2� 1 ����34
<br /> in the Proper�y and r�ghts under this Securi�y �nstrument; and td} takes su�h act�an a� L�nder rna�
<br /> r�asonab�y requ�re to assure tha� Lender's in�erest�n the Proper�y and ri�h�s under th�s 5ecurity �ns�rument,
<br /> and Borrflwer's ob�igat��n to pay�he 5ums se�ured by �his Security �nstrument, sha�� con�inue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require�hat Borrow�r pay su�h reinsta�ement sums and expenses �n one or rnare of th�follawing
<br /> forms, as se�ec�ed by Lender: �a}cash; �b}money order; �c}c�r�ified che�k, bank check, �reasurer's che�k or
<br /> �ashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upon an ins�ituti�n v�hose deposits are insured by a
<br /> federal agency, instrumen�a��ty or ent�ty; or�d} E�ectronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinsta�ement by Borrower,
<br /> this Secur��y �nstrument and obl�gations secured hereby sha�l remain full�effect��e as �f n� accelerat�nn had
<br /> �c�urred. Howe��r, �h�s r�gh�ta reinstat�shall no�appl�r in fihe case of accelerat�on under Sec�ian 1H,
<br /> ��. Sa�� of Nate: �hange of ��an Se�vicer: Notice of Grie�ance. The Note or a par��a1 in�er�st in the
<br /> Na�e �together w�th�his Securi���ns�rument}can�e s�Id one or m�r�times vvithout pr�or notice�o
<br /> Borrower. A sale might result in a change in�he enti�� �known as the "Ldar� Servicer"} �ha�calle�ts Per�adic
<br /> Payments du�under the N�te and this Security �nstrument and performs other mortgage�aan serWic�ng
<br /> ob�igat�ons under the Not�, th�s Secur��y �ns�rumen�, ar�d App��cahle Law. There also m�gh�b�one or more
<br /> changes of the Loan Servi�er unre�ated to a saie of�he Note. If there�s a change of the Loan Servi�er,
<br /> Borrov�er w�il be gi�ren written notice of�he change v�hich vv�ll s�ate the name and address �f the new Loan
<br /> Ser�ricer, the address to wh�ch pa�ments should�e made and any other�nformatinn RESPA requires in
<br /> �onnect�an with a no�ice of�ransfer of ser�icing. �f the Na�e�s soid and�hereafter th�L�an�s ser�iced�y a
<br /> Loan Ser�icer other than the purchaser of�he Note, the mortgage�aan servicing abliga�ions�o Barrawer v�ril�
<br /> rerna�n w��h�he L�an Serv�cer or be�ransferred to a successor Laan Servicer and are no�assumed�y�he
<br /> Note purchaser un�ess o�herw�se pro�ided by�he No�e purchaser.
<br /> Neither Borrawer nar Lender may commence,j�in, or be joined�o a�y�ud�ciai action �a�either an
<br /> indi�idual liti�an�or�he m�mber af a class} that ar�ses from the ather par��'s actions pursuant�o �his
<br /> Se�ur��y xnstrumen�or�ha� al�eges �hat the oth�r party has br�ached any pr��rision of, or any duty a��ed by
<br /> r�ason of, this �ecuri�y �nstrumen�, un�il such Borrower or Lender has no�if��d the fl�her par�y �vvi�h such
<br /> no�ice gi�en in compliance wi�h t��e requirements o�Sec�ion I5} of such al�eged breach and affor�.ed��e
<br /> other p�r�y here�o a reasonab��periad after th��i�ing of such n�tice t� �ake�orrec�iu�acri�n. If App��cab�e
<br /> Law pr���des a�ime period wh�ch mus�e�apse�ef�re c�rtain ac��on can be�a�en, Yha�t�m�per��d��il be
<br /> deemed to be reasanab�e for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of ac�e�eration and apportuni�y ��cure
<br /> gi�en�o Barrower pursuant to Sec��on 22 and the notice of acce�era�ion����n�o Borrower pursuant to
<br /> Se�tion 1 S shal�be deenled�o �a�isfy the notice and�ppartuni��r �o take correcti�re ac�ion pro�is�flns of th�s
<br /> 5�c�i�n�4.
<br /> ��. Hazardflus Substances. As u�ed �n�hxs Se�t��n 2�: �a} "I�azardous Su�s�ajxces"are�hose substances
<br /> defined as�axic or hazardaus substances, po��u�ants, or wa�tes by Env�ranmen�a� Law and the fol�ov�ring
<br /> �ubstances: gasol�ne, keros�ne, a�her flammable or�oxic pe�roleum pr�du��s, �ox��pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> wola�ile snlv�nts, ma�erials conta�ning asbes�os or formaidehyde, and radiaacti�e ma�eriais; �b}
<br /> "�rrviranyr�ej��a�Lav�"me�ns federa� �aws and �av�rs o�'the jurisdic�ion where the Property is Iacated tha�
<br /> reiat�to h�a��h, safety or�nv�r�n�mental protection; �c� ".�j�virotxm�j��aZ C'lea�u�" includ�s an�response
<br /> action, remedial actian, ar rermovai action, as def�ned in Envir�nmental Law; and �d} an "Environ���erttaZ
<br /> Cor2ditron"means a candi��on that can cause, contribu�e�o, or atheru�ise�rigg�r an En�iror�mental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower sha�� no�cause or per�m���he prese�ce, use, disposal, s�orag�, ar releas�of an�r �3azardous
<br /> Subs�ances, or threa�en�� release an� Hazardous Substances, on or in�he Proper�y. Borrflw�r sha11 not do,
<br /> nor a11ow anyone els�t�do, anything affe�ting�h� Praper�y (a} that�s �n�ri�la�ian of an� En�ironm.enta�
<br /> Lavv, ��} ulhich�reat�s an�nvironmental Cond���on, or�c} which, due ta the presence, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazard�us Su�stance, creates a�ond��ion�ha�ad�ersel� affects the�alue of the Pr�perty. The preceding�wo
<br /> NEBRASKA-S��gle Famify-Far�nie Mael�reddie Mac UNiF�RM INSTRUM�NT �orm 302$11�� �
<br /> VMP� VMPfi{NE;t13�2)
<br /> Wolters Kfuwer Financia(Ser�ices Page 7 3 of 17
<br />