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2� 1 ���598 <br /> ]Paym�n��f Pr�nci�al and :��r�t�r�s�; ������-�h�.�-ges.I�orra�er�h�Il pr�mp���pay�vhe�due�h�pri�c�pa�of and <br /> �n��res�an�he deb�ovWed under th��on�ract and la��charg�s ar any other fe�s and charges due�.nder�he��ntrac�. <br /> Appi��able La�. As used in t��s Security �ns�rurr�e��, �:h� �ern�. '4App��cab�e Law" sha�l �nean a=[� con�r�l�ing <br /> appiicable f�derai, s�a�e and loca� sta.tu�es, regu]a�ians, �rd�nances a�d admin�s��ati�ve ru1�s ar�d arc���rs �th�.t have <br /> �he effe�t of�aw}as�e�l as a1i�pplicab�e final,�on-appeal�.l��e judi��al op�n�ans. <br /> �harges; I�ien�. B�rrov��r ��ha�I p�.y al� �;a�es, assessm�n��, �ha�g��, f�nes and �mp���t�ons at�rib�.�abl� to the <br /> Property which may at�a��p��i�r��y a�e��his Se�uri�y�nstr����en�, ar�d �easeho�d paymen�s or ground ren�s, if any. <br /> A��he reques�t a�L�nder,�arro�er shal�promp�l�fu�-nish�o Lender re�e�pts e�idencin�the p�ymen���. <br /> Barrower shal� pramp��y discharge any li�n which has�ri�ri�y ove�-th�s S�cur�ty �nst�-u�nen�ur�less]3�rro��rer: �a� <br /> agrees iri writing ta ti�e payrr�en� of���e flbliga�ion se�u�-ed by �h� �ier� �r� a xnann�er �.�cep�able �« Lencl�r; �b} <br /> contes�s in bflod faith 1;he 1�ela by, or �efends a�ains� enf��cemen� ���he �ie� �n, �egal prflceedings which �n the <br /> Le�der's flpinian op�rate �� pre�ent �he enfc�rceme��t of t�.�� lien; �� ��} sec�res fro�n �he ho�der a�f the lien an <br /> agreement sa�isfac�or��a Le��der subardinating the �ie��a tl��s Se�u3rity�ns��ru�nent. �f Lender de�er�r��nes�hat any <br /> par�of�he Pr�perty is su�bje���:�� a Y�en whi�h �nay a�:tain p1 i�r��� o�ve�th�s Security �ns�rument, Lender nr�ay give <br /> B�rrovver a�ot�ce iden�if�r������he lien. �3orra�ver sha�l sat�sfy�he li�� or�a�e �ne or m�re of the actiflns stit forth <br /> abfl�e��thin 1�days of�h��;���.ng of n�tice. <br /> IIazard vr�'r��erty Insura:��e. �3orr�wer s��all keep ihe i�r��r��en-�.en�s now�xisting�r hereafter e.rec��c�on the <br /> Property insured ag��ns���ss by fire,hazards�nc�uded wil:h�n tI-�e�e��."ex�end�d�o�erage" and any c��her�azards, <br /> including fltiods or f1o�d�n€;, for �nr��i�h Lender requi�-es irnsurarice. This insu�a��ce sha�� b� �nain.ta�ne� in �he <br /> amaun�s and f�r the periac�s�:l�a�L�nde�-requ�res. The insuraY�ce carrie�pro�iding�he�nsu.r-ar�ce sha11 be chc�sen b� <br /> Borrower subje�� �o Lender'� appraWa� v�rhich s�al� n�t �� u��reas���ab�y vvi�hhe�d. �f Barrower fai�s to n�aintain <br /> co�erage des�rived above, 'Ler�der ma�, at Le�der`s flp�i�n, �b�a�n caverage t� pro�:ec� Lenc�er's right�, in �he <br /> Praper�.y�n acc�rdance wit��:s�ct�on t����d�r��e��iaa�c�����d�Y'�T��ghts i���h�P'�-o��r�y. <br /> A�� insurance p��ic�es and r�:r�e�als s����� be acc�ptab�e �o Lei�der an� shal� �r�c�ude a s�andard m�x�tgage clause. <br /> Lender shal�have the r��h��c�h�id the polic�es a�d renern�a�so �f Lende�rec�uires, B�rr�wer sha�l pro�p��y g��e�a <br /> Lender al�rece�p�s of paid p�-emiums a�.d rene�al r�o�:�ces. �n the ��en��f l�ss, �3�rrawer shal��i�ve��rarn�t notice <br /> �o�he i�surance�arrier and Lerider.Le�der may ma�e proof of�oss��nfl�made promp�l}�by Barrowe.r. <br /> Unless Lender and B��-row��r a�he�w�se agree in �ri�ing, insuran�e procee�s shal� �e applied �� �res�or�.��on or <br /> repair of�he Praperty dama��ed, �f, in �Lender's sol� dis�re�7�n, �he rest�ra�i�� or repa�r �s economica�ly :Eeas�ble <br /> ar�d Lender's securi�y is n�� lessened. If, in �ender's sole d��cret�or�, �l�e restorati�n or repair �s n�t e�on��nical�� <br /> feasible or Lender's securi�.y,�vou�d be l�ssened,the insuran�e proceeds shal�be app�ie�to�he sums sFa�ured by th�s <br /> Securi�.y �ns�rument, �he�her or no� �hen �.ue, wifih any excess �aic� �a B�rrower. �f B�rr�wer �a�and�ns the <br /> Pr�per�y,�r does not ans�ver�ithin�he num�ber c�f da�s p�-es�r�bed��r Appl�Ca.