
<br /> or postpone�he due date af�he pa�ments due under the �ontract�r change �he amoun�af the pay�r:�en�s. �.f und�r
<br /> the sec��an t��Ied AcceZerativn; RemedYes, �he Proper�y is acqu�red by Lendeg, Borr�v�er�s righ�to any zr�surance
<br /> polic�es and praceeds res���ing frflm damage to the Prape�-ty prior to �he acqu�si�ian sha�� pass to Z�nd�r �o �he
<br /> extent af�he sums secured b.��his�ecur��y�ns�rument immed�a�el�r pri�r to�he ac�uis�tion.
<br /> Preservation, Main�enanc�� a�d Protect�on af �he Pr�perty; �vrrower°� LQan App��.�a.��on; Lea�ehalds.
<br /> Borr�u�er sha11 nat des�roy, ��amage or impair the Property, �.11o�r�he Praper�y to de�er�orate, or cor.nm��vaast� an
<br /> the Property.Borravver shall be in defaul�if any f�rfe��ure act�an or proce�din�,whether c�vil or crxr�unal,�s begun
<br /> that�n Lender's g��d fa�th judgmen� cou�d resul�in f4rf�rture af�he Proper�y or ��erv�rise mat�r�a�Iy im�azr the
<br /> Iien created by thzs Secur�t�y Instrument or Lender's sec�.rity in�eres�. Barrovsrer may cure such ;a def�.ul� and
<br /> reins�ate, as provided in s�cl:zon ti�Ied Borrower's R�ght to Re�nstate, by caus�ng�he ac��on or pra�eedix�g to be
<br /> �ismissed�xri�h a ruling tha�,in Lender's good fai�h de�ermination,precludes forfei�u�-e of the Borrov�€�r's�n�erest in
<br /> the Pr�pert�r or o�her ma�erial impazrment of�he lien crea�ed by �his Security Ins�rumen� ar Len�er's security
<br /> in�erest.Borrower shal�a�so be�n defauit�f Barro,wer,during�he laan appl�catian pro�ess,ga�e mate�rza��y fa�se or
<br /> inaccurate infarma�ion or statements �o Lender �or failed to provide Lender w�th any material infarma�ion� in.
<br /> connectiion wi�h the �oan evidenced by the Con�ract. If this Securzty Instrume�.t�s on a �easeha�d, Bnrrourer shal�
<br /> �omply vcr��h a��the pr�visions of�he lease. �f B�rrQv�rer acquires fee�i�Ie t��he Property,�h��easeho:[d and�he fee
<br /> ti�le sha��na�merge un�ess Lender agr�es to the merger�.a.writing.
<br /> Pr�te�ti�n vf Lender's I�i�;hts in the Property. �f Borrflvver fai�s �a perform �he c�venan�� an�d agr�ements
<br /> contained in�his S�curity�n�tru�nent, or�here is a Iega�proceeding tha�may significant�y affect Len�er's r�gh�s in
<br /> th� Property �such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, proba�e, for ca�ad�mna�iari or forf�i�ure or �o en�'orce �av�rs ar
<br /> regu�atz�ns}, then L�nder may do and pay f�r u�hatever is necessary t� pro�ect the value of th� Property and
<br /> Lender's righ�s xn�he Propert.y. Lender's actions may inc�ud�pa�zng any sums secured by a��en whic�.has prior�ty
<br /> aver�this Securit�r�ns�rument, appear�ng in court,paying reasonab�e a��or�eys'fees and en�ering an t��e Pro�erry to
<br /> make repairs.Although Lender may take act�on under this sec�ian,Lender does not hav��o d�so.
<br /> Any amoun�s dis�ursed by I�ender under �h�s sec�ion sha1� become addi��onal del�� of�3arrawer s�cured by this
<br /> Security Ins�rument. Unless Bo�-rawer and Lender agree ta o�her �erms of paymex�t, �hese amour�ts sh�.Il bear
<br /> �24�4-2�15 Com�liance Systems,Tn�.CBE8-�:C26-2015.I2.2.1112
<br /> C�nsumer Reai Estate-Secur�ty Instrument DL:?�3fi Page 2 vf 5 www.cc�mpliancesystems.cvrr�
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