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2� 1 ���598 <br /> �n�eres� from t��e da�e of disburs�ment a� �l�e sa�ne rate assessed on advances under the ��n�ra�� and sha�l be <br /> payab�e,�vitl�in�eres�,upan not�ce from Le��der to Baxr�v�rer reyuest�ng payment. <br /> InsPect�on�. Lender ar its agen� may make reas���a�le entr�es upon and inspec�ions nf�he Proper�y. Lender shall <br /> g�ve Bflrrower no��ce a��he��me af or przor�o an inspec�ion spec�fy�ng reasonable cause for�he inspe�t�o�a. <br /> Cond�rnna��on. The proceeds of any award ar c�a�m far da�nages, dire��or�onsequen��a�, �r� conne��ion wit��any <br /> c�ndemna�ion ar a�her�akzng�f any part of�he Proper�y, or f�r conveyan�e �n �ieu of cand�mnat��n, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and s�a�l be pa�d�o Lender. <br /> �n �he e�en� of a tntal taking af�l�e Proper�y, �h� praceeds s�aa�� be appl�ed t� �he sums se�ured by ���s �ecurity <br /> �nstrumen�, �uhether or �o� then due, ���h any excess pa�d �fl Borro�ver. �n t��e e�en� of a partia� �ak�x�g of the <br /> Proper�y zn v�hi�h�he fa�r mar�e� vaiue of the Proper�y �mmed�a�ely bef�re the taking xs equai �a or grea�er��an <br /> �he amount of�he sums secured by this S�cur�ty �nst�-um�nt xmmedxate�y before the tal��ng, un�ess BQrr�wer and <br /> Lender o�herwise agree �n v`rri�ing, �he sums secured by thzs Se�urity Instrum�nt shail be reduc�d by the am�un�of <br /> the pro�eeds mu�tipl��d by�he f����vv�ng frac��on: �a)�he����,� atnoun�of the sums secured imxned�ate�y before�he <br /> takin�, d���ded by (b} ���e fa�r marke� valu� of the Proper�y i�nmed�ate�y bef�re the ta�ing. Any ba�ance shal� be <br /> paid to Barrower. �n th� e�en� af a par�ial �a�ing of�}�e Pr�per�y in which �he fair mar�e� va�ue of the Proper�y <br /> ��ru-ned�ately bef�re �he tak�ng as Iess �han. �he amoun� of���e sums secured immed�a�e�y before �he �ak�n�, un�ess <br /> Borrower and Lender atherv��se agree in �r�t���g or unless .�.ppl��ab�e Law otherv��se prav�des, the pr�ceeds s��a�1 <br /> be app��ed to�he sums secured by�h�s Securifi��ns�rumen�whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> �f the Fraper�y is abandoned by B�rraw�r, or if, af�er no��ce by L�nder�o Barrower tha�t)�e candemnor�ffers �a <br /> make an avvard flr se��te a c�a�m f�r da�na.ges, Borro�rer f�ils �o respond �o Lend�r wi�h�n �h� m�ni�n�.�m number�f <br /> da�s es�abl�shed by.�.pp�icab�e.Law aft�r t�ae date�he no��ce is gi�en, Lender�s au�h�rized to coitect and a � the <br /> pP Y <br /> proceeds, a� ��s op��on, e�ther �o res�ora��an �r repair of�he P�-aper�y or �o �he sums secured by �his Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument,whe���er�r no��hen du�. <br /> Unle�s Lender and B�rrower a�herwzse agree �n vvriting, any ap�Iica��on of praceeds�a principa� sha�l na�e��end <br /> or p�stp�ne the due date of�he payments due under the�ontrac�ar���ange�he am�unt flf such paymen�s. <br /> I3orrv�ver Not Re�eased; Forbearanc� Sy Ler��er ��� � VL�a��er. Ex�ens��n af �I�e txme far pay�nen� or <br /> mad�f ca�ion �f am�r�iza��on of the sums se�uxed by �h�s Secur��y �nstrumen� gran�ed by Lender to Borrower or <br /> an� succ�ssar in �n�eres� o�' Borrower sha�1 r�o� operate �o release �lae l�a�i�ity of �l�e ariginal Borrawer or <br /> Bo�-r�wer's success�r� in in�eres�. ��nder shali not be requ�red ta comm,en�e proceedings aga�nst an successor�n <br /> Y <br /> �n�:eres��r refuse ta ex�end�i�ne for paymen�ar o�.herv�ise mad�fy amor�izat��n af tl�e sums s�cured by�h�s Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument by reason a�any de�nand made by the or�gixnal Borro�er