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2� 1 ���598 <br /> Transfer of th��'r�p�r�y ar � �3����fi���� Ir�t��°es��n �3�r���ver. �f a�� ar an�par�of�h��'roperty o:�any�n�eres� <br /> in it is s��d ar �rans�erred �crr i�'a ben�f�cial in�er�s� �n Bo��ov�rer i� s��� ��r �r�.�sfe�•e� and Borra�er i� ���t a <br /> natural person� wi�hau� Lender's pri�r �vr�t�en consen�, �����d�er rrray, �.� i�s op���n, requ�re im�n�diatc� payr�.en� �n <br /> full �f ail sur�s secured by 1:his Secur��y Instr�me�t. �-�o�ever, �:h�s ap��a� shall no�t be e�ercised b� L��der if <br /> e�ercise is pr�ii��ited�y fe�e.ral�avv as�f the da�e of this S�cr�ri�y Ins�rurnent. <br /> �f Lender e�.ercises �h�s optio��, Lender sha�� g�ve ��rr��e�� no��c� of acce�era�i�n. T��e n�t��e shf�.l� prov��e a <br /> period of na� less �han t��e �r��ni�nunn n���ber �f days est�t�Iisl�ed h� .�pplicab�e Law from t��e date ti�e nv�ice is <br /> deli�ered ar mai led vvi���in ��h�ch Borr�vt�er �nus�: �ay a�1 sum.s secured �� �his �ecur�ty Ins�rument. �f Bc�rrower <br /> fails to pay these su�-ns pr�or,ta �he expira���n �f�h�s peri�d, Lendex- �nay zn��1�e any remed�es per�����ted by this <br /> Securi�y�ns�ru��en�w�thout fur�her nat��e�r dem�.r�d�n Borr�v�r�r. <br /> �o��nv�er'S Ri�h�� to YZe�nstate. �f ��rr�wer meets cer�a�rn canditi�ns, Bor�-�wer shalt �aave �he ��ight �o hav� <br /> enfarcemen�of this Sec�.�r�ty �ns�ru�nen� d�scarntznued a���y�ime pri���o the �ar�i�r o� �a� 5 days ���r such �ther <br /> period as App�icab�e Law ma.y s�ec�fy�ar reins�at�men��bef�re sal��f the�'r�perfiy pursuant t�any,aower of sa�e <br /> can�a�ned in �hi s Secu�ity ���r�strum�n�; flr �b� e�ltry af �. j ud�me��� enforcing th�s�Secur�ty �ns�u.�nen�. Those <br /> condi�cions are �ha� B�rrov{aer: �a� pays �Lender a�� sums vv�ich ���en ��uld be due un�.er �h�s Secur��y Ins�rumen� <br /> and the Co�t�-ac�as if no acce��ier���o��had��curr�d;���cures any d�faul��f any a�h�r co�enants ar a��eemen�sr�c} <br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in enforcing this Secur�ty�ns�ru�-nent, inc�u�iing,bu�nat l�mited�o,reasonab�e attorneys' <br /> fees t��he extent pel�r�it�ed��y lav�r; and�d}takes �u�h a�t���as L�nd�r may reasonabl�require to a�sure�hat the <br /> lien of�his Securi�.y Inst�urnent, �end��'s righ�s ir��he Property and�arr�wer's ob��ga�:io���o pa����e �ums �ec��red <br /> by ���is Security �nstrumen� shal� con�inue ur�changed. �J�c�n reinsta���nent b� �orrav�er, �his Securi�ty ��s�:rumen� <br /> and �he obl�ga�ians secured ��ereby s�all r��main ful�y effect�ve as �f n� accele�-a�io�had �ccurred. ��ovvever, ��15 <br /> righ�ta reinsta��shalt n��ap��l�i���he case af ac�elerati�n u�der�he s�ction��t�ed Tr���fer af�he 1'rop�r�y or a <br /> �enef�cia��m��res�����rr�we�.