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<br /> Loa� No 7'007 �� (CoM nued�ST ,�Q.�.�. �o o�� nPagB 3
<br /> � G�antor can�nd wiN pay the cost ot such krprovenwnts.
<br /> PROPER7Y pAMAGE INSURIINCE The kl4owing provisbns retaUng to O:�suditg the Property are a pari of this Deed ot Ttust.
<br /> - �iaim�na�o�'insuraae�, ti►antor shsW procure And malntatr FnGciea o4 flru insurance with s�tatutard extendad ooveraga endo►sements on a
<br /> replaoamant basls b�the fuM l�urable v�iue cove�ing�II Improvementa on the Real Properly In an arriount sufliclerri to avold appUoaUon of any
<br /> cainsu�Ance cl�use,�nd wrih a atandard morigagee clause In favor ot Lender. Polkies ahall he written in tarm,amounb,coverages and basis
<br /> reasonahy acceptabte ta Lender�nd iseued by�company or oompantea�e�eonibiy�oceptabte to Lender. arantor,upon request of lander,will
<br /> dellver to Lender from tkna to Uma the polk3ee or oertiflcetes o1 insuranoa in tomn sa►Usfactory to 4ender,inc(uding sUpulatbns that coverages will
<br /> not be cancelled o�dlMnished wlthout�t leaist ten(10)days prla�w�tten noUoe to Lender.
<br /> AppNcallon of Proo�l�. Cirar�eheN promptiy noUty Lencler ot �ny bss or d�mege to the PropeAy if the estkr�ated oost of repalr or
<br /> reptacen�ent.exceeds s500.o0. Le�der may make prool oT loss N Ci�anto�iNl.a to do so within fitteen(t5)days of tha casuatty. Whether o�not
<br /> Lande�'��ecuriry b impakad,Lander may,at ib electbn,appy the proceeds to the reductbn oi the Indebtedness,payment o!any Uen aftecUng
<br /> the PropeAy,or the resMr�tlon and repair of the Property. It Lender eiecb b appy the prooeeds to restoratbn and�eF►�,Cxamor shaA repai�or
<br /> repl�oe the dMn�,qed or deshoyed Improve�tienb in a manner saUstactory to Lender. Lendet ahall,upon saUsf�ctory proot ot such expenditure,
<br /> pay or reimburae(i�anto�irom the proceed�iw the�easonable cost ot repak o�restoraUon H Grantor is not(n detault under this Oeed af Trust.
<br /> Any proceeda which have not bean disbursed within 180 days site�thek�eoeipt and whkh Lender has not oomnitted to the�epair or restoration
<br /> oi the Property shaN be used lpst to pay �ny arnount owing to Le�der under this Oeed of Trust, then to prepay eccmed intorest. and the
<br /> rerr�dnder, i� any, shall be AppNad to the princfpal balance of the I�debtedness, if Lender hotds nny procoeds after payment in tull of the
<br /> Indebtedness,such p�oceeds shdl be pald to(3rantor as Grantor's interests may appe�v.
<br /> Unu�ir�d Insunna at Sai�. Any unexpked insurance shall i�ure to the beriefit of,and pass to,tha pu�chaser o11he Property coverad by this
<br /> Deed of Trust at anyl trustee'a sale or othe►sale hetd under the provlsions oT this Deed of Trust,or at any toreclosure sale of such Properly.
<br /> EXPENDITURES BY LENDER. B G►antor taib to compiy with any p�ovision of thb Deed ot Trust,or N eny ecUon or proceeding is oortmenced that
<br /> would meterlaNy atfect Lendera interests in the Properiy, Lender on (irar�to►'s behaH may, but shall not be�equtred to,take�r�y acdon that Lender
<br /> d�aenms appropnate. Amr�mou�t that l.ender expends lo so doing w(tl bear interest at the rato charged u�der the Note trom the date(ncuRed or pald
<br /> by Lender to the date oi repayment by Gnmtor. AN auch expenses,et Lender's optbn,wia (a)be payable on demand, (b)be added to the balanoe of
<br /> the Note and be apporUoned amorg and be payable with any installmenl paymenb to become due du�ing either (i�the term af any applicat�e
<br /> Insuranoe poNcy or (if)tt�e remainirg term of the Note,or (c)be treated aa a bdloon payment whkh wiN 6e due t�nd payabie M the Note'e maturity.
<br /> Thls Oeed of Trust a�io wiN�ecure pAyment of these uraunb. The rlghb proWded tor In this paragraph shall be in addiUon to�ny other rights or any
<br /> remedies to which Lender m�y ba entiytled on acoount o1 the detcult Any such action by Len�shNl not be consUued as cu�tog the deiauft ao as to
<br /> bar Lender irom any�emedy that(t otherwlse woutd have hdd.
<br /> WARRANTY;OEFENSE QF TITLE. The iolbwing provisbns relaUng to ownership of the Propettyl are a part oi lhis Oeed of Trust
<br /> 11fN. Cianlor warrants thaC (a)Grantor holds good and rnarlcetabte Utle of record to the Property In tee simpte.tree and clear of all Uens and
<br /> ancumbrances other than those set krtt�in the Real PropeAy descripUon or in any title insurance policy,Utle report,or final tiMqe opinbn issued in
<br /> tavor of.�nd acoepted by,Lender in oonnecUon with this Deed o1 Trust,and (b)Grantor has the tuN right,power�and authority to execute and
<br /> delive►tNa Deed of Tni�t to Lender.