or Borr�v�er's suc�essors in �n�erest. Any <br /> f�rbearance �y Lender �n exerc�s�ng any r�ght ar remedy shal� n�t be a ujaiver of ar preclude the exercise of any <br /> righ�or re�m�dy. <br /> Successars and Assigns B�und; �oint and Several Liak�i��ty; Acco�mm�da�iv� S�gners. The cfl�enan�s and <br /> agreem�n�s af this Secur��y �nstrume��t s�rai� bind and benefit�he suc�essors and assigns of Lender and Sorrov�er, <br /> su��ec� t� the prov�si�ns of sec���n �����d Transfer af the Proper�y or a B�nefic�a� �n�er�s� in Sorrawer. <br /> Borr��er's�o�enan�s and agreemex�ts sha�I be jo�n�and se�eral. 1�.ny persan v�hn co-signs�hxs Secur�ty �nstru�-ne��t <br /> �u� has n� persona� liab��i�y u��der the ��n�ract �"�cc�mmo�a�i�n S�gner"): �a� �s c��s�gning ��is Se�urity <br /> I�strumen� on�y �o m�r�gage, gran� and �onvey �ha� A�c�mm�dat�v�� Signer's interes� �n �he Property under the <br /> terms o� �he Secur��y �nstru���ent; �b� �s not persana�ly obliga�ed �� pay �he su�ns secured by �his S�curi�y <br /> �ns�rumen�; and �c� a�rees�hat Lender and afly o�her�3arrower ma� agree t�e��end, mod�fy, forbear or make any <br /> ac�am.mfldati�ns�vi�h�-eb�rd t��he tier�ns flf�his Se�urit��nstrument ar�he �on�trac�w��hnu��}�a���comm�da��on <br /> S igner's cansent. <br /> Lvan �harges. �f�he ��an secured by �his Secuzity �ns�ruzx��nt �s subject �o a �aw vvhich sets maximum �nan <br /> c�arges, and ��aa� Iaw is fiz�al�y �n�erpreted sa��at�he �nter�st�r ather�oan charges ca�Iected or�o be�o��ec�ed in <br /> cflnr�ec�ion �ith �he �oan exceed �1ae perm�t�ed Iimits, ���en: (a} any such Ioan cl�a�-ge s��all be reduced by ��he <br /> amoun�necessary�fl reduce the c��arge ���he permi�ted l�m�ts and�b� any sums already col�ected from Borrower <br /> �vh�ch exceeded permit�ed l�m�ts v���l be refunded to B�r�rQwer. Le��der may choase t� make �h�s refund by <br /> re�.ucing�he princ�pai ovved under th� Cqntrac� or by making a direc� payment to .B�rrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipa�,�he reduc�i�n w��� b��rea�ed as a par��a�prepa�m�en�u��der the Con�rac�. <br /> �o��ces. Any n��ice �� Borrower pravided far �n �his Secur�ty Instrument shal� be g��en by de�i�er�ng �t ar by <br /> ma��inb it by frs�c�ass mait unless Appl�cab�e La�v reauires u�e of an�ther zne�hod. The notice sha�� be direc�ed�a <br /> t��e Property Address ar an� o��aer address Barr�v��r designates by no��ce �o Lender. S�rro�er agr�es �a ro��de <br /> p <br /> Lender �vith Borrower's m�s� current mail ing address, as ��may change from time-��-��me. Any n�tic� to L�nder <br /> sha��be g��ren by f rst class maii to's address s�a.ted herein ar an�other add�ress�ender desig��ates by not�ce <br /> fin Borrov�rer, Any n�t�ce prflvided for�n th�s Security Ix�s�rume�t s�aa�l be deemed t�ha�e been givet��o Borr�wer <br /> ar Lender�hen g��en as pr�v�ded�n th�s paragra�h. <br /> �o�ern�ng La�; S��erabi�i�y.Th�s Securi�y Instrument shal�b�gfl�erned by federal lav�and�h��aws af�l�e��a�e <br /> of Nebraska. In �he e�en� �ha� any pro��si�n or c�ause of�la�s Securi�y Ins�rume��t ar �he Con�rac� �onfli�ts w�th <br /> A�pl�cabl� La�, such �fln�I��� sha�� n�t affect Q�I�er pr���si�ns of�his Secur��y �ns�rumen� or the C�n�xa�� whicl� <br /> can b�g��en effect�v��hou�the con��c��ng pra�isiop. To tl�is end�he pra��sians�f���is Security�ns�rument and�:��e <br /> Con�rac�are dec�ared��he se�erable. <br /> Borrov�er's�apy. Borrower s��a1�be g��en ane copy�f��a�s Se�ur�ty�nst�rument. <br /> D 2d04-20�5 Cc�m�Iian�e Syste�as,Inc.CBCS-497F-2a 15.]�.2.i I 12 <br /> Consumer Rea�Estate-Se�urity Instntr�ent DT.?�36 Pa�e 3 of 5 wwcv.camptianc� <br />