2� 1 ����34
<br /> sa�i�factian, pra��ded tha�such inspectian shal�be under�aken pro�np��y. L�nder may pay for the repairs
<br /> and restoration in a single disbursement or in a series of progress pa�rments as�he work zs completed.
<br /> Un��ss an agr�ement is made in writing or Appl�cable Law requ�res �n�erest�o be paid�n such
<br /> M�sce��aneous Proceeds, Lender shail not be requ�red�o pay Borrower any �nterest ar earnings�n such
<br /> M��c�iianeous Proc�eds. If the restaration ar r�pa�r is no�economzca��� feas�ble�r Lend�r's security wou�d
<br /> be Iess�ned, the Mis��Ilaneous Proceeds shall be app��ed to�h�sums secured b� this Security Ins�rumen�,
<br /> �hether or no�then due, w�th the excess, if any, pa�d ta Borr�w�r, Su�h Mis��llan�ous Praceeds sha��be
<br /> applied in the order pr���ded for�n Sect��n�.
<br /> � �n the event of a�otal taking, des�ru�tian, ar�oss in va�ue of the Pr�perty, the M�sc��laneous Proceeds shal�
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrumen�, wh��h�r ar not then du�, with the ex�ess, if any,
<br /> pa�d ta Borrotiver.
<br /> In the event flf a partial taking, destruction, or�ass in value of the Proper�y �n which the fa�r marke�valu�of
<br /> the Proper�y im�mediately b�fare the partial taking, destruct�an, or�oss �n value is equal t�or gr�ater than the
<br /> amaunt af the sums secured by this Se�urit�r Instrument�mmed�ate��befor�the par�ial �aking, destru�tion, or
<br /> loss in value, unl�ss Borrower and Lender atherwxse agre�in wr�ting, th�sum� se�ured by�his Secur��y
<br /> Instrumen�shall be reduced by the axnaun�of�he Miscei�aneou� Proce�ds mu�tip��ed by�he fa��ow�ng
<br /> fracti�n: �a} �he to�a� amount of�he sums secured immedxa�e�y bef�re�h�part�a� taking, destructi�n, or loss
<br /> in�a�ue divided by�b} �he fair market va�u�of the Property immediately befare th�par�ia� �aking,
<br /> destruction, or��ss in�a�ue. Any ba�an��sha��be paid ta Barrav�er.
<br /> �n the event of a part�a� tak�ng, des�ruc�zan, or lass in vaiue�f�he Prop�r�y �n whzCh the fazr mar�e�value�f
<br /> the Proper�y �mmed�at��y before the partial taking, d�s�ru��xon, ar�oss �n va�ue�s �ess than the amoun�af the
<br /> .sums s��ured immediately bef�r�the partial taking, destruct�on, ar�oss in value, unless Borr��er and
<br /> Lender otherwise agr�� in wr�ting, the 1V�is���lane�us Proceeds shal� be appiied�o�he sums secured by this
<br /> Security �n�trument whether flr n�t th�sums are then due.
<br /> �f the Propert�r �s aband�ned by Borrawer, or if, after nat��e by Lender ta Borrol�er that the�ppas�ng Far�y
<br /> �as de��n�d �n�he nex� sentenc�} oF�ers to mak�an award �o se�t�e a c�aim f�r damag�s, Borrawer fail�to
<br /> respond ta L�nd�r within 3�da�s after the date the not�ce is gi�en, Lender zs au�horized to co�lect and apply
<br /> the Mi�cellan�ous Proc�eds e��her�o restara�ion ar r�pair of�he Prapert� ar to the sums secured b�this
<br /> Security Ins�rumen�, whether or nat�h�n du�. "�ppasing Par�y" means the third party that owes Bflrrotiver
<br /> Misce��aneous Proce�ds or�he party a�ainst�ham Borrower has a right of ac��on in regard t� .��sc��lan�ous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Barro�v�r shall be in defauit�f any aC�i�n or proce�ding, �vhether civit or criminal, is begun that, in Lender's
<br />� judgment, cou�d resu�t in forfe��ure of the Proper�y ar other material impa�rment of Lender's interest in�he
<br /> Pr�per�y or rights under this Security �ns�rumen�. Borrower car�cure su�h a defaul�and, �f acce�erat�an has
<br /> ��curr�d, reinsta�e as provided in Section I9, by causing �he act�on or proce�d�n��o�e dism�ssed with a
<br /> ruling that, in Lender'��udgm�n�, pre�ludes f�rfeiture of the Proper�y�r oth�r mater�al �mpairment of
<br /> Lender's interest in�h�Prnperty ar righ�s under th�s S�curity �nstrument. Th�proceeds of any award nr
<br /> claim for damages that are a��r�bu�able to the impa�rment af Lender's �nterest �n th�Prnper�y are hereby
<br /> assi�ned and sha�� be paid�o Lender,
<br /> Ail Miscel�aneaus Praceeds�hat are not appl�ed t� res�ora�ian or repair of the Proper��sha�l be appl�e�. �n th�
<br /> arder pravided for in Sect�on�.
<br /> N��RASKA-SingIe Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNE�qRM tNSTRUMENT F�rm 3028 1101
<br /> VMP� VMPB{NE}{13D2�
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Pag�1 D of�7
<br />