2� 1 ���748
<br /> Tr�ns�er of the Praperty or a Benefxcial I�r��e�-es��n Bo�-rv�ve�r.�f a��or any par�of'�h�Property flr any in�eres�
<br /> in i� is sold or firansferred �ar if a b�neficial i��eres� �n Borrov�er is sold �r transferred and Borr�wer is no� a
<br /> natura� person} w�thaut Lender's priar wr��ten �onsen�, Ler�der rnay, at i�s option, re4�uire imm.��ate pa�memt in
<br /> fu�l of al� sums secured by this Secur��y Zn,a�men�. Ho�vve�er, this optian shall n��t be exerci�ed by Lez�der zf
<br /> exerci5e is proh�bited by federal law a.s af the date�f this�ecurity Ins�rum�nt.
<br /> �f L.ender �x.erczses this opti�n, Lender sha�1 give B arra�ver no�ice of acce�era�zon. The no�ice shall pravide a
<br /> period of not less than the minimum numbe�- af days establi�hed by A.pplicable La�� from �he da�e the no��ce is
<br /> de�ivered or mailed wi�hin which Barro,w�r must pay all sums secured b� th�s Se�u��ity �ns�rurr�ent. Zf�orro�ver
<br /> fails t� pay these sums prior ta the expira�iot� af�his peri�d, Lender may inv��e an��re�ned�es�errn���ed by �his
<br /> Securi�.y Instrument wi�h�ut�'urthe�no�ice or��erzland�n Bor��tiver.
<br /> �3�xro�ver's Right �o Reinstate. �f Borrower mee�s certa�n cand���oz�s, Bor�fl�ver ��ha�I have �he right �o have
<br /> enforc�ment of�h�s Secur��y�x�s�trum�nt d�scca�.�inued a� any t�me pri�r�o th� earlier ��f: �a} 5 da�s f;or such other
<br /> period as Applicabl�La�v may specify for reinstatement�befa�e sale�f�he PrapertSr pursuan�to any po,wer of sale
<br /> con�a�ned in this Secu.r�t� �nstrument; or ���� en�ry af a judgment enfarc�ng th�s Securxty �r_s�men�. Those
<br /> conditi�ns are tha�BorrQ�re�: �a} pays Lend��r a�� sums Uvhich then�vou�d be due under th�s Se�ur��y Ins�rum�n�
<br /> and�he�on�ra��as zf no acceleration ha�occurred; �b� cures an�def�.u�t of any other c�avenants ar agreements; �c}
<br /> pays al�expenses�ncurred xn enfflrcing this S��curi�y l�ns�rume�.t, xnc�u.�d�ng,but not I�m:ited to,rea�anable a�tarneys'
<br /> fees �o �he ex�ent permit�ed by law; and �d} t��.k�s such ac�ion as Lender may reasanably re�u�re�� assure tha�the
<br /> lien of�h�s Secur�ty Ins�ru.men�,Lender's��gh�s in the Properfiy and Borr�vver's obliga�:�an�a pay ihe sums secured
<br /> by this Security Instrumen� sha�I con�:inue un.ch�nged. Upon reinstatement by Borrov��er, this 5e�ur��y Instrumen�
<br /> and the ol�ligat�Qns secured hereby shall remaxr� fu��y effect�ve as if no accelera�i�n k�ad occurred. �3�wever, �h�s
<br /> ri�h��v re�nsta�e shall not appxy in th�case a�'acce�eration under the sec�ion ti�ied Tratnsfer of t��Prnperty�r a
<br /> Benef�cial Interest in 13orr�wer.
<br /> Hazar�.ous Substamces.Borrovv�r shall n�t t:ause or permi��he presence,use, dzsposa�, st�rage, �r r�eleas�of any
<br /> Hazar��us 5ubstances on or in th�Propert�.�3arrower shall na�do,nar a�1Qw anyane e�se to do,an�hing�ff�c�zng
<br /> �he Proper�r tha� is in v�alati�on of any Envi�-onmen�al La�v. The pr�ced�ng tw� s�n��nces sha�X n�� app�y ta �h�
<br /> presence,use, ar st�rage on the Property of srr�all quant�tzes of Hazardous Subs�ances�hat ar�:gen�ral�y recogn�zed
<br /> �o be appropriate��norma�resid�n�za�uses ar�d�o mai�.tenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrov�er sha��promptly g�ve Lender wri�ten no�ice of any inv�stigativn,c�aim, derr�and, �av�rsuit��r o�her act�an by
<br /> any governmental �r regulat�ry agency or p��ivate par�y involv�ng the Property and a.ny H�.zardous Subs�ance or
<br /> Envira�men�ax Lav�r of which �orra�ver h��s actuai knaWx�dge. If Borrower �ea�:ns, or is notified by any
<br /> governrnential ar regu�a�ary authar�ty, that anJl removal or atiher remed�at�on�f any Ha�a.rdous Su�s��.nce affec�ing
<br /> the Prop�r�y is necessary, Borrower shall pr�mp�ly �ak� aII necessary rexned�al t�c�i�ns in �.ccflrdan�e v�rith
<br /> �nviro�mental La�ir.
