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� 2� 1 ���748 <br /> Paym�nt of Prxncxpa�and Interest; �ther Ch.arges.Barro,t7ver sha�I prampt�y pa�r ujhen due�h principa��f and <br /> int�rest an�he debt awed t�nder t�e�on�rac�E�.nd�ate charges flr any o�her fees and�h��rges�ue u de�the Can�rac�. <br /> A�pli�able Law. As used in �his �ecuri�y Instrument, the term "Applicab�e L��r" sha�� me n al� ctin�ro�ling <br /> appl�cab�e federal, sta�e and Iocal st.�.tutes, r��gu.Ia��ans, �rd�nances and admin�strat�v� ru�es and orc�ers �tha�have <br /> the effec�of law�as vvell as al�app�ic�ble fin��I,nan-appea�ab��judicial opinions. <br /> Charges; L�.en�. Borrav�er shal� pa�y a�l ta:�es, assessmen�s, charg��, fines and �mpos��zons a�r�buta.ble to the <br /> Property vvhich may a�tain priarit5r ower�hzs Se�urity�nstrum�nt, and �easehold payrr.�ents �r grQ nd rents, if any. <br /> At the request of Lender,BorraWer shaT�pra�np�Iy fur�i�h to Lender receipts ev�denci��g�he pa en�s. <br /> Bflrro�ver sha��prompt�y d��charge a�y��en•avh�ch has priQr�ty flver�his Securi�y Ix�strumernt um� ss BorroWer: �a} <br /> agre�s �n wrzt�ng �o �he payment af�he ob�igatian se�ured by the I�en �n a mann�r accep�ab�e to Len�er; (b� <br /> �on tes ts in goa d fai t h t he �ien by, ar de fen ds aga�ns� en forcemen� o f t he �ien �n, �e�;a� pracee d ngs w h�c h �n �he <br /> Lende�'s opi.�a�on �pera�� ta prevent the enforcement of�he lien; �r �c} secures �'r�m �ie haI er �f�he �i�n an <br /> agreement sa�isfac�ory�o Lender sub�rdinating the �ien ta �his Securi�y Instrument. If Lender de ermines�ha�any <br /> part of�he Proper�y zs sub�ect t� a li�n�vhich r�ay attain priori�y over this Security�nstrurnent, Lender ma�give <br /> BQrra�ver a natiee iden��fying�he ��en. Borrc�Wer sha�� satisfy tihe lien or�ake one or:more flf th ac�z�ns set f�rth <br /> abo�e wi�hin T D days of the giving of n�tzce. i <br /> � <br /> Hazard or Pr�perty InSur�.nce. Barrovv�r��ha�I keep�he im�rovemen�s now exis�.in� ar h�r�af�e� erected on the <br /> Property insured agains�loss by�re, hazards�nc�uded vvitla�n the term "extended caverage" �and y;other ha�ards, <br /> including flflods or fl�odxng, f�r vvhich Le:r�der requ�res �nsuran�e. Th�s insurar�ce sha1l b� ain�a�ned in the <br /> amoun�s and for the per��ds that Lender re�uires. The insuran�e carrier pr�v��ixng the insurance s aI�be chosen by <br /> B�rrower subj ec� �� Lender's approva� �vhich �hall not be unreasonab�y vv��hhe�d. I�`Borr�w�r 3 fails to main�ain <br /> covtrage described ab�ve, Lender may, at L�nder's op�ion, ab�ai� coverage �o px�otect Len r's rights in the <br /> Property in acc�rdance vvx�h se��ian titled Prt�t��t�fln�f Lender's Ri��hts�n�he Fr�perty. <br /> A1� in�urance pa�ic�es and renev�als shall be ac�eptable to Lend�r a�d sha�l include a stan�.ard ar�gage c�ause. <br /> Lender sha��have the righ�to hold�he pol�c��s and renevt�als. If Lender requires, Bon-ower shall 3pr�mptl�r give�o <br /> Lender a��receip�s of paid premiums and ren.ev�al no�ices. �n�he event of l�ss, Barro�i�er sha�l g ve promp�n��ice <br /> ta the insurance carrier and Lend�r.Lender rriay make p�oof flf Iass if�flt rnade prompt�y by Borr v�rer. <br /> ZJnless Lender and Borrov�er o�ertivise agrc�e zn wri�ing, �nsuranc� proceeds sha�� �b� appli�d �o res�orat�fln or <br /> repair of�he Prope�r damaged, �f, i�� Lend�r's so�e d�scre�ion, �he rest�ra�z�n nr re��a�r �s ecan m;ca�ly feaszble <br /> and L�nd�r's security is not�essened. If, �n Zae�der`s sale d�scre�iQn, the restora�ian ar repa�r is ot econom.