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2� 1 ���748 <br /> �nterest frorn �he da�e of disbursement a� the same rat� assessed fln advances under the Cantract and sha�I be <br /> payab�e,�rvith�nterest,upan no�ice from L�nder to BarroWer reques��ng payment. <br /> Inspe�t�on. Lender�r its agen� may make reasonable en�ries upon and xnspectzar�s of�he Praper�y. L�nder shall <br /> give Bflrrov�er no��ce a�the�zme of ar prior�a an inspec�ion spec�fyzng reasonab�e cause for the inspec��on. <br /> Candemnation. The proceeds af any award ar��a�m for damages, direc�or c�nsequential, in connec��an w�.th any <br /> condem.�.a���n nr a�her�akzng of any part of�he Proper�y, ar for canveyance in lieu of candemna���n, are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be paid�a Lender. <br /> In the ev�n� of a �otal taking of the Praper�, �he proceeds sha�� be app��ed �o the sums secured by �his Security <br /> Ins�rument, �vhe�her or not then due, vvi�h any excess paid to Borr�vver. In t�ie even� of a par�ia� �a�ng af�he <br /> Proper�r �n which�he fa�r market value of�he Proper�y �mrnediate�y bef�re the taking zs equa� to or greater than <br /> �he amount of�he sum� secured by this Se�urz�y �ns�.-u�ment immediately befor� �he taking, un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lender otherwzse agree irz wri�ing,the surns secured by this �ecurity Instrument shall be reduced by the amount�f <br /> �he prnceeds mu�t�p��ed�y�he fa��avv�ng frac�ion: (a}�h�to�al amou.n�flf tihe sums secured immediately befare�he <br /> �aking, divided by �b} the fair marketi �ra�ue of�he Proper�y immedia�ely before the taking. Any ba�ance shall �e <br /> pazd �o Borrower. In �he even� of a par��a� �a��ng of the Properry in whi�h �he fair marke�value of�.he Property <br /> immediate�y before �he �aking �s �ess than �he amaun� of the sums secured �mmediate�y�efvr� the �a1��ng, uz�.�ess <br /> Ba�-rower and Le�.der atherwise agree in v�rrit�ng or un�ess App��cab�e Law❑�herw�se pro�ides, the proceeds sha�l <br /> be applied�o the sums secured hy th�s Secur��y�ns�rumen�whether or not�he sums are the�due. <br /> If the Property zs abandaned by Borrovver, or�f, after no�ice by Lender�o Barr��ver that�he condemxaor affers �a <br /> m.ake an a,ward�r settle a ciazrn.for daamages, BorroWer fails ta r�spond�a Lender�vithin�he min�mum num.ber of <br /> days�s�ab�zshed by App�icable Law af�er#he date�he�xat�ce zs g�ven,Lender�s au�harized�a co��e�t and app�y�he <br /> proceeds, a� �ts �pt��n, either �o res�aratzan or repair af the Praper�y ar �� the sums secured by �hxs Securz� <br /> �ns�rumen�,W�ether or not��en due. <br /> Unless Lender and Barr�wer otherwise agree in writing, any applicat�on of praceeds �o principal shaXl no�ex�end <br /> ar pos�p�ne the due date af�he payments due under�he Con�ract or chax�ge the amou.r��of such payments. <br /> Borrower Not Released; F�rbearance By Lender No� a Waiver. Extens��n of �he �ime far paymen� or <br /> mad�f ca�zon of arnor�zza�zon of�he sums secured by �his Secuarz�r �ns�rumen� granted by Lender �o Barravver or <br /> any successor in in�erest of Borrawer sha�� nat opera�e ta release the l�ability of �he original Borr�vver ar <br /> Bflrrovver's success�rs xn in�erest. Lender sha1�na�be requ�red�o cornrnence proceedings aga�nst any successflr in <br /> interes�or refuse to e�tend tzna.e for paymen�ar a�hex�wi�e modify amorti�za�ion of�he sum.s s�cured by�his 5ecurzty <br /> Instrumen� by reasnn af an� demand made by �he arigina� Borrow�r nr Borrawer's suc�essars �n �n�eres�. An�r <br /> forb�arance by Lender �n��ercising any right or remedy shall no�be a Waiver af�r prec�ude the exercise of ar�y <br /> righ�or remedy. <br /> Successors and Assigns Baund; Jo�nt and S��eral L�ab���ty; Ac�ommodation S�gners. The covena�.