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2� 1 ����34 <br /> far the repa�rs and r�staration in a sing�e paymen� or in a ser��s of progres�payments as the work�s <br /> G�mple�ed. �f the �nsurance or cond�mnat�on pro�eeds are not suffic�ent to regair�r restar�th� Proper�y, <br /> Barrower�s nat r�����ed of Borrflwer's obl�gat�nn f�r the comp�e��on of su�h repa�r ar restorat�on. <br /> Lend�r or xts agen�may mak�r�asonab�e en�ries upon and insp�c��ans of�he Froperty. �f��has reasonab�e <br /> cause, Lender may insp�ct the inter�ar of the�mpr��ements�n the Proper�y. Lender sha�l give Borrower <br /> notice a��he time of or prior ta su�h an interior�nspect�on spe��fy�ng such r�asonable cause. <br /> $. Barrawer's Loan Applicat�on. Borrower sha�� be in defau��if, during the Loan application process, <br /> Barr�w�r ar an�persons or entit�es acting at the direct�on af B�rrower nr with Borrower's l�x�ow�edge or <br /> cansent gave ma�er�a��y false, xn�s�ead�ng, �r inacCurate �nformat�on or s�atements �o Lender�or fa��ed to <br /> prov�de L�nder w�th mat�rial information) �n connect��n w�th�h�L�an. Ma�er�al repr�s�ntatians include, but <br /> are not limite�to, repres�ntat�nns conc�rning Borrawer's occupancy�f the Prop�r�y as B�rro�ver's principal <br /> res�denc�. <br /> 9. Prot�ctian �f Lender's Interest in the Prope�ty and Rights Under this Security lnstrunr�ent. �f�a} <br /> B�rro�v�r fazis to perform the c��enant� and agreements cantained �n this S�curi�y Instrument, �b} �h�r�i� a <br /> lega�pr����ding that might ��gnificantly aff�ct Lender's int�rest in�he Property andl�r rights under�his <br /> S�curity �nstrum�nt�su�h a� a proc�ed�ng �n bankruptcy, prnbate, f�r condemnat�on ar f�rfezture, for <br /> � enf�rcement nf a lien wh�ch may a�tain pr�ar�ty�ver th�s Secur��y �nstrumen�ar to�nf�rce�aws or <br /> regu�ations}, ar�c} Borrower has abandoned the Prop�r�y, then Lender may da and pay for whatev�r is <br /> r�asonab�e ar appropriate t�protec� L�nd�r's interest in the Praperty and rights under th�s Se�ur�ty <br /> Instrument, including protecting andl�r assessing the va�ue nf the Property, and securing andlor repairing <br /> �he Pr�perty. Lender's act�ons can inc�ude, but ar�not �imited t�: �a}paying any sums secured by a l�en <br /> �vhich has prior��y�ver th�s Secur��� �ns�rument; �b} app�ar�n� �n cour�; and �c}pay�ng reasana��e attorneys' <br /> f��s ta pro�ec� its interest in th� Prop�rty andlor r�ghts und�r th�s Secur�ty�nstrument, �ncluding i�s s�cured <br /> poszt�on in a bankrupt��pro�e�ding. Secur�ng the Praperty �ncludes, bu� is nat��m�t�d �a, entering the <br /> Pr�perty t�make repair�, change lncks, r�plac�or board up doors and u�indows, dra�n��vat�r from piges, <br /> �I�mina�e bui�d�n�ar oth�r code v�nlat�on�nr danberous candi��ons, and have utz��t��s turned an�r flff. <br /> A�thaugh Lender r�aay take ac�ian under th�s Sectxon 9, Lend��r does not ha�e t�dQ s� and �s not under any <br /> duty or�b�igation�o do sa. It is agreed that Lender incurs no liability far not taking any or a�� a�tians <br /> authariz�d under�his Section 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed�y Lender under�his Se�tian 9 shali bec�me additiona� debt of Barrower secur�d by <br /> this Secur��y Instrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the No�e rate from�he da�e of d�sbursement <br /> and sha�� �e payab�e, with �uch in��res�, upon n�t�c� from Lender�o Borrower reques�zng paymen�. <br /> �f�his Se�urity Instrumen��s �n a Ieas�h�ld, B�rrower shal� camply with a�i �he pro�is�ons �f the lease. �f <br /> Barrov�er a�qu�res fee�it�e t�th�Froperty, �h�lea�eh��d and�he fee����e sha�1 no�merge un�ess Lender <br /> a�r�e�to the merger in wri�ing. <br /> �U. �1llortgage lnsurance. �f L�nder required Mar�gage Insuran�e as a condit�an of making�he Loan, Borr�wer <br /> sha11 pay�he prem�ums required to main�ain the N�ar�gag� Insurance in�ff�ct, If, for any reas�n, the <br /> Mortgage�nsurance c�verage required by Lender ceases tn�e avai�a�le from the mortga�e�nsurer�ha� <br /> prevzousiy pra�ide�such insurance and Borrou�er was r�quired to make separa�ely designa�ed payments <br /> toward the premiums f�r Mor�gag�Insuranc�, Borr�wer sha11 pa�th�premiums re�uir�d to abtain c��erage <br /> suhstan��a�I� �qu�va��n�to �he Mor�gage�nsuran��prev�ously �n�ffe��, at a cos�suhstant�al�y�qu�va�ent�o <br /> �he c�s�to Barrower of the N�or�gage�nsuranC�pr��z�us�y in effe��, fr�m an a�t��mor�gage�n�ur�r <br /> se�ected by Lender. �f substantia��y equ��a�ent N�a�tgag��n�urance coverage is not available, Barrower sha�� <br /> N�6RA5KA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFaRM INSTRUM�NT Form 3�Z8 i In1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NEf 4�3��y <br /> Wolt�rs Ki�wer�inancial 5er�ices Page 8 of�7' <br />