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__ _ _ _ <br /> � ____ � _ <br /> _ � <br /> -y-=� <br /> - �.�. <br /> I � <br /> I <br /> o�-io-isgo D�ED OF TRUST � Page a <br /> LOl111 NO 7007 (ConUnued) �0--�-14 0 31� <br /> � reoords,E.ender may,at any ikne and without turther a�uthorixatlon hom C�aator,fite axecuted oounte�puts,copies o►�eptoducttons af this Deed <br /> _ M Tni�tt�.a e fl�ncing atatemant. f3r���nr ah�11 r�imtw�naA l end�v Ux aM exner�va.v tn�ned in oeAac:ting or mntiouing tAlx e�irity int�xaat. Urx+n , <br /> detau�,Gnotor ehaw aiserri6ls th� Peroond Prope�ty in a manner�nd �t�plaoa reasone�bly cenvenie�to Qnntor and Lender and malie ft <br /> •+r�llable to Lender within three(3)days dfEe►�eoeipt ot wrilte�dens�nd irom LAnder. <br /> Addnuw. Tha mdNny �ddreeees of Cir�ntor(debtor) �nd Lo� (eecured pvty), hom wh�h I�Tortnatlon ooncernirg the security interest <br /> gru�ted by thie Deed af T►ust may be obtdned(each as requked by the Ne6�avk�UnKortn Conxr�cl�l Code),are as sfated or,the tt�st pe�qe of <br /> thie Deed of Ttuat. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES;ATfORNEY-IN-FACT. The toltowing prov�slons retaUng to tu�ther assurarxes are e part ot thls Deed ot Trust. <br /> Fw�tl�K Assurann�. At any tkne, and irom limme to Wr�e,upon requeat af Lender.G�anto�wiN make,execute�nd deliver.or will cause to be <br /> m�de. exacuted or deYvared, to Lender or to Lenders deaignee, �nd when raquested by Lender, cwse to be flted, reco�ded, refiled, or <br /> rareoordsd, �e the ca�mRy auch timee and in such otlioes�nd pl��s lender mny cieam�pprop�late�any and aN aucA mortga�, <br /> deeds ot trus1,securitf►deoci9.aecurih►+i9�eements,tl�u�cing statemants.oonti�u��on statementa,lnsoument�uf fuRher a�surance,ce�tificate9. <br /> and athar documenU as muy, in the aola opinbn of lenc(er, be necessary or desirabte in o�der to eflectuam, compiete, pertect, conUnue, or <br /> c�xe�ted by�t Deed of?tus� tkst and prior lier�s onethe Praperty,whet�her no owned or hereaRern�•and (b)the Ner�and aecurriy IMerests <br /> law or�eed to the ooMrary by Le�der In writlng�t�kantor sMN reimburae Lsnder tor�II oosp and�uked by Cwantov. Uolesa prohibited by <br /> a�xpertaae incumed In wnnectbn with the <br /> rtu�tte�roteRed to in thia par��ph. <br /> Attom�y-M-Fad if Cirantor fNb to do any of the things reteRed to in the praoeding pvagraph. Lendsr may do eo 1or and In tha nart�e of <br /> Gru�tor�nd�t G��a's w�sense. For such purposos,Gkantor hereby Irrevocably appointa Lender aa arantor'a�ttomey-in-fact tor the purpose <br /> of inekfng, execuUng, delive�ing,filing, recording, and cbing dl othe►thirgs ae may be necessary or dasirabte, in Lender's sole opinion, to <br /> acoomplish tAe m�tters reterred to in the preceding paragraph. <br /> FVLL PERFORMANCE R Grantor pay�aN the indebtedness whe�due,and otherwise pertorms all the��!ys±lon�imposed upon Graator under this <br /> Deed of Tivat,Lender sh�ll execut�and deNver to T�ustee a reque:at for tu0 reconveyance and shalt execute nnd deliver to Ciranta suitable statements <br /> of tem�inatbn o1 any flnanctng statement on file evidenGng Lender's security i�terest in the Rents and the Perso�al Property. Any reoonveyance tee <br /> requked by taw sheN be pNd by Cirarrtor,ft permitted by eipPlkabie law. <br /> OEFAULT. Each of the toNowing,at the optbn of Lender ahaN oor�stitute an Evem of Detault under this Osed ot Trusx <br /> ONwlt on tnd�bt�dn�sf. Faiture ot Gnntor to m�ke t+ny payment when due on the Indebtedness. <br /> DNwR oe OIAK Paym�nts. Failure of Ci►�ntor within the Ume required by thls Deed of Trust to mdce eny payment tot taxes or ir�surarxe,or any <br /> other P�Y����1►b prwaM filing of or to ef(ect dixh�rge of�ny lien. . <br /> Cort�N�na OMwlt F�ilure to oortply whh any other te�m,obWgatbn.wvenant or conGtlon ooMaloed in thia Deed of Tn�st.the Note or tn any . <br /> of the Related Oocumenb. If auch a taAure i�curable and if Citanto�has not been given a noUce oi a breach of the a�me provbion oi thb Deed of <br /> Tru�t wlthM ths prsosdh�g lwelve(12)moMh��it may be cured(and no Evem of Detautt wiN have c�a:urred)B Grarri�,after receiving written noUce , <br /> Trom Lender denMnding cure of such failurs: (a)cures the faNure wlthin fiReen(15)days;or (b)il the cure�equkee moro than flfteen(15)days, <br /> «���'wwwwiy N��wi iiojw od�i'wiw�w�iii�o uwr 1w3Ut6 wiw'uhiii�"'�ioT wiiuiUvo iu�v'wiiwiniew id'i fei�iiwi�i0 iuw r�uiwe+i+r�i sw{iir yutiu,tiutK io . _ . <br /> PI'G�lCA 00(1'pll�ll0e m s0011 