<br /> As user��n this paragraph, "�a�ardous Subs���nc�s" are thase substan�;es d�fined as taxzc or haza�-dous subs�ances
<br /> b� Env�ronmental Lavv and �he fo��ovving s���stan�es: gasol�ne, kerosene, other fla��arnal��e ar �a�zc petroleum
<br /> produc�s, �oxic pest�cides a.nd h�rbicides, ����atile s�lven�s, r�ateria�s containing �sbes�os �r fo�maldehyde, and
<br /> rad�oac�zve materials.As used zn this paragra��h, "'Environmen�al Lativ" means federal laws an�la�vs�f the state of
<br /> Nebraska tha�re�ate ta heal�h,saf�ty ar envir��nmental pro�ec��an.
<br /> Accelerat�on; Remedies. Lender sha�� g�ve n���ce to Borra�ver pri�r �o a�ce�eratx�n f�llo�-ing BorroVv�r's
<br /> breaCh of any�ovenant�r agre�rnent i�th:is�ecurity Instrument ar the C�ntract under wh��h acee�eration
<br /> �s�ermit�ed�bu� not pr�ar to a�celeratian under �he se�ti�n �i�Ied Transfer of the Pro�pert�or a Benef�cial
<br /> In��re�t in Barrower, ux�les5 AppXi�able L��w pr�vaid�s o�h�rwi5e�. The no�iee �h�i�l specify: �a� the def�ult;
<br /> ��} th� ac���n requ�red to cu�-e t�e defa.u��; ��} a da�e9 n�t l�ss than the rrn�n�mu�m n�mber �f days
<br /> establi�hed by A.pplicable La�vv fr�m th�da te�he nQtice is g�v�n to�3�rr�wer,by�v�hich the�efau�f r�u��be
<br /> cured; and �d} �hat failure t� �ure the de�ault on or befare �he �date spe�if�ed xn �he notic� rflay r�sult in
<br /> accelerat�on �f the sums secured �ay th�s S�curxty In��rument �nd sale of �he Pra�erty. To the e��en�
<br /> permit�ed by Iaw, �he n��ice �ha��further i�nf�rm Bvrro�er �f the r�ght�o reinst��e af�er a�c��eration and
<br /> the r�gl�t t�bring a court act��n to�s�er�t��e�on-exxs�ence of a defau�t ar any ot�ner de�ense�f Borrow�r to
<br /> a��e�er°ation and �a�e. If the defau��is n�t �:ur�d on �r befare the date speci#ied i:n. �he not�ce,�ender ��its
<br /> vption may require immed�ate pag�mer�t i�a f�u�l of aI� �ums secured by �his �ecurity Inst�u�.ent vvi�hout
<br /> fur�her demand and may �i�vol�e the p�wer �f sa�e and any a�h�r rerried�.�s permi���d by ,�.�p�icab�� Law.
<br /> To the ex�ent permitted by lav�, Lend�r 5lh.a�l be entxtled t� co�lect aI� expenses i�cur�red �n �ursuing the
<br /> remedies provided�n this Secti�n,includ�nj;,but not limited�v, reasnnab�e a�torr.��y�' fees and costis of���le
<br /> eviden�e.
<br /> If the pawer of sa�e is�n�vol�ed,Tru��ee sh�ll�ecord a notice of default in each cou��y�n wh.�ch any part�f
<br /> the Pr�perty is located and shal�mai�c�pi��s�f such n��ice�n the manner�rescri�bed b�Applicab�e La�t�
<br /> B�rrovrv�er and t� the othQr per�ons prescri�be�d by Applicable La�. After the tirr.i� required b� App���able
<br /> Law, Trustee sha�� give publi� not��ce of s��l� to �he persons and in �h� manner presc��be� b�r App��c�b�e
<br /> Law.Trustee,vvithout dem�nd �n �orrovv��r, shall se�l th�Proper�y at pubi�c auct�an t�the hx�hest b�dd�r
<br /> � at the time and p�ace and under�he terans flesxgnated in�h�n�t�ce vf saie�n one or more parce�s and in any
<br /> arder Trus�ee determines. TruStee may �ros�pvne saie of all o�- any par�ei o�' th� Prfl�erfiy by public
<br /> annourncement at the�ime and��a��of any prev�ou5��scheduled sa�e.Lender�r�t�d�s�.gne�may pur�hase
<br /> the Praper�y at any Sale,
<br /> Up�n receip� af payment of the price bxd, 'Tr�stee shall deliver t� the purchaser 'TruStee's deed con�ey�ng
<br /> the Pr�perty. The rec��ais�n �he Trustee's ��eed shall be pr�ma facie evidenc� of�:he truth of the statements
<br /> C 2Q44-2015 Compliance Systems,Inc,CBEB-3B�'4-2�
<br /> Cansumer Rea�Estate-Se�urity�nstnamen�DL2036 Pa�e 4 af5 vv�w.c��rnplian�esysteFns.��m
<br />