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� <br /> 2� 1 ����34 <br /> des�gnated a subst��ute not�c�address by na��ce�� Lender. Borrawer sha��prompt�y no�ify Lender af <br /> Borrower's chang�of address. �f L�nder spec�f�es a proc�dur�for repar��ng Borrower's chan�e of address, <br /> th�n Borrower sha�� on�y report a change of a�dr�ss through�hat spec��ed procedur�. <br /> There may�e only one designa�ed notzce address under�h�s Securit� �nstru�nent at an� one��xne. Any no��ce <br /> to L�nder sha��be given by de�ivering it ar b�mailing �t by first c�ass ma�l to Lender's address sta�ed here�n <br /> un��ss Lender has designated anather address by notice�� Borrawer. Any notice�n connection vvith this <br />- Security �ns�rum�n�sha11 n�t be de�m�d ta have been given to L�nder until ac�ually received by Lender. If <br /> any not��e required by th�s Securi�y �nstrumen� is a�so requ�red under Applicable Law, the Applicabl�La�v <br /> requ�rexnent w��� sat�sfy the carr�spond�ng requzremen�under�h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�. <br /> ��. �or�ern�ng Law; Se�erah��ity; Ruies of �onstruction. This Security Instrument shal�be gov�rned by <br /> federal �ativ and th�law af�he�urisdictian in whi�h the Proper�y �s�acat�d. A�1 rights and ab�igat�ons <br /> contazned�n this Security �nstrument are sub�ect to any requirements ax�d limitations af Applicah�e La�. <br /> Applicab�e Lav� m.zght�xp�icit�y or�mp�icit�y allov� the par�ies to agree by contract flr�t m�gh�be si�ent, but <br /> such silence shall not be construed as a prohibiti�n against agreement by c�ntract. �n the e�en�that any <br /> pr��visian ar c�aus��f this Securi�y �nstrument or the N�te�onflicts wi�h App�icable Law, such c�nflict sha�� <br /> na� affec�o�her pr��xs�an�of�h�s Secur��y �ns�rument�r the Nn�e wh�ch can�e gi��n�ffec�with�ut th� <br /> canflict�ng pro�isi�n. <br /> As us�d in this S��urity Ins�rum�nt; �a} words of the ma�culine gender shall n�ean and include carrespond�ng <br /> neu�er w�rds�r words of the femin�n�gender; �b} wards �n the singu�ar shall mean and inc�ude the plural <br /> and�ice versa; an��c} the word "may" g�ves so�e d�s�r�t��n w��hou�any obligation t� take any action. <br /> '17. Borr�we�'s C�py, Borrower sha�� be g�ven one capy of the Note and of this Secur�ty �nstrumen�. <br /> 'l 8. Transf�r of the Prvperty or a B�neficial Interest in B�rrower, As used in this 5ec�ion 1 S, "Interest in <br /> the Property" means any l�gai or b�nef�cial in�erest in the Praper�y, �n.L:�llC�lllg, bu�not limited to, thase <br /> benefic�al �nterests transferred in a bond for deed, contrac�for deed, insta�lment sales contract or�scravv <br /> a�reement, the in��n�of wh�ch �s�h�transfer af����e�y Borra�er at a fu�ure date�o a purchaser. <br /> �f ali ar an�part�f the Prop�r�y ar any Interes� in�he Proper�� is sold ar�ran�ferred �or if Borraw�r is na� a <br /> natural person and a beneficiai in�erest in Barrower is sold�r transferred} tivi�hout Lend�r's priar wr��ten <br /> cansent, Lender may require �mmediate paymen�in full of a�1 sums secured�y this S��urit� �nstrument. <br /> Hativever, this optzon sha�l not be exerczsed by Lend�r�f such exercis�is prohibi�ed by Applicable Lav�. <br /> If Lender exercises this ap�ion, Lender shall give Borrawer no�ice�f accelerat�on. The n�tice shall pra��d�a <br /> periad of na��ess than 3�da�s fram�h�date the n�ti�e is given in accordance vvi�h Section 15 with�n which <br /> Borrawer must pay all sums secured by this Securi�y �nstrument. �f Borrov�er fails �o pay the�e sums pr�ar to <br /> the expirat�on of this period, Lender may invoke any remed�es permitted b�r this Securi�y �nstrum�nt without <br /> fur�her not�ce or d�mand on Barrawer. <br /> �9. Borr�wer's R�ght ta Reinstat� After Acce�eration. If Borrower meets certain canditions, Borrower <br /> sha1�have�he right t�ha�e enfarcemen�of this Securi�y�ns�rum�nt discon��nu�d at any time prior to the <br /> ear�zest of: �a} ��ve da�s before sale of the Prflper��r pursuan�tQ any pou�er af sale contained in this Security <br /> �ns�rument; �b} such�ther period as App�icable Law m.ight sp�czf�r for the termina��on of Borrower's rzght t� <br /> r�ins�ate; �r(c} en�ry of a judgment enforcing this Securi�y�nstrument. Th�se conditians are�ha� Borrawer: <br /> �a�pa�rs Lender a�� surn.s v�vh��h then would b�du�under th�s ��curit� Instrument and the Note as if no <br /> a�ce�era�ian had occurred; �h}cures any default�f any oth�r�avenan�s or agreemen�s; �c}pa�s ai� expenses <br /> incurred in enforcing this Secur�t��ns�rument, including, but not�ima�ed�o, r�as�nable at�arneys' fees, <br /> property inspect�on and valuatian fees, and ather fees incurred for the purpase of protecting Lender's inter�st <br /> NE6RASKA-Single Famiiy-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UN6FORM fNSTRUMENT Farm 3�Z8 11�"� <br /> VMP� VMP54NE�t�342j <br /> WoEters Kluwer F�na�cial Services Page�Z of 17 <br />