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2� 1 ���438 <br /> HUD, W�1� W1��1 ac�ept or rej ect the �or�sultant within three �3� Business I]ays�, hasec�upon t�i� <br /> review of the �ansultant's direct�y re�evant vvar�experience, eapac�ty, costs, and�t�ier re��vant <br /> factors. F�r purposes herein, any of t�ie fa��avving circumstan�es c�nst�tute a Proaect �perating <br /> Deficien�y: <br /> �i� �pe�ator fails ta make any payments pursuant ta any Borrower��perator <br /> Agreement, if su�h�ayment� are xntended to be usec�by Borrower t� make <br /> the required deht serv��e payments pursuant to the Loan Docum�nts and if <br /> such fa�lure, in HUD's s�le deterr�ination, has a materially adverse effect <br /> on the Praj ect; <br /> (�i� Debt service coverage, as calculated in accardance vvith HUD <br /> underwriting procedures, is b�low 1.4 f�r one quarter and if, upon request <br /> by HUD or lender, the aperator does not promptly pr�vide a plan that is <br /> acceptab�e to HUI]to �mprove financial operat�ans; <br /> ��ii} Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services �"�MS"�, or any applicab�e <br /> or successor authority, �r its agent, issues a notice t� �p�rator of a denia� <br /> �f payments by CMS ��r a fiscal intermediary} far neW admissions at the <br /> Healthcare Facil�ty and either (1} HUD c�ncludes that the operat�r is not <br /> di��gently and adequateiy vvorking to address su�h denia� of payments or <br /> �2} despite operator effort such den�a� is not released w�thin one hundred <br /> tw�nty �12�� days; <br /> (iv} �MS, or its agent, designates the Hea�thcare Facility to be a"Spec�a� <br /> Focus Facil�ty" or another governmental author�ty has made an equ�valent <br /> designatian; <br /> �v) A n�tice is issued to �perator of a praposed denial, proposed refusal to <br /> issue, or proposed termination of the Permits and Appr�va�s for the <br /> Health�are Facility and either(1} HUD concludes that the operator is nat <br /> diligent�y and ad�quately w�rking to address the matter�r��� despite <br /> operatar effort that praposed denia�, proposed refusal t� issue �r praposed <br /> termination xs not resc�nded vvithin 12� days; or <br /> (vi} A second re�isit sur�ey is required as a result of failure to clear <br /> deficiencies cited in any survey or equ�valent examination by any <br /> applicab�e government authority. <br /> �b} Th� �onsultant shall revi�w the management of the Healthcare Facility ar�d, <br /> subject to app�icable legal requirements governi�g the confidentiality of patient records, hav� <br /> complete access to the Hea�thcare Fac��ity and its recards, off�es and fa�ri�t�es in arder t� carry <br /> �ut its duties under such engagement. �perator shall instruct �onsultant to prepare and del�ver <br /> to HUD, the Lender, and �perator a wr�tten report, in a f�rmat appraved by HUI], of the <br /> �onsu�tant's f�ndings and recommendat�ons related to the operati�na� andlor f�nancial <br /> deficiencies nated in HUD's written nat�ce t� ��erat�r, within thirty (3�} calendar days after its <br /> �ngagement. <br /> �c� �perator sha�l, within twenty (��} Business I3ays of receiving �onsultant's report, <br /> implement any and a�l reas�nab�e recommendations, as approved by HUD �n consultation with <br /> ��erator, Lender, and Bnrrower, made by the �onsultant to address any performance <br /> Pre�Eous versions obsolete Page 7 form HLJD-924fisA-�RCF�Re�. �61���4} <br /> Replaces HUD-92466-NHL <br />