-. <br /> �Iazardflus S�bst�m�es. �or�t-ovver sha��n�t ca�.�se ��pern��t the pres�n�e,use, d�spos�.1, s�orag�, ar�e�ease of any <br /> �azardous Substances on�r ir����e Proper�y. Bo��-ower shal�x�a�do,�or allov�a�lyone e�s��o do,anyt��ing a�Ff�c�ing <br /> �he Proper�y �:ha� is in vi�la��on o�'any ]E��iron��ental Law. T'��e pr�ceding t�r� �ente��es sl�a�� not apply� �o the <br /> pr�sence, use,�r s�arage a���he�.'r�pert�af sma��qua��ities�f�-Ia�a�d�us Substa�nces 1:ha�are gen�ral��rec�gn��ed <br /> to be appr�priate�o norn�a�r�:side��ial uscs ar�d��main�en�.����of�I�e Property. <br /> B�rr�wer shal�pr�mp�ly biv�f L���der v�rit�en no��ce of any�nvestiga,���n,c�ai�-��, c�emand, lawsui�or o��her a�tian by <br /> a�y go�ernmenta� �r regu�at+�ry agenc� ar p�iva�e par�y i�vo�v���g �he Pr�per�r and any Hazardous Suhs�ance �r <br /> En�ironmen�ai Law of v�rh�ch B�rro�ver has a��ual k���w�ed�e. �f �o�rr��uer learns, or �s notifed by any <br /> gove�nmentai�r regu�a�ory au�h�rity,�hat any rem.oval o�•c�ther ren�ed�ation�f�.�ny Ha2ardous �u�sti�nce a ffec�iY�g <br /> �he Pr�pe�-ty is necessar,�, �Bar�rower shal! p�romptly �ak� a1� n��essary z-e�n�d�a� ac��ons �n ac��rdan�e �vi�h <br /> ]�nvironlne��al Law. <br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "�-�azardous Substa��ces" are thc�se substan�es defined as��x�� �r ha�ard�us substa�c�s <br /> by Env�ronmenta� �av�r and �he foliov��ng su�bstances: gasol�ne, ker�sene, al:her f�amma��e ar to��ic pe��ro��um <br /> produc�s, �:a�i� pes�icides ar�d herbicides, �o�a�i�e sol��n�s, ma�eri�.is co��air��nb asb�s�os or for�n���dehyde, and <br /> rad�vactive ma�eria�s.As�sed in�his paragra�h, "Ernv�ra���ental Lav�r'� �neans federa�la�vs�.nd laws��f��e state af <br /> �e�braska�ha�relate��heal�:h�,safe�y or en�ironm�nta���r��ec�ion. <br /> Acce�era�i�m; �e�ed�e�. L+e��de�- sh��� g�ve �����e �� �3��Aro�rer ��•i��- t� ��cei�ra�i�n follawi��; �3�rrraw er's <br /> breach�f�����v��nan���.�gr-�e�en��n �his S�curi��I���t�-ur�.e����r�h���mtrac����der�hich�cce�iera�ion <br /> is perr�i��e� (�u� ���t pr���-�a a��e�e�-at�.�n �x���r t�� ���ti�� �i���� �'`ra��f��- �f th�I�rop�r�y ���a 8����c�a� <br /> I�teres� i� Borr��v�r, u�i�.3s �.pplic���� �av� �r�v�d�� ��he�-�i���o rI'he �a�ic�s�al� �pecify: �a1� �he c�ef�ui�; <br /> �b� �he action req��r�d �t� �ur� �t�� ��fa��i�; ��� � ���:�, ���t i�ss tha� �h� minir�um ��xm;�er �f day� <br /> ��tab��shec� �y Ap����ah➢� �.