<br /> DN�na�of Tltl�. SubJact to tha exnotlon in the naracxaph ahove,Granmr warrants and wiU iorever daie�d ttw mlw t�rhw��nami a�entnet ttw =
<br /> law(u!daims of all pereons. In ihe eveiri any acii�on o�proceedng Is commenced that quesnions arantora tfrtle or the inierest ot Trustse or Lende► • • -
<br /> und�thb Oeed ot Tniat,Cirantor ahall deleRd the acUon et Grantor'e exper�se. Gramor may be the nomin�l perty in auch proceeding,but Lender
<br /> shd be enUtled to partk,ipate in the proceeding end to be represerrted ln the prooeeding by oounsel ot its own chotce,and tiraotor wiq deliver.or _ �
<br /> cruse to be deNvered,to Lender such i�truments as may be requested by it from Ume to�me to permit such participatbn. • �
<br /> Complla� Wftl� Lawa. atantor werrants that the Property and GtaMOr's use of the Property oomplies wtth all exisUng appOCable laws, �
<br /> ordina�,and regutaUons o1 govemmental authoriUes. s
<br /> � `,_.
<br /> CONDEMNA770N. The tolbwing provislons relatlng to proceedings in condemnaUo�are a put ot thia Deed oi Trust =
<br /> Appikatlon of N�t Proc�eds. N a1 or any paR of the P�operty is condemned, Lender may at its electbn require that all or�m►portion o1 the net i ��'
<br /> ptoceede oT the award be applied to the Indebtedness. The net procseds ot the award shall mean the award atter payment of all reasonable —
<br /> oosts,expenses,and attomeys'iees neoessarily paid or i�curred by Grantor,Trusteo,or Lender in connecUon with the condemnation.
<br /> Proc�dln�s. H an�proceeding in condemnation la tlled, Grantor shall promptly no�ty Lender in wriUng,and(irantor ahall prompUy take such
<br /> steps as may be neoessery to deiend the actbn and oblaln the award. (irantor may be the nominal party in such proceeding,but Lender shail be t
<br /> entiUed to participate in the proceedtog eu�d to be represented�n the proceeding by oounsel of its own choioe,u�d Cxantor wiN del(ver or cause to ' ,
<br /> be deUvered.to Lender auch i�sfrumenb as may be requested by it from Ume to Ume to permit such participatbn. '
<br /> IMPOSITION OF TAXES.FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. The folbwing provlsions relaUng to governmentel taxes,fees ".`-:r
<br /> and charges are a part o1 this Deed of Trust -
<br /> Cumnt Taxa�FNS and Cha�ga. Upon request by lender,Grantor shall execute such documents in additbn to this Deed of Trust and take ��
<br /> whatever other actlon ia�equested by lender to pertect end con�nue Lender'9 security Interest In the Real Property. Grantor shall reimburse . '
<br /> Lender tor atl taxes.eis descxibed below,together wfth aq expenses incurred i�recording,pertectlng or conUnuing thls Oeed of Trust,lnctuding •
<br /> without NrrAtaUon all taxes,tees,documentary stemps,and other charges tor reoording or registedng this Deed of Trust
<br /> Yaxa. The iollowing shail constitute taxes to whtch this aecUon applies: (a)a speciflc tax upon this lype o1 Deed of Trust or upon all or any part
<br /> of the fndebtedness secured by this Deed oT Trus� (b)a apecific tax on Grantor which Grantor is authorized or required to deduct irom payments
<br /> on the Indebtedness secured by this type of Deed o1 Trust; (c)a tax on this type ot Deed of Trust chargeabte against the Lender or the hotder o1
<br /> the Note;and �d�a speGflc tax on all or any portio�oi the Indebtedness or on payments of principal and interest made by Grantor.
<br /> Subspuent Tax�s. Ii any tax to which thls aectl�on eppUes is enacted subsequent to the date of this Deed of Tn,st,this eveni shaU have the same
<br /> effect as an Evern oi DeTau�,and Lender may exercise eny or dl of ils avNlable remedies tor en Event of OefauR as prov(ded below unlesa Grantor
<br /> ehher (a)paya the tax before it becomes detinquent,o� (b)oontests the tr�x as provided above in the Taxes and L1ens sectan and deposits with
<br /> Lender cash or a suffbient corporate aurety bond or other security saUsfactory to Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT;FINAHCING STATEMENTS. The toibwing provisbns retaUng to this Osed of Trust as a secu�(ry agreement are a part ot
<br /> this Oeed of T►ust.
<br /> S�cuNt�A9reemont This instrument shall constitute a securiry egreement to the extent any of the Property oopsti�utas flxtures or other personal
<br /> __ property,and Lender shail have all of the rights ot a secured parry under the Nebraska Uni(ortn Corrrnercial Code es amendep trom Ume to Ume.
<br /> � S�cutity Interesi Upon request by Lender,Grantor shall execute flnancing statemems and take whatever other acUon is requested by Lender to :-____
<br /> perfeCt and oont(nue Lender's security interest in the Renta and Personal Properlyr. In addition to recording this Oeed of Trust in the feai property
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