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<br /> ��'10-�� DEE�O n�UST ;�o�10031� page 5
<br /> Loan No 700T
<br /> � R_.
<br /> hereof;and
<br /> � � (c) �ettver to Tivatea p vwitten dedaraUon of default and demand tor sata�nd a wrttten noUce of detaufl and etection to cause QrantoPs
<br /> interest In the Prope�ty to be soW,whlch noUce Trustee ahall cuuse to be duy flied tor record in tAe sppropdate ottk�of the County in wh�ch
<br /> `. . the Proporry ts bcated;and
<br /> � (� Wich respect to all or any part of tha Personal Prope�ty, Lendar shall have all the rights and wmedies of a sacured parry under the
<br /> , Nehraska Unilorm Camrt�Gal Code.
<br /> � 'Fonclown by Pow�ar of Sal�. N Lender etects to toreclose by exercise ot the Powe►of Sale here(n oontained,Lender shall noUy Trustee and
<br /> . ahidl deposit with Trustee this Deed of Tn�st and the Note and such reoeipts and evidence ot expsnditures made and secured by this Qeed uf
<br /> Trust e�s Tiustee may�equke.
<br /> and No��c,�e oef SPale as then eq�ui ed by j$n��d by this Oeed of T�usl.bTru�, eer�shdallpwitihohu tdema d'onrGrantor,aTter such Ume as�may then
<br /> be�equired by law and atier recordaUon of such NoUce of DeTault and�fter NoUoe ot Sale having been given as�equired by law,sell the
<br /> � Properry at the nc�e and plaoe of s�le fixed by it In such No1ke a1 Sale,either as e whole.o�tn separate bb or parcels or ftems as Trustee
<br /> shall deem expedlen�and lo auch o�der eis it may deterrr�ine,at pubNc wction to the highest bidder tor cash in IawNt money of the United
<br /> ��te�PAI►abie at tl�e fkne ot s�Ye. Trustee shall deNver to auch purcheser or purcha�sers thereoi fts good and auf(kient deed or deeds
<br /> conveying the property so soid,but yvithout any wvenant or warranty,express or implied, The recitats in such deed of any matters or facts
<br /> ahaN be oonciusive proof of the truthtuiness thereof. Any person,inciuding without IirNtation arantor,Trustee.or Lender,may purchase at
<br /> such sa�e.
<br /> (b) As maY be pem�tted by law.alter deducii�g aH oosts,tees and expenses of TNStee and of this TNSt,inctuding oosts of eWdence of title
<br /> ln connectbn wfth�ahaN appy the prooeeds of sale to payment of ()ap sums expended under tha terrr�s of thb Deed of Trust or
<br /> under the ten�id of MheftT�ld,l�clucfing but not Nmited to axrued interest and late charges, (iij al1 other sums then secured
<br /> hereby,and �Ij't rernNnder,if any,to the person or peraons legaliy enUUed thereto.
<br /> _� (c) Trustee may In the manner provided by law p�stpone sa)s of all or any pordon ot the Proparty.
<br /> R�mWa Nc+t Exctualv�, Tntstee and Lender,and each oi them,shall be entitled to eniorce payment and peAortnance of any indebtedness or
<br /> aa19aUOns secured by thb Deed of Tiust ttnd to exercise all rights and powers under this Dee�!of Trust,under the Note,under any oT the Related
<br /> DocumeMa, or under any other agreement or a�ry Iaws now or heteafter in torce; notwtthatanding, soma o►ell 01 as�ch lndebtedness and
<br /> ahf3gaUons gecured by Ihis Deed of Trust may raw or hereafter be otherwlse aecuted� whether by mort9age. deed ot trust, Pted9e� lien,
<br /> asslynment or otherwise. Neither the accepta�ce of this Dead o1 Trust nor fts enio�oement,whett�by court acdon or pursuant to the power of
<br /> asJe or other pow�a contained t�this Oeed of T�ust,shatl prejudice or in ariy manner atlect Trustee�s o�Lender's right to reaqze upon w eMorce
<br /> any other security rww or hereafter heid by Trustee or Lender,it being egreed that Trustee and Lender, and eacch of them,shall be entiUed to
<br /> entorce this peed oi Trust and any oiher security now or hereafter held by Lender u Trustee tn such order end manner as they or either of them
<br /> may in their abso�ute dixreUon deterMne. No remecly oonierred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender.is intended to be exctusive of eny other
<br /> remedy in this Oeed of Trust or by Iaw provided or permitted,but each shatl be cumulattve and ahalt be in addition to every other remedy given in
<br /> thi9 Oaed of Trust cr now or r�arA��.,,,��.��;,�a;3�;������tl�.uitl. ����or wmedy gnren Dy the No:e or any o1 the Hetated '
<br /> Oocumenta to Trustee or Londer or tc which either of them may be otherwtse enUUed,may be exercised,ooncuRenUy or independently,from ttme . ..
