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2� 1 ����34 <br /> sentenc�s sha�� not apply to the presen�e, use, or storage an the Praperty of srnall quantiti�s af�azardous <br /> Su�stances that are g�nerally recagnized to be apprapriat�to normal res�den��al uses and to maintenan�e of <br /> the Pr�per�y ��ncluding, but not Iimited�o, hazardous substances in cansun�er produc�s}. <br /> Borrow�r sha�� promp��y give L�nder writt�n n�ti�e af�a} an� inv�stzgat�an, ��a�m, demand, �awsuzt or oth�r <br /> � ac�ian by any go�ernmenta� �r regu�ator� ag�ncy or private party in��iving th�Pr�per�y and a�zy �azardaus <br /> Substarz��or En�ir�nmen�a� Law�f wh�ch B�rrov�er has actua�kn��vl�dge, �b} any En��ranmenta� <br /> Cond�tian, includ�ng bu�not �zmited to, any �p����ng, ��a.��ng, d�scharg�, reiease ar�hr�at of r���ase of any <br /> Ha2ardous Subs�an��, and ��} any c�nditian caused b�the presence, use or r��ease af a Hazardou� Substance <br /> vvhi�h ad�erse�y aff�cts the value of the Property. If Barrov�er learns, or is n��ified by any governm�ntal �r <br /> regula�ory authar�ty, �r any priva�e par��, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Su�stance <br /> affecting the Proper�y is necessary, B�rrower sha��prompt�y tak�a11 n�cessar�remed�a� ac��ons xn <br /> accordance with En��rann�enta� Law. Noth�ng here�n sha�� create a.ny ob�igation fln Lender for an <br /> En��ronmenta� ��eanup. <br /> NvnwUnif�rm �o►renants, B�rrower and Lender cavenant and agr��as follows: <br /> 2�. Acce�erativn; R�med�es. Lender�ha��g�ve not�c��a Borr�wer pr�or t�a�ce��ration follo��ing <br /> Barra��v�r'�hr�ach of any cavenan� or agreement in this Securi#y Ins�runr�en� ��u�no�pri�r�o <br /> ac�eleration under Section lS unless Appii�able La�v prvvides o�her��ise}. The no�ice sha��specify: �a} <br /> �he defau��; ��} the actian required to�ure�he default; €c� a da�e, na� �ess than 3� days from�he da�e <br /> �he n.o�i�e is gi�en�o Borrotiver, by which�he defau��must be cured; a�d (d} tha�fa��ur�ta cure the <br /> deFaul�on or before�he date spec�f�ed�n the not�ce may resu�t�n accel�ra�ion�f the suxns secured by <br /> �h�s Se�ur��y Instrument and sa�e of the Proper�y. T�re nnt�ce sha�� further�nform BorruwQr of��e <br /> r�gh� �o re�nstate af�er acce�era�ion an�the righ�to bring a caurt ac��on��assert th�nan-�xistence oF a <br /> defaul�or any vther defens�vf Borr�ti�ver�a accel�ra�ian and sa�e. If�h�defaul� �s not cur�d on or <br /> befare th�da��specified in the not�ce, Lend�r a� �t�op�ion ma�requir�imm�d�at�paym�nt�n fu�� of <br /> all s��ms secur�d by th�s Se�urzty Ins�rumen�w��h�ut fur�her demand and may�nvoke�he power af sale <br /> an�any ather remed��s perxn��tec� by Applicab�e Law. Lender�ha��b�en����ed�v collec�all e�penses <br /> �ncurred in pur�uing�he re�nedies pro�ided in this Sec�ion��, �ncluding, bu�not l�m��ed�a, reasonab�e <br /> a�torneys' fees and cos�s of�i�le ev�dence. <br /> �f the poti�er af sa�e�s�nvok�d, Tru��ee sha��record a natz�e of defau�t�n each coun�y in�vh�ch an� <br /> part of the Property is�aca�ec�and sha�� �nail capies af such nvt�ce�n the xnanner prescribed by <br /> App��cable Law to Bvrra��er and��the other persons prescr�bed by App�icab�e Law. Af�er�he�ime <br /> requ�red by Applica��e La�v, Trus�ee sha��give public nvtice of s�le�o the persons and in�he mann�r <br /> prescribed by Applicab�e Lativ. Trustee, vvithout demand on Barrower, sha��s��l �he Proper�y a� pub�ic <br /> auc��on�o the highes� b�dder at the��me and p�ace and under�he�erms designa�ed�n the n�t��e of s��e <br /> �n flne or more parce�s and�n any order Trus�ee de�erm�nes. Trus�ee may postpune saie nF a��or any <br /> parce� of�he l�raperty�y pub�ic annauncemen� a��he�ime and place of any previously 5chedu��d sal�. <br /> Lender or i�s design�e may pur�hase�he Proper�y a� any 5ale. <br /> IJpon receip� vf payment of the pr�ce b�d, Trus�ee sha�� del��er to thQ purchaser Trus�ee's deed <br /> convey�ng�he Property. The rec��a�s in the'I'rustee's deed sha�� be pr�m�a Fac�e e�idence af�he tru�h vf <br /> the s�atem�n�s made�herein. Trus�ee shal� app�y �h�proceeds oF�h�sa��in�he fo�l�w�ng order: �a} to <br /> all cnsts and exp�nses of exercx5�ng�he power of sa�e, and the 5ale, �nc�ud�ng�he payn�en�of�he <br /> Tru��ee's fees a�tua��y�ncurred and reasonab�e a�torneys' f�es as permz�t�d by App�icab�e Law; �b} to <br /> a��5ums secured by this Securi�y Instrumen�; and �c} any excess�a�he person vr persons Iegal�y <br /> en�i#�ed�o it. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-�anni�Ma�IFr�ddie Ma�UN��ORM INSTRUMENT Farm 3D28�14'� <br /> VMP Q VMP6�NE)�13423 <br /> WoIters Kluwer Financial Ser�iG�s Page 14 vf 17 <br />