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I � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> f <br /> ��-��'�� DEED OF TRUST �O'�"♦ Page 2 <br /> Loeo No 7007 (Co�tlnued) • f... 1���� � <br /> � PossessioN�wo Nu►ir+rEwWCe oF TMe w�o�Rrr. atento��dreas that GrAnt�a�c+�sbn�std t,t�o!2lsa^sn '� o�a�=t,3p� . <br /> � f�t'awfiy p�uviaio�: P�1i yaaar�tiwi by iho <br /> Pos�uNon and Ua�. Un�l the oocuRena of�n Eveot of Oet�u�,Ganter may {a)remain�n possession a�d conuol oi ihe Property, (b)use, <br /> °Pe�a1e a manpa ttw Prcpe�ly.and (a)colieq any Rents irom the Property. <br /> s D�ut�►��n� 4reu�tor shaN m�Int�Yn the Property In tenentabte oonditlon�nd promptry peKorm all rep�ira and maintenance necessary to <br /> �w`4��a. Ths t6R�0s'h112udOUS W�A�"ha12KdOU��Ub8iAr1C@''d(Sp09a1."�}�pAy6�and lhreatened�619i99�'as used in this <br /> � Deed of Tru�t,ahaN haw the sarrw me�Nnge�set torth in the Comprehensive Enviro�rnental Response, Conpae�saUon, and UabiNty/lct of <br /> �980�+�s an'�a�dad,42 U.S.C.Sacdo�a9p1,at aeq,("CEp�u'�����q�ndment9�nd Reauthodzation Act of ia86,Pub.L No.99-s99 <br /> ('S�1M9,the Huudous M�taiaN T►uaport+�lbn/�ct,4p U.S.C. Sectbn aeq.,the Resource Conservaycn�nd Racovery Act,49 U.S.C. <br /> SecOon E�Ot.el saq.,a othe�applic�bla ahte a Federal tawa,rutes,or regulations adopted pwsuant to arry of tha foregoing. Ciantw represenb <br /> encf warr�nts to Lender Ma� (U Dudr�7 the Pe�fod ot Qr�nloi'a ownership o!the ProPert�►�there hav beeo no use, <br /> atorage.treat�mant,disposN.rele�ae a tlxe�tened release of any hazardoua waste or aubet�noa 9�►atbn. manutacture, <br /> (b)Cirantor hae no kno bY eny person on,utxfer,or about the Property, <br /> wleclge of,or re�aon to belleve th�t there has been,e�coept as prevlously discbsed to and�cknowleciged by�ender in <br /> wrltlo9� (�eu►y uae,generatbn�manutacture,ator�ge,Veatrr�ent,disposel�release,or threatenecl�ele�e of an 1►eiz�rdoua waste w aubetarxe by <br /> �o�wne�s or oxup�nts oi the Properry or pq a�y�tud or threater�d�gatbn or dakr�e of any klnd by any perscn r�ta�ng to auch <br /> othe►w �thc►�us�ot�Pro���b�� �����n�in wridng. (�neicl�prantor no�any tenuit,oontrector,agent or <br /> u�� ���t� � pwly shaN use,generate,manutacture.atore,treat,di.spcye o1,ot releasa any huardous wast�or aubstance on, <br /> op�rt!► and (i��nf►auch iicNvhy shaN be oonducted in oompllance witb aq applicable teder�l. atate, and local laws, <br /> �°9����+nd a�di�+tncae�including without pmitaUon those laws,regutatbns,and ordinances desc►ibed above. Grantor authorizes Lender and <br /> �nb to enier upon the Propeny to make such Inspections and tesls es Lender may deem appropNate to determine compUance of the <br /> parry with thb aectbn of the Oeed of Trust. Any inspectbns or tests made by Lender shatl be to�Lencier's purposes only and shall not be <br /> ����1��t�+►�Y resPo�lbNity or Nabiliry on the part o1 Le�der to Ciranta or to any other p�xson, The reQ�esentatlons and warranUes <br /> oomainad herein are ba9ed on Grantor's due dillgence in InvesUgaUng the Property tor hazardoua waste. tirantor hereby (a)retsases and uvaives <br /> anyr 4uture daim��q�i�wi ia,nrier ior indetn�ity or oonvibutlo�in the event GrAntor beoomes tiabte tor cieanup or other oosq under any such taws, <br /> and (b) �gree��tndemnity and hold h�rrWe�lender agdnst any and aN c1aNro�bsses. NabiUtiey. darnage�, pa��.