<br /> to Ume and a9 often a9 may pe deemed expeqient by Trustee or Lender,and efther oT them may pursue lnconsistent remedle9, Nothing in this
<br /> Deed o1 Trust shaN be coristrued a9 prohibiUng l.ender t►om seeking a d9ftctoncy ju�gment agalnst the Granto►to the extent such acdon is -
<br /> �rNtted by Inw. _
<br /> Rpu�st For Nottc�, Grentor,on behall of Grantor and Lender,hereby requesb that a copy of any Notioe ot DetauR and a copy of any NoUce of , +`�.
<br /> Sato under thls Deed of 7Yust be maiied to them at the add�esses set forth In the fi�st paragraph oi this Deed ot Trusi.
<br /> w��Y K��c�O�o f R�m�d l a. A w e i v e r b y eny party o i a breach ot e proWs�on of this Oeed o1 Trust shaN not oonstitute A waiver oi or prejudice "�
<br /> tAe party's rights otf�rise to dernend s�oomppa�yy�that provision or any other provtsion. Eiectlon by Lender to pursue any remedy ?
<br /> provided tn thb Oeed o1 Trust,the Note,in any Related Documenl, or provided by Iaw sheq noT exclude pursuR oi any other remedy, and an '
<br /> elecGon to make expendiwres or to take actlon to peAorm an cWigallpn of Grantor under this Deed of Trust efter failure of Grantor to perfortn shall
<br /> not aitect Lendera rigM to dedare a defauR and to exerctse any o11ts remedles.
<br /> Riphts of TrustN. Trustee shdl have aM oi the right9 end duUea of Lender es set torth in thls section. e �
<br /> POWER AND OBUGATIONS OF TRUSTEE The Totlowing provisbns relating to the powers and obligations o!Trustee are part of thts Deed oi TrusL � �.
<br /> ` reep�.K b tha Pr in addidon to aY powers of Trustee arising as�matter o11aw.Trustee ahdl have the power to tdce the foNowtng acdorm with '`r
<br /> operty upon the request oi Lender and Cirantor. (e)joln in preparing And flqng a map or plat of the Real Prope�iy�induding the �
<br /> dedic�Uon of atraem or other Nghb b the public; (b)Join in grantlrg eny ease�r�ent a crea8ng any�estriction on the Real PropeAy;und (c)join in '�
<br /> any aubordlnafbo or other agreernent affecdng this Deed of Tn�st or the lnterest of Lender under this Oeed ot Trust ' g
<br /> Truatw. Trustee shaN meet NI qualiflcatbns req�ired for TNStee under applicable state law. In addiUon to the rlghb and�emedles set torth
<br /> above.with respect ta ap w any part of the Property,the Trustee shall have the rlght to torecbse by notice and sale,and lender shall have the
<br /> ►k,�ht to bredose by judiclal toreclosure,ln either case in eccordance yvith and to the tuil eMent provlded by applicabie taw,
<br /> Suooasor Trust�e. Lender,en Lender'a optbn,rr�y from Ume to time appoint a sucoessor Tcustee 10 any Truatee appolnted hereunder by an
<br /> ���e�ecuted Nd ecknowfedged bY l.ender and reoorded in the offioe of the recorder oi Hatl County, Nelxaska. The insVument sh�ll
<br /> contain, in addittan to dl other maiters requked by atate taw,the names o1 the original L�ender�Trustee, and Grantor,the book,and page(or
<br /> con'iPuter system referenoe) where this Oeed o1 Trust is recorded,and the name and address of the suocessor trusiee,and the lnstrument shall
<br /> be executed and acknovriedged by a!!ihe beneflciaries unde►the Deed af Trust or their succes�ora In Interesl. The saccessor hvsiee�witAoui
<br /> convsyar�ce ot the PrapeAy,shaii aucceed to aN the UUe,power,and duUes oonferred upon the Trustee 1�this Deed oi Trust and by appikabte
<br /> law. Thb prooedure tor substituUon of Vustse shdl govem to the exGuslon of aN other provis�ons ior subsdtution,
<br /> �10T�CES'1'O GRAI'1TOR ANO OTFIER PARTIES. Any notke under this Deed of Trust,including without limitation any noUce af detauR and any nofke
<br /> of sale to Grantor.shaN be In wridng end shdl be ettective when acwaly deiivered or.if mailed,ahall be deerned eitecUve when deposited in the Un(ted
<br /> �t���G�s�re9�stered�'�ai��Pcstage Prepald,directed to the addresses ahown at the top of page one(1). Any party may change iis address
<br /> tor noUoes�nder thfs peed of Trust by giving fortnel written noUoe to the other parUes,specifying that the purpose o1 the notice 1s to change the party�s
<br /> address. Ay oopigy o}r�oU�s ot forecbsure trom the hotder o1 any pen whkh has prioriry over this Deed of Trust shall be sent to LendePs address,as
<br /> shown near the top of the fkst page of this Deed of TNSt For notice purpcses,Grantor agrees to keep Lender and Trustee lntormed at all 6mes of
<br /> - Granbr's aRent addres9.
<br /> M�SCELLANEOUS PROViS10HS. The tolbwirsg miscellaneous provislona ere a pan oi this Deed o1 Trust ' '
<br /> Amsndmtnf�, This Deed of Trust,together wiih any Retated Oocuments,constitutes the entire understanding and agreement oi the part�es as to
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