�.cally <br /> feas�b�e or Lender`s se�uri�ty would be lessen�d,the insurance proceec�s sha��be app�iet��o�h�su s�cured by�h�s <br /> Securil.y Instrument, whether ar nat th.en due, v�r�th any ex�ess paid to Borrow�r. If Borro er abandons �he <br /> �'roperty, or dfles na�ansvver within the num�er�of days prescribed by Appli�able LaW�a�set fo� zn a no�ice from <br /> Lender�a B�rrower�hat the ansuranc� carrie�-h�.s affered tfl se��le a��aim, �hen Lender ma�co�ec�the insu.rance <br /> proceeds. Lender rr�ay use the prnce�ds to r�:pa�r ar res�ore �h.e Proper�y or �� pay st��ms secure b�'��.1I5 S�C11rI�7 <br /> �ns�rumen�,v�rhe�her or not then due. The per��d of�ime for Barrower to ans�rer as s��:for�h in�he n�t�ce vv��1 begin <br /> when t�.e no�ice is given. <br /> Un�ess Lender amd BflrrQvver o�herwi�e agr��: ir�wri�ing, any applrcation of prac�eds �o princ�pa shal�not e�tend <br /> or postpone the due date of�he�ayments �u�, under the �on�ra��or change�he amount of the p ym�n�s. �f under <br /> �he sectian�i�led Acce�eration; Rerr��dies, ���e Property�s acquired by Lender, Borr�weris r�ght to any xnsurance <br /> po�icies and pra�eeds resul��ng from damagE: to �he Prope�-ty pr��r t� �he acquisi�ion s�all pass to Lender to the <br /> exten�af�he sums secured by this Security�n�;�rt�.men��mm�d�a�tely prior to�he acquisi�ron. <br /> Preser�atian, Main�enance a�d Prflt��t�Qn of �he Praper�y; Burrov�er's Loan App]LiCati n; Lea�eho�d5. <br /> Borrflv�rer shali not destray, dam�ge or impai�-the Praper�y, all�v�r the Prope�-�y to det�riorat�, or omrmi�v�ast� o� <br /> �he Proper�y. Borrower shall be�n default if a�y forfeiture action or proceed�ng,�vhether civ�l ar rim�inal,�s begun <br /> �ha��n Lender's good faith judgmen� could r��sult in forfe��ur� �f the Prflper�y ar ��h�rwise mat rial�y�mpair�he <br /> lien cr�ated by this 5ecurity Instrument nr L�nder's security interest. Borrower may cure su h a defaul� and <br /> re�nstate, as pr�vided�n sec�ion�i��ed Barro��ve�'s Righ� to l�eins�ate, by causing th�� actia�n�r roceeding�� be <br /> d�sm�s�ed wi�h a ruling�tha�,i�Lender's good fa�th de�errninatiion,pre�ludes forfexture of the Borr vver's interest in <br /> th� Proper�y �r other materia� impairment c f��e lien created �y thxs Secur�ty Ir�stzumen�: �r en�er'� security <br /> interest.Borrower sha��a�sa be in default if Barrower,during the�oan app�zca�ian process,gave �ateria�ly fa�se or <br /> inaccura�� xnfarma�tion or sta.tements �o Len��er �or fa�led �o pravid� Lender vv�th a:tay materxa in�'nrmation} �n <br /> �onnection with the loan evidenced by the ���nt�-act. If this Secur��y�ns�rument rs on a�easeho� , B�rrovver shall <br /> camply vvith a���he pravisio�.s�f the lease. �f Borrower acquir�s fee����e�o�he Proper�ty,the Ieas hold and the fee <br /> ti��e sha�l not merge unless Lender agrees to��e merger zn�vri�ing. <br /> Pr�te���on vf Lender�s �tights fn tlhe �ro��erty. �f Borrow�r fails tfl perf�rm the ��venants and agreemen�s <br /> Con�azned�n�his Securlty�ns�rux�ent, or�her�:is a�egal pro�eeding�ha�may signifi�a����y affect �nder's rights in <br /> �he Property �such as a praceeding in bankrLp��y, probate, for condemna�ion or forf����ure or �o en�'orce �avvs �r <br /> regulat�ons), �hen Lender may d� and pay ��r what�ver is r�ecessary t� pro���t �he valu� of � e Prap�r�y and <br /> Lender�s rights in�he Property. Lender's actio:zs may include payzng any sums secur�d by a I�en ic�z has prz�ri#y <br /> over this Secur�ty Ins�rument, appearing in co ur�,pay�ng reasonab�e a�t�rneys'fees�r�d enterxng o �.e Properfiy to <br /> make r�pairs.A�though L�nd�r m�.y take actian�nder this section,Lender does no�have�o d�so. <br /> .Any amoun�s d�sbursed by Lender ur�der thi�� section shall b�com.e �.d��tiona� debt af Borrowe se�ured by this <br /> S�curity� �nstrument. Unless Borrawer and I.en�er agr�e ta ��,her tierms �f paym�nl:, �hes� am u�Ats shall bear <br /> C�2b44-2415 Cam�Iiance Systems,Inc.CEES-3 EF4-�415.12.2.t I t 2 <br /> Consurner Real Estate-Sec�rity T�strument T1L2�3� Pa�e 2 vf 5 <br />