�a�fro�m t���e��te�1������:i�� ��gi�ve�. t���rr�-�er, �y�hich �he defau���ust be <br /> �ur�ec�; an� �d) th�t fai�u�e: �a cure �h� ��fau�� �n �r �����-� t�� d�ate sp���f��c� �n �he n���ee nc�ay r�su�t in <br /> a�ce�erati�n ��` the su�s .��cur�� �y t���s S�cur��y i����rur�en� ��c� sa�� of ��� �'rop��-�y. T'� �I�� extent <br /> perrn���ed �y �avw, ��� n������ sh��� furth�r infn�r�ra �+�rr��er af�h� �-�ght�o �•ein�ta�� af�er acc�a��rat�on and <br /> th��igh��u bring a caur�ac���n���s�er�th���r��-e����e����f�d�faul�ar�ny other d�fens�af.��r�-�wer�o <br /> acce�erati�n �nc� ���e. �f�he d�f�u�lt �s a�o� �ured �n ��-b����re �h� date sp�ci��d �� �he n�ti�e, �1e�d.�r at �ts <br /> �pt�on may r�qui�-e i�m�i�c�i�t� p�y�.ent in �'u�l of ��� ������ ���ur�d �� th�s �ecuri�� �n�tr�ar�ent �Nithaut <br /> �urther d��nand and ma� i���ke ���e ���e�- �f�al� a�d� ��y ��h��- r�m���es p�rm��t�d b� Ap����eab�e �L►avv. <br /> '�f"� ���� �xtent p�rm�i��ed b;y l�r�v, �enc��r �h�li ��� ����it���l t� c��l�c� ��� ���er�ses incurr�d. �x� pu�r��ing the <br /> re�n�dies �ro�ided ir� �his 6�e��ian, �r�cludir��, bu� r���limi��d ��, �-����nab�� ���mrneys' fe�s and co�����t�t�e <br /> ev�de��c�. <br /> If the�o�v�r of sa�e �s ����vnkec�,'�'�-us��� sha�l r�cord a �m�i�e�f d�fau�t in e�c� c�unty i�� r�hicl� any part af <br /> �h��'r�per�y �s l�cat�d �ndl sha��r�a�l �a���s �f such. ����i���� �h� m�nner�ares�rib�d lby Appli�ab�e La�v i�a <br /> �3orro�er �nc� tv �h� o����• per�an� pre�cr�bed lb� A►�p�i��bi� L�v�. Aft��- �he ti�me requir�d b�� Ap�Iicab�e � <br /> L��, 'I'rus�e� shal� g�ve p��b��� nv�i�� of s�.�e t� �he p�r��r�s an� i� �h� ��anne� �r�scr°ibed �� A��alic�b�e <br /> �aw.'I`ru�tee,�vithout d��r�and on �orrr��er,�ha����1� �h��r�p�rty at pulbli���.c���� t� �he h�Lghest bidder <br /> a�the time�nd p�ace���d �a�r�d��-th���rrr�s d�s�gn���d i� �h��ao���e��'s��e�n a��or�a�r�p�r���s anc�in any <br /> order '�'ruste� de�ermi�e�„ 'T'�ust�� �n�� pos��:pr�m� s��� t�f ��l �� �ny �ar��� �f �h� Y'ro�er�y by publ�c <br /> announcemen�at�h�ti�� an� p�ace�f ar�y�►r���o�������hedu��c�����o L��c���ar��t�desig��e n�ay p��c�ase <br /> �hre lPr�per���t��y����. <br /> �CTpon r��eipt of payme�at c��t��� pr�c� hi�, �I'r�s���� sha�� �d�l�ve�-t� th� p�,���has�� '�`rustee's d���d �o�»��ing <br /> ����Pr��aer�y. '�I'lhe re�it�i� �n �:��'I'r�s�e�'s�[�ed� �hal� �� �ri�a f����e��d�z��e o�t��e�ru�h of t��e 5t��ement5 <br /> C�20fl�-2415 Compliance Systems,Ir�c.CBE8-097F-2015.t 2.2.1 I 12 <br /> C�ns�in�er Aea3 Es€ate-Security Instrumet3t DL,2D36 �'a�e•�of] www.e:ampliancesystems.c�m <br />