�le Lav`r as se�for�h in a no�i�e from <br /> Lender t� Borrower�ha��he �nsurance ca�r�er has affered�o se��le �.c�aim, t�en Lender may c�l�ect the in�urance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use trEe proceeds �co repa�r �r r�st�re �h� P�r�per�y 4r t�pay s�zms secur�d by��his �ecurity <br /> �X�strumex�t,whet�er or na��then due.Th�period�f t�m�for Barr��nr�r��answer as se�for�h in�he nat�c���li�egin <br /> when�he no�ice is given. <br /> lJn�ess Lender and Borrowe�-o�hervv�se agree i�n v�rri�ing, a��y applicat�on of pr�ceeds�o principal sh�all no�:ex�end <br /> or pos�pone the due da�e �f i:he payments due under�he �on�ra�t�r cha�ge�:he amoun�af the paym�n�s. �f under <br /> t�e section��t�ed �c�e�er�tit�n; 1����c����, the �'�-a�er�y �s a�q��red by Lender, Ba�Yower's right t� ��ny insurance <br /> po�ic�es and proceeds resu�ting fi om c�amage ��� the Pr�pel-t� �ria�•�� �:he a�quisiti�n sha�� pass �a _Lend�:r ta �he <br /> exten���the sums secured b���h�s Se�urity�ns�ru�ne�t��n���d�ate�y�ri�r ta�he�cquisitz�n. <br /> Preser�vat�or�, I�I�i�ten���cf� a�d l��•�t��ta�n c�� �h� ��-��ert�; �arr��vv+�r�� �Loan App�ica��on; �ea�eh�ld�. <br /> Borrov�rer shal�n��d�stroy, ��arr�age �r impa�r�h�Prflpe�ty, allow�h�Pr�pe�.y�� det�rior�.te, or con�mit�aste an <br /> �he Prapert�y. Borrower shalt be �n default�f any farfeitu�e ac��on or pr�ceed���,�hether ci�il or cr��r.�ina�,�s begun <br /> that �n Lender's goad fa��:h j�adgmen� c�u1d result in forfe��ure af��� Pr�p�rly or ❑the�-�vise ma�eria��y im�air the <br /> lien crea�ed by �h�s Sec�.�ri�y Ins�ument �r Lend�r's se�ur�ty �n�erest. Bo�-r�v�er may cure such ��. def�ul� and <br /> reinsta�e, as provided in s�ction�itled ����ower's ��g�� ��a ;�.���s��t�, by caus�ng�he ac�ian or praceedi�g�a be <br /> dismissed vvith a ru��ng tha�, in.Lender's good fa�t��determi�ation,p�-e��ude�F�rfe�ture�f the Borrov���r's�n�erest in <br /> the Pr�perty �r oth�r ma�erial �m�air�nent �f the �ien crea�ed by �his Securi�.y rns�rument �r Len�er's �ecu�i�y <br /> �nteres�.Borrower s�all alsa be�n defau�t if B�rrower,duri�g the �oa�applica�:ian pro��ss,gave ma��°ria�ly fa�se ar <br /> ina�cura�e informa�io�n ar s�a.tements �fl Lender ��r fa�led �o pr���de Lende� with �ny rna�er�al inf�rma�tian} in <br /> connectxon�v��h�he �oa� eviden�ed by the ��n�rac�. �f.this �e�u�i�.y Ins�rumer�� is o� a Iea�eh��d, �orr�v�rer shal� <br /> comp�y�nrith all�he pravisioris of the�ease. �f Borrawer a�c�u�res fee�it�e�a�he Prope�ty,ihe Ie�seho�d and�h.e fee <br /> t�tle shail not merge un�ess Lend�r agrees t�the merg�r in wr���ng. <br /> Pr���ction of Lend�r�s �i�;rit� �n th� �roper�y. �f �3orravv��- �,fai�s to perfor�n the co�enan�s an� agr�emen�s <br /> contained in this Securit��n.��rum�n�, or t�ere is a l�gal�raceeding���a�may significan��y affec��Lenderrs�igh�s iri <br /> �he Pr�perty �such as a pr��eec�ing in bankrupt��, pr��ba��, far �andem��a��on �r f�r�ei�ure �r �o enforce �avvs or <br /> regu�a�ions�, then Le�der �nay d� and pay for v��-���eve�- is ��e�essary to pratect t�3� �a1ue o�t1�e Property and <br /> Lender's rights �n the Praper�:�. L�nder's ac�i��s�nay inc�ude paying�n�sum.s se�ured by a lien whic�h has pri�ri�.y <br /> o�er th�s Security Instrun��n1:, �ppear�ng�n caur�,pa���g reas�nab�e a�:�rneys'�'ees ar�d ent�ring on tl�e ProperCy t� <br /> make repairs.Although Len��er�nay�a�e actiar�unc�er this se���o��,Ler�der d�es r�o�l�a�e�o do so. <br /> Any amoun�s dis�bursed by ]:�ender u�der �his sectia�� sl�a�1 �bec�n�e �dd��Yor�al deb� �f B��-rov�er s�:cured by this <br /> Se��zr�ty �nstrume�t. i�n��ss Barrowe� and Lender abree �:o o�her �erms �f payrr�en�, these armou:r��s sh�ll bear <br /> Q 20a4-24I5 Campliance Systems,Inc.CIIES-{J97F-2�}12 <br /> Cansurr�er ReaI Estate-SecE�rity Instri.�ment I3L2a3C Pa�;e 2 oi'S www.c� <br />