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2� 1 ����34 <br /> A�I �nsurance p�iicies requ�red by Lender and renewals of such po��cies sha11 be sub�ec�tn Lend�r's right to <br /> disapprov�su�h p�l�cies, s�aall xn�lude a standard martgag�c�ause, and shall name Lender as mor�gagee <br /> andlor as an additionai l�ss pa�ee. Len�er sha�l haWe the right�o hold�he poli�ies ar�d r�nev�a�c�r��fi�a�es. �f <br /> , <br /> Lender requires, Borrov�rer shall prompt�y gi�e to Lender a�� receipts of paid premiums and renewal notices. <br /> �f Borr�wer o��ains any form�f insurance co�era�e, no�otherwise required by L�nder, for damage��, or <br /> d�s�ruction of, �he Proper�y, such polic�shaii �nc�ude a standard mor�gage clause and shaii name Lender as <br /> m�r�gagee andlor as an additional ��ss pa�ee. <br /> �n the event of l�ss, Borrawer sha�l give prompt notic�t�the �nsurance carr�er and Lend�r. Lender n�a� <br /> m.ake proof of loss if not made promptly hy Barrower. Unless L.�nder and Borro�nrer atherwise agree in <br /> �ri�ing, any insurance pro�eeds, whether or no�the underlying insurance was r�quired b� Lender, sha�l be <br /> applied tn restora��on or repair of the Proper�y, if the rest�ration or rep��r is econamically fea����e and <br /> Lender's se�uri��r�s n�t�essened. During such repair and res��ration p�ri�d, Lender shal�ha�ve�h�r�ght�o <br /> hald such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an oppor�uni���� �nsp�c�such Proper�y ta ensure�he <br /> work has been compieted t� Lender's sat�sfaction, provi�ed�hat such �nspection shal�be under�ak�n <br /> prompt�y. Lender may d�sburs�proceeds for the repairs and restnratian in a single payment ar in a series of <br /> progress paymen�s as the vvark�s comp�eted. Unless an agre�men�is made�n vvriting or App�i�abie La� <br /> requires interes�to be paid on su�h �nsurance proceeds, Lender shall n�t be requir�d to pay Borrower any <br /> interes�or earn�n�s on such proceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other th�rd parti�s, retained by Barrower <br /> sha�� nat be paid out of the insuran�e prfl�eeds and shall�e�he s���flbli�a�ian of Borrower. �f the restnration <br /> �r repair is na�ec�nom�cal�}� feasib�e or L.ender's s�cur�ty wauld be lessened, the insuranc�proGeeds shall be <br /> applied�a the sums secured by th�s Security Instrumen�, whe�her or nat�hen du�, v►��th the excess, �f an�, <br /> paid to B�rro��er. Such insuran��praceeds shal��e appl�ed in�h�ord�r prn��ded for�n Sectian 2. <br /> �f Borrav��er aband�ns the Pr�pert�, Lender may �Ie, negatzate and settle an}� a�ai�ab�e�nsurance claim and <br /> re�a�ed ma�ters. �f Borro�ver d�es nat respond within 3�da}rs ta a not�ce from Lender�hat�he insurance <br /> carri�r ha�offered �o se�tle a c�a�m, then Lend�r may negotiate and s�ttle the claim, The 34�da�period w�i� <br /> b���n vvh�n the no�ice is gi��n. In e��her e�ent, or xf�.,�nder acquires�h�Proper��under S�c�ion 22 or <br /> o�herwise, Borro�er hereby assi�ns to Lender�a� �orr�v�rer's righ�s�o any insurance pro�eeds in an amount <br /> not�o exceed the amounts unpaid under the N��e or this Securi�y �nstrument, and �b} an�o�her of <br /> gorrower'� r��h�s �other than the r�gh��o any refund of unearned premiums paid by Borrower} under ali <br /> �nsuranc�po�ici�s co�er�ng�he Proper�y, insofar as such r�ghts are app���able to�he co�verage of the <br /> Prop�r�y. Lender ma�use the�nsuran�e proceeds ei�her to repair or res�are�h� Proper��flr�o pay amounts <br /> unpaid under the No��or this Secur�t� �nstrument, whe�her ar not�hen due. <br /> �. C]ccu�ancy. Borrower shall occupy, �stablish, and use�he Property as Borrower's pr�ncipal res�denc� <br /> wi�hin��da�s af�er�he execut�on of this Securi�� Instrument and shall con�inu��o occup� the Property as <br /> Borrov�rer's princi�ax res�dence for at �east ane�ear af�er�he�ate of occupan��, unless I.�nder�therwise � <br /> agrees in u�r�t�ng, which consent shall nat be unreasflnab�y withh�ld, or un�ess extenua�ing c�rcumstances <br /> exist vWhich ar�beyond Borrower's �ontrol. <br /> 7. Preser►►ativn, Maintenance and Prvtect�an of the Property; �nspect�ans. Borrower shali n�t destroy, <br /> damage or impair��.e Proper�y, allo��he Property�o det�riora�e or�om�mit v�raste on the Proper�y. Whether <br /> or no� Borrovver�s residing �n�he Prop�r��, Borrower shai� maintain th�Prap�r�� in order�o prev�n� �he <br /> Pr�per�y from de�eriorat�ng or decr�asing in��lue due�o i�s�ondition. Uniess it is det�rmin�d pursuant�o <br /> S�ct�on 5 �ha�repair or restora��an�s not econamzca��y feasi���, Borrov�er shal�promptl� repa�r the Prop�rty <br /> if damageci to a�aid fur�her det�rioration�r damage. ��insurance�r condemna�ion proceeds ar�paid �n <br /> connection with damage�o, or�he�aking�f, the Prop�r�y, Barr�w�r sha�l be responsibl�for r�pa�ring ar <br /> r�staring the Proper�y�n�y if Lender has re�eased proc�e�.s fflr such purposes. Lender may d�sburse proceeds <br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe�amily-Far��ie MaelFreddie Mac UNEFQRM INSTRUMENT �orm 3028 11�i <br /> VMP� VMP6�NEy�'#3023 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Fina�cial Se��ices Page 7 0#�7 <br />