�d���h <br /> ��►��Y�e�Y o►Mdkactly austdn o�wffer rasufdng irom a b�each of thi�aectlon of the Deed of Truat or a9 a oonaequonoa o�any use, <br /> generatbn, m�rwfeclure. atorage. disposal, release or threater�ed retea9e oocurring prlor to prantora ovrr�ship or Inteies! In ihe Praperty. <br /> whether or rwt the ewr19 was ar ahould have been known to Cxa�o�, The provbtons o1 thb secUon of the Deed o1 Trust,induding the obligaUon <br /> to Inderrx�ity,shaN survlve q�e payment of the Indebtedness euid the satlstACdon and reoonveyance of the Uen of thls Oeed of Trust and sh�ll not <br /> be ane�ted bY�eoder's acquisitlon oi any intere�t M the Pro�ertyr,whethe►by foredosure or othervvtse. � ' <br /> Mul�ano�Ws�t�. Cxaator shaq rwt cause,oonduct or perrnit any nuisanoe nor wmmit,partNt,or sutter any sVipping o!w waste on or to the <br /> �P�h►or uy porUon ot the ProP�h� �1�h►without Nmitatbn�Grentor wYl not remove.or grant to ar�y other parry the rigM to remove,any <br /> tknt��minerds pnduding op and gas)�ao�.g►�vel or rock products w(thout the pnor written oonsern ot lsnder. <br /> R�neoval of Imorovrn.nt.. e��,�c.".ra!�.r»!s cr r��,;,avo��ji improvemena irom tt�e Reat Prope�ty without the prior wrilten consent of - <br /> Lender. Ae a conditbn to the�emovat o}any tmprovemenb,Lender may require Grantor to make arrangert�enb saUsiaciory to Lender to replaoe <br /> aucb Improvemenq vWth Improvemenb of at least equal value. <br /> L�ndK'a Right to EntK Lender��d i�s agents and repre�ntarives may eoter upon the Real Property at NI reasonnb{e Umes to attend to <br /> Lenders lnterests and to inspect the propeny for pu�poses of GrantoPa complianoe with the terrne�nd conditlons of th(s Deed oi Trust - <br /> CompM�na wltl�GovKttm�ntal Rpulrwn�nb. Cx�ntor shaN pron�P�N�PH with ell laws,ordinances�and regulatbr�s of.aN govemmenlal :� <br /> ��t�apANcabie to ths use or oocupan�y oi the Property. Grantor may cot�eet in good taith any yuch law.ordinanoe,or regulaUon and f� <br /> so bng�ndera inter�i�tf���9•Indudn9�PP��ate+� bng aa Grtntor ha�notHled Lencler In wKidn9 Prior to doing ao and ', �'$' <br /> � operty are not Jeoperdized. Lender may requke tirantor to post adequeite securiry or a surery bond, ; <br /> n�Wf►aatlstacl�ry b protect Lsndera IMereet <br /> �Y tO�'°�ct CxAma�ree�neither to abandon nor leave unattended the Property. aranto►shaN do all other acts.ln addidon to those acts l <br /> aet Torth above In thie aectlon,which irom the character and use o1 the Propeny are reasonabty neoessary to protect and pre9erve the preperty, � <br /> ����'�1�EM'BY LENDER• �ender may at tta opUon,dedare trmiediateiy due and payabte M surro secured by th�p�01 Trust upon ; � <br /> the sale or transisr�wtthout the LendePa prlor written consent,of all or any part of the Real Property,or any inierest in the Real Property. A"sale or , <br /> transfe�"means the oonveyanoe o! reat propertyr or any rfght, M!e or Interest thereln; whether ' ?� <br /> whether by outright sde,deed,i�tatlment sale oontract,land conVact,oontract for deed, leasetw9jd nter�uwith a�twer�mtg eater than three(3)yea�S, k� <br /> lease-optbn oontract,or by sale,ass(gnment,or Vansier of any beneflcial Interest In or to any land trust holding Utle to the Real Pro <br /> ather method o1 com+eyance of real properry interest if any Grantor Is a corporatlon or partnership,transter also lncludes an cha p�'or by any :�. <br /> more than twenty-five peroent(25°,6)oi the voUng stodc or partnership interests, as the case rney be,ot Grantoc Howexer,this pUon h�noipbe �� � <br /> exerclsed by Lsnder if exercise is prohibited by tederal law or by Nebrbaka taw. <br /> TAXES AND UENS. The folbwing provis{ons�etaUng to the taxes and Aens on the PropeAy are a part of this Deed ot Trust <br /> Paym�nt GraMor s�����us(and ln ail events prior to deUnquency)dl taxes.special taxes,bssessments,charges pnctuding water and <br /> sewer.flnes and �9alr�st a on a000unt ot the Property, and shaq pay when due all Galms tor work dpne on or for aervloes <br /> rendered or mnter{�I iurnished to the Property. (3rantor shall maintain the Property tree o}al��Ieny having p�iority cver or aqud to the interest of <br /> Lender under this 0eed oi Trust,exoepi for the Nen of taxes and�menta not due and except as othe�wi,9e provided in this Deed o1 Trust <br /> Right To Cont�st Granior may withhotd payrneni oi any tax,�mer�t,or daim in connectton with a good faJth dlsputo over tha obP <br /> PaY.��S ss lender'e fnierest in ihe Property is not Jeopardized. ti a llen arises or is filed es a resuR of nonpayment,Grantor shall wit hn frfteen <br /> (15)daye�the lien arises or,if a Ben Is fited,withln fi(teen(t5)days after GreMOr has noUce oT the filing,secure the discharge oi the ilen,or H <br /> requested by Lender,depostt wtth Lender cash or a sufflcient oorporate surery bond or other securiry saUslactory to Lender in an amouni suiflclent <br /> to discharge the Nen plus any cosis or other charges thet ooutd accrue as e resuft of a toreclosura or sale under the(len. In any oontest,Grarrtor <br /> shaN defend ttsetf�nd Lender end shali sati9fy any adverse Judgment belore entoroeR�ent egainst the Property. Grantor shall name Lender as an <br /> adQidonal obAgee under ttny aurety bond turnished in the oorrtest proceedings. <br /> Evid�nc�o}p�ym�nL Grantor shall upon demand iurnish to Lender saUsiactory evidenoe oi payment of the taxes or assessmenis and shall <br /> authorize the approprlate governmental otticial to delivar to Lender at any Ume a written statement of the taxes and assessrr�enis against the <br /> Propetty. <br /> Notic�oi Constructlon. Cirantor shail noUfy Lender at least fifteen(15)days beiore any work ls per►xnenced,any servioey are fu�MBhed,dr any , i <br /> . materiats are supplied to the Property,if any mechanic's Uen,materielmen's lien,or other Ben oould be asserted on aocount of the work,services, <br /> or materiais and the oost exoeeds 5500.00. Grantar witl upon request o1 Lender turnlah to Lender advance assurances saUsfactory to Lender that <br />� h� <br /> . <br /> �- � � ,� � <br /> ��:Li �i <br /> � ��'! <br /> ;. <br /> ���' <br /> �, <br /> .��,� <br /> �/��� <br /> ,�Y�i%: I <br /> ;cjYfrs,', t..._.. � <br /> c �+•° • <br /> ,�",�E�� <br /> ,��� <br /> _ ._.-� � <br /> •,`• . <br />