�s and <br /> agreemen�s af this Securz�y Xnstrumen�sha11 bind and benef t�h� successars and ass�gns af Lender and Barr�wer, <br /> subjec� �a the pravisz�ns of sec�ion �i�led Transfer of th� Praper�y ar a Bene�c�a� Interes� in Barrower. <br /> Borrawer's covenan�s and agreements shal�be jo�rit and se�era�. Any perso�.�who c�-signs�his 5ecurity�nstrument <br /> but has no persona� liabili�y under �he Con�ract �"Accammodatian S�gner"}: �a} �s co-s�g�ing �h�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen� �nly t� mor�gage, grant and canvey that Accamm�dation 5igner's interest in �he Praper�y under the <br /> terms af tih.e Secur�t�y �ris�rument; �b� is no� persanally ob��ga�ed ta pay �he sums s�cured by �h�s Secur��y <br /> �nstruznent; and�c} agrees�hat L�nder and any other Borrower may agree to exti�nd, modify, farbear ar make any <br /> accommada�ians yv�th regard to�h.e terms af�his Security�ns�rument or�he�antrac�vvi�haut that Accommoda�i�n <br />'s cor�sen�. <br /> Loan �harges. If the loan secured by th�s 5ecurity Ins�.rumen� �s subject to a law vvh�ch se�s maxxmum ��an <br /> charges, and�hat la�tr is f nally in�erpreted so tiha��he in�e�res�ar o�her loan charges collect�d or�o be cal�ected in <br /> connect�on Uvith the iaan exceed the perm���ed 1irnz�s, then: �a} any such �oan charge shall be reduced by th� <br /> amaunti necessary to reduc� the charge ta the permitted lim��s ar�d �b} any sums a�ready collect�d fram Borr�wer <br /> whz�h exceeded permi��ed Iimits �vill be refunded �v Borro�v�r. Lender may choose t� make thzs r�fund b� <br /> reducing �he pr�ncipa� ov�ed under�.ie Con�ract �r by makir�g a d�rec�payment�o Borrawer. If a refu�.d reduces <br /> pr�ncipal,�he reduC�ifln vvi1l be�reated as a par�ial prepayment under�he�on�ra�t. <br /> No��ces, .Any no�xce �a Barro�ver prov�ded far in �his S�cur�ty Ins��umen� sha�� �e given by deiivering �� or by <br /> mailing i�by f rst class mai�un�ess Applicable Law requires use af ano�her me�hod. The no��ce shall be directed�a <br /> the Property Address ar ar�y ather address �3�rrovver desigr�a�es by no�ice �o Lender. B�rrower agrees to pravide <br /> Lend�r,with B�rra�ver's m�s�curre��mailing address, as i�m.ay change from time-to-��me. Any na�ice �o Lender <br /> sha��be given by f rs�c�ass mai��o Lender's address sta��d herein�r any oth�r address Lender designa�es by notice <br /> to Bar��wer. Ax�.y natice pravided for in�h�s Security Instrurn.en�shal�be deemed�o have been given to Borro,wer <br /> or Lender when given as provided in�his paragraph. <br /> Go�ern�ng Law; Severabi�x�y.This 5ecurity Instrument shall be governed by federa��aw and�he Iaws of the state <br /> of Nebraska. In �he eve�.� �hat any provision or clause of thi.s Se�urity Instrument ar �he Cantra�t c�nflicts vvi�h <br /> App��cable La�r, such conflict sha�I not affect o�her provis�ons of�h�s Secur�ty Ins�rtxmen� �r�h� C�n�rac� vvh�ch <br /> can be given effect w�thout t�i�conflict�ng praviszon. Ta th�s end the provis�flns of�h�s Se�urity��s�rumen�and the <br /> Can�ract are declared�o be sev�rable. <br /> B�rr�wer'�Copy.Borrovver sha��be given�ne c�py af thzs Security�ns�rument. <br /> Cc�20D4-2D 15 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.CSES-3BF4-2a I 5.12.2.�l I z <br /> Cor�s�mer Rea�Estate-Secursty�ns#rumen#DL2a36 Page 3 af 5 <br />
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