as f6i�Otlibly�aCdClll. ' • <br /> Bnachw. My warranty,representation or etatemerrt made or furnished to Lender by or on behalt oi CKantor under U�s Deed of Tn�st,the Note -- <br /> or the Retated Documerna ie,or et the timme made or fumished wAS,talse In eny material respect, ' <br /> Iraohr«wy. The Iroohre�w�r ot Cxanbr.eppointment of a recehrer tor any part of Grantora properry,any assignrr�ent fw the beneflt ot cxeditors, � <br /> the oortrr�enoemerd of an7l Pro��9 under u�y bankruptcy or InsoNency laws by or agai�t Ci�antor� a tFw disaolutbn or termination o} � <br /> (irar�r'a-�..,;;�aioe ae a going buslr�(if GraMOr b a Iwsiness). Except to the extent prohibited by tederal law a Nebra�ka law,the death of � <br /> Grantor pf Grantor is�n individuai��Iso shaq wr�sdtute an Everri of DefauR under tlAs Oeed ot Trust - <br /> Fonclown�� Commencemer�of toredoaure,whether by Judidal proceeding,sett�halp,repo�sbn or any other method,by any�xec�tor of � <br /> tiranior gal�st any oi ihe Propeny. However,this aubsectlon shaN not apply in ths event of�good i�ith dbpute by Gantor�a to the vNidiry or t <br /> ra�son�bbnees of ths dak»Mrhich b the ba�b of the toredosure,provlded that Ci�u�gNes Lender written noibs of such daim�nd furnbhes # <br /> reservee a a aurey bond ior the daim aatisfectory to Lender. �. <br /> Bnaeh of Otlf�r AyrMnNrM. Any breach by Grantor under 3he tem�s of any other agreemeM between Grantor and Lender that is not remedied � <br /> within any graoe period provlded therein,inclucling without IlmitaUon any agreement oonceming eny indebtedness or other oWtgaBon of Grantor to t : <br /> I.�endsr�whMher axlstlng now or later. : a <br /> Ev�nb Aff�ctl Gwrantor. ot the recedi eventa occurs wtth t '`r <br /> �«�i Any p ng espect to any Guarantor of any o}the Indebtedness or such Guazantor <br /> noorrpetent. Lender,et its optlon,mey,but shatl not be requlred to.perr�Yt the Guarantor's estate to assume uncondidonaly the � <br /> obNgaUo�adsing under the gusraMy io a ma�ner saUstactory to Lender,and,in doing so,cure the EveM of Detautt <br /> Inskwtly. Lender in good idth deerr�e itself ir�secure. � � <br /> RIGNTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. Upon the oa:uRence of any EveM of Defeuft and at any time thereaRer,Trustee or Lender,�tts optbn,may <br /> exerc�se any one or more af tFw iWbwing righb and remedies,in addidon to any other dghts or remedies provided by law: <br /> AaMwaflon upon Mbwlt;Addtlonal R��. ff any event of detault oocuro which is not ared wlthin lifteen(1S)days a?ter per <br /> the terrrg of tfw Nofe secured hereby,Lender mny declare all indebtedness secured by this Deed of T►ust to be due snd payabte and the sarr�e <br /> shell theteupOn beoome due and payaWe without sny preaentrnent,demand,protest or noUce of any kind. Thereafter,Lender mny: <br /> t�o�ttw adoqu�oi qs e�ea��rriyLenter upan and take�pos.��eseion of the�ly�, or any prart�there�ofp/n its own name�n the oame of <br /> Truat�.and do u�y+�cte wl�ich ft deert�s neoeas�uy or desUable io preserve the vduA,mvkatabiliry or remebiNry oi the Property,or part of <br /> Uw Pa�perry ar Mterast in ths Propeity;tnaease the inoome trom the Property or protect the security o11he Properry;and,wilh or wFtfwut <br /> taking possesebn ot the Property,aue for or oU�wise collect the rer�, issues and profds of the Propeny, inciuding thase past due and <br /> unpdd,u�d appfy the sarrie,less wsta and expensea oT operatbn and coliecUon,to arry Indebtedness secured by this Deed ot Trust,all ln <br /> auch order aa Lender may detem�ine. The entering upon and taking possession of the Property,the cotlecUon of such renb,issues and <br /> proflb,and the appNca►tion thereof shap not cure or walve any detautt or noUOe o1 default under this Deed of Truat or invalidate any act done <br /> in response to such detauri or pursuant to such notioe oi defau�;and,notwithstanding the oontlnuance in possession of the Property or the <br /> collecUon,recefpt and epplicsUon of rersts,issues or proftis,Trustee or Lender sha11 be entitled to exerCis9 every right providsd for in;he Note <br /> � or the Relffied DocumeMS or by law upon the occurrence of any event o1 detautt,Including the�ight to exerclse the power of sale; ' :_---_- <br /> (b) Commence an e�cUon to forecbse th�a Dead o1 Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receiver or specrfically entorce any of the covenants <br /> -- �' � <br /> . 1'r <br /> � � � � `�' <br /> _= �, <br /> ----- � <br /> ���� � <br /> -e� ,. <br />