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2� 1 ����34 <br /> continue�o pay to Lender the am�unt of the separate�y designated paym�nts tha�wer�due when�he <br /> insuranc�coverage ceased �o�e in effec�. Lender w�ll acc�pt, u�e and retain thes�paymen�s as a <br /> non-refundab�e�oss reser�re in Iieu of Mortgage�nsurance. Such loss reser�e sha�i be nonWrefundab�e, <br /> nntvvi�hstand�ng �he fact�ha��he Loan is ultimately paid�n fu�l, and Lender shall no�be required Yn pay <br /> Borrow�r any in�erest or earnings on such loss r�ser�e. I..�nder can no longer require�oss r�ser�e pa�rmen�s <br /> if Mar�gage Insurance coverage�in the amount and for�he period that Lender r�quires}pravided by an <br /> insurer sel���ed�� Lender again b�comes a�a��a���, is ob�ained, and Lender requir�s separa�e�y des�gna�ed <br /> payments�oward�he prerniums far Mortgage InsuranGe. �f Lend�r requ�red Mor�gage�nsurance as a <br /> �ondi��fln of makin� the Laan and Borrower was required to make separately designated paymen�s�oward�he <br /> prem�ums for Mor�gage �nsurance, Borr�v�er sha�l pa�th�prem.zums required�o main�a�n M�rtgage <br /> �nsurance in eff��t, or�o provide a non-refundable��ss r�ser�e, un�il Lender's r�quirement far Mar�gage <br /> �nsurance ends �n accordance with an�written agreement be�ween Borr�wer and Lender provid�ng for such <br /> terrninatzon or until�erminat�fln�s r�quired�y Applicable Law. Nath�n� �n this Se��ion 1Q affec�s <br /> Borr�wer's obl�ga�ion to pay �nterest at the rate pr�vided in the Note. <br /> N�or�gage�nsurance reimburses Lend�r�or any en�ity�hat purchas�s the Note} for cer�ain I�ss�s ��may �ncur <br /> if Borr�u�er does no�repay the Loan as agreed. Borr�wer is no� a party to the Mor�ga�e Insurance, <br /> Mor�gage insurers e�aiva�e�heir total risk on a�l such �nsurance in force from time to t�me, and may enter <br /> �n�a a�re�men�s w��h�ther par��es�ha�share or mod�fy�heir r�sk, ar r�duce losses. These agre�rnen�s ar�on . <br /> terms and candit�ons that are sat�sfac��ry to �he mortgage insurer and the oth�r par�y �or part�es}��these <br /> a�reements. These agreements may requ�re�he mortgage insurer�o mak�pa�m�nts usin� any s�ur�e of funds <br /> that th�mort�a�e insurer may haWe a�rai�a��e�wh�ch rna� include funds abtained fram Mortgage�nsurance <br /> pr�m�.ums�. <br /> As a result of these agreenaen�s, L�end�r, any purchaser of the Note, anoth�r�nsur�r, an� reinsurer, any oth�r <br /> �ntit�, or any affiliate of any of the foregoing, may re�e�ve(direc�Iy ar indirect�y} amounts �hat d�ri�e fram <br /> �or might be�haracterized as} a port�on of Borra�er's paymen�s for Mor�gage Insurance, in ex�hange for <br /> sharing ar modif�ing the mor�ga���nsurer's r�sk, or reducing �flsses. �f 5uch a�reemen�pro���des �hat an <br /> affiliate�f Lender takes a share of the i��sur�r's r�sk in exchan�� f�or a share of�h�premiums pa�d to the <br /> insur�r, �h�arrangement is often termed "cap�ive re�nsurance." Fur�h�r: <br /> �a} Any such agreements w���not aff��� �he amoun�s that Borrnwer has agreed to pay for Mor�gage <br /> Insurance, or any a�her terms of the Laan. Such agreemen�s wi�� no��ncrease the amounf <br /> Borro►�ver wi��owe for Mor�gage Insurance, and th�y will no�ent���e S�rro«er�o any refund. <br /> �b� Any such agreemen#�w���not affect fhe rights Borrower has--if any - ►��vi�h respect�o the <br /> Mortgage Insurance under�he I3omeowners Pro��ction Act af 19�5 or an�other law. These r�gh�s <br /> may�nclude�he righ��v receive cer�a�n d�sc�osuress �o request and o�ta�n cance��atian of�he <br /> �Vlnr�gage Insurance, �o ha�e the Mortgage Insurance term�na�ed au�omatically, andlor to receive <br /> a refund of any Martgage Insurance premiums that jvere unearned a# �he time af such <br /> cance��a�ion or�ermination. <br /> '['[, Assignment of Misce��anenus Prflceeds; Fvrfe�ture. AlI N�isce�lan�ous Proc�eds ar�hereby assigned�o <br /> and sha�l be paid t� Lender. <br /> �f the Proper�y xs damaged, such Misce�ianeous Pr�ceeds sha�1 be app�ied�o r�stara�ion or repa�r nf the <br /> Pr�p�r�y, �f�he res�oration ar repa�r�s�conomically feasible and Lender's securit� is not�essened. During <br /> such repair and res�ora�ion per�od, Lender sha�� have�h�right ta ho�d such Misce��ane�us Pr�ceeds unt�� <br /> Lender has had an opportunity�o �nsp�ct such Proper�y�o ensure�he wark has been comple�ed to Lender's <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Ma�UNIFDRM INSTRUMENT Form 3�28 110� <br /> VMP�] VMP£�NE)�1302f <br /> 1Nvlters Kluwer�inancial 5er�ices Page